
Why is NATO vital to America’s survival?

Why is NATO vital to America’s survival?

I TOLD You! Podcast S-1 / E-6!  NATO is vital to America’s VERY SURVIVAL!  32 nations comprise NATO, this episode breaks down how this alliance is preventing WWIII.


Today’s topic


Like it or not, the Trump administration either does not understand how the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) truly works, or he is deliberately playing ball for the regimes who want to destroy NATO.  This alliance is comprised of 32 countries, one of which happens to be the United States of America. And yes, the only time NATO was called to respond in defense of a country was for the USA post 9/11.

The NATO allies in alphabetical order (with the date they joined) are:  Albania - 2009, Belgium – 1949, Bulgaria – 2004, Canada – 1949, Croatia – 2009, Czechia - 1999, Denmark – 1949, Estonia - 2004, Finland – 2023, France – 1949, Germany – 1955, Greece – 1952, Hungary – 1999, Iceland – 1949, Italy – 1949, Latvia – 2004, Lithuania – 2004, Luxemburg – 1949, Montenegro – 2017, Netherlands – 1949, North Macedonia – 2020, Norway – 1949, Poland – 1999, Portugal – 1949, Romania – 2004, Slovakia – 2004, Slovenia – 2004, Spain – 1982, Sweeden – 2004, Turkey – 1952, United Kingdom – 1949, United States - 1949.  Under Article 5 of this Alliance, an attack on ONE of these countries is an attack on ALL of NATO.

Quick knowledge check – how many of these countries can you point on a blank map – right now?  If you can’t, then YOU are part of the problem.  Let’s fix that (hence these podcasts), otherwise you’re making it extremely easy for adversarial nations to destroy us.

HLC Blank World Map web

Each country has strengths, vulnerabilities, capabilities, and limitations.  This includes the USA despite being the largest military force on the planet.  NATO was created as a protective barrier to prevent the Soviet Union from enacting a communist authoritarian agenda, which was bulldozing over countries post-WW2 under what was known as the Iron Curtain.  Many of which are now part of NATO, after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Current regimes such as Russia, Iran, and North Korea are openly adversary to NATO, and have gathered a few like-minded-regimes to erode the alliance from the inside out.  Particularly, they have been focusing also on finding vulnerable spots in the USA, as a means to have our country leave NATO and join their adversarial club.  If we do that, unlike now that the USA is considered a de facto leader of NATO, we would be just another subordinate military force to NATO’s opposition.

Also, that would destroy other bilateral agreements the USA has with other friendly nations such as Australia, New Zealand, and pretty much the majority of the planet.  Authoritarian regimes seek to have the mighty USA military join them in order to gain power over the world by force – but as I said, the USA would only be another disposable fool in the process.

We are at the brink of nuclear war, and you better pay attention to these indicators that nobody else in the media seems to understand.


Snowflake Trigger Warning Note:

This episode will scare the sht out of most of you – and it should.  I’ve said time and time again that willful ignorance is tacit consent for somebody else to fck your life.  In this case there are adversarial nations that want to vaporize us via nuclear weapons.  And yes, we have nukes too… but once we start exchanging nuclear firepower the entire planet gets destroyed.  That is why understanding the risk of miscalculation is so crucial.  And no, apparently a lot of people who should be paying attention are missing in action, and we keep electing people who are dumb as f*ck during the most dangerous period in our lifetimes.


I TOLD You!  This is the kind of sh*t that keeps me awake at night – every night… for years.  I’d predicted this was going to happen, and now we are there at the portico of worldwide catastrophe – closer and closer to armed conflict – which will also likely include civil wars.  On the last episode, I spoke about geography and why that is so important in Geopolitics – this episode is a continuation to that baseline.

You better start warming up to the idea that there is no shortage of regimes that want to wipe our continent from the face of the Earth.  This episode is about how to prevent that nuclear Armageddon from happening.  And guess who now has to partake in this prevention?  The very same people who got us in this problem – the MAGA voters… hopefully the ones who woke the f*ck up about their voting decision.


This episode is available here:

Spotify Half Life Crisis 

YouTube Info in Context

Patreon Half Life Crisis 


HLC Info in Context collab web

We’ll be posting the links on our Half Life Crisis and Info in Context social media platforms.  This podcast is about education.  The more I look into the deteriorating geopolitical realm and the utter lack of understanding on the media, the more I realize that this podcast will be more of a time capsule for those post-apocalyptic survivors.  Don’t take for granted the opportunity you have to speak out and make a difference, we are already living in borrowed time, and the grownups in the room are quickly leaving the premises.  HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

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