
Art education for the new generation

Art education for the new generation

This is the feel-good story you needed today.  Despite the world becoming more precarious, there are still altruistic entities supporting the next generation.


The children are our future

Like it or not, our children will inherit this world.  Nobody lives forever, but the legacy we leave behind will either be celebrated or condemned.  None of us are able to choose where we are born, we all depend on our environment upon our first breath of life.  The road towards having a fulfilling life is based on several factors, many which are often outside children’s control.  That is why I am so happy to know entities such as NEA - Foundation de Niños en el Arte (Children’s on the Arts Foundation) is celebrating their 10th year anniversary!

This is a foundation based in the Republic of Ecuador, and they serve rural communities in the country, helping children express themselves through the arts.  Art is a powerful catalyst to develop critical thinking, problem solving, attention to detail when performing tasking, but most importantly it is fun!  As a multimedia artist myself, I can attest to the importance of combining all those factors.  It is heartwarming to know that children are given that vital opportunity to express themselves.


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Foundation de Niños en el Arte

Your generous donation supports art education for children in the Republic of Ecuador



Becoming who we are meant to be


This is something I want to emphasize.  In order to truly succeed in life, no matter if you were born rich or poor, we first need to learn to become the person we are meant to be.  The way to achieve that is through introspection.  Two things all the money in the world cannot buy are talent and experience.  And in order to achieve talent we need experience, and experience takes repetition and dedication.  Once we know who we are and express ourselves freely, it opens opportunities we didn’t even knew were possible.

The mind of the artist is full of possibilities, it is not confined to the limits of their environment.  This imagination, once it is manifested through art expands our view of the world.  Every life-changing invention that seemed like science fiction started as somebody’s “crazy idea” that became true real when somebody did not give up.  The Foundation de Niños en el Arte gives a strong basis to help children express through art those new ideas that will benefit our collective future.

No donation to NEA is too small, as every little bit adds up as an investment on helping the next generation.   Your individual donation is always appreciated, and it will go a long way.  And for larger entities a $40,000 a year contribution can benefit 500 children!  The main axis of educational support including but not limited to:  Critical thinking development, learning to protect the environment, incentivize reading, physical fitness, and recreation.  All these goals are vital for the healthy development of our next generation. The NEA mission also provides something many people are losing in the last several decades, social interaction.  In a time when people are more focused on their mobile devices than interacting with their community, the NEA humanizes us and brings us closer together.  Collaborating through art and community efforts makes them stronger, better educated, and most importantly able to prevent being manipulated by opportunistic antagonists.


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I know that last one might sound tangential to some readers, but when people are divided, they become easier targets perpetrated by those who thrive on taking advantage of vulnerable communities.  That is a reality we have been seeing around the world, including in so called “first world” nations.  A more educated generation is more resilient, and that on itself will protect us when they are in the driver’s seat.


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Contact Ms. Karla Armas for Press Contact


For more information, please visit the NEA website at and follow them on their social media platforms.  The NEA public relations point of contact is Ms. Karla Armas, and she can be reached directly here (landing page)  


Visit the Foundation de Niños en el Arte (NEA) website

Follow NEA FacebookInstagram, and YouTube

Lastly, I would like to thank NEA for letting me know about their efforts.  We at the Half Life Crisis team are honored to speak about the NEA efforts in our platforms, as we also share the mission of fostering original art and literature.  I am sure we’ll talk more about NEA in our future articles.

This is something I am personally very passionate about, and as I said at the onset, this is the feel-good story we needed to hear today, because in the midst of the geopolitical chaos, there are still good people around the world, that is something I am very grateful for.  HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

Hang out with us and look around, there is plenty to discover!