
The Media and politicians laugh at you

The Media and politicians laugh at you

I TOLD You! Podcast S-1 / E-8!  The media and politicians betray your gullibility.  Many of your favorite talking heads and politicians treat you like a moron.


Today’s topic


Sometimes those you admire the most are the ones who are backstabbing you.  Welcome to the real world.  Conmen, swindlers, fraudsters, cult-leaders, and other unsavory people tend to present themselves exceedingly pleasant – to your face.  But they don’t respect you, so they exploit your virtues.  That is until they get what they want from you, and then you become immediately disposable.  I know, it sucks – this episode will teach you to understand if you’re indeed a victim.

I say it often, and it is worth repeating.  Traps are designed to snare you with ease.  Authoritarian propagandists, much like the other swindlers I’ve mentioned, thrive on emotionally manipulating naïve people.  And yes, even those “macho-alpha-trigger-happy-dudes” are also highly vulnerable to emotional manipulation.  Actually, those are very easy and surprisingly to some, very obedient targets.  Instead of making you “cry” they will exploit your insecurities.  Next thing you know you’re buying soap with nails and barbed wire to feel “masculine.”

Manipulation starts with low self-esteem, and yes, even those who seem superficially self-assured are also victims.  Just like other more stereotypical examples of introverted people might be targeted too.  You probably have met somebody who has been stuck in a self-destructive society, and although they think they are the righteous ones, somehow, they are never happy.  They somehow are resentful against “others” outside their bubble.  That is a telltale sign they are victims of propaganda.  Your rage is currency to them.

Propaganda comes in many ways, and it exploits your biases through your virtues.  For example, your faith, your political convictions, your social-justice desires, your lifestyle, your altruism, your patriotism, etc.  It does not matter if any of these are good on the surface.  They all come to play into the cynical art of manipulation.  But for it to work, they need to make you dumber, while making you believe you’re smart for believing the half-as*ed dumb sh*t they are forcing you to accept as facts.

The point is to make you so obedient that you will give them blind trust.  No matter how many times they move the goal post, you are to comply… and attack anybody who dares speaking critically and objectively “against” your “dear leader” – whomever, or whatever this might be.  Sometimes it will be in the form of a deity, sometimes it will be some “larger than life personality” – often it’s going to be a combination of both.  Whatever they case, that deity messenger, and adored personality is laughing at your gullibility.  Because neither of them is real, they are only real if you believe their bullsh*t. This episode will teach you how to break free.


Snowflake Trigger Warning Note:

This episode is about introspection, and that will not be easy for many people who are victims of this situation.  Get mad at me all you want; it won’t change the fact those who think you’re an idiot for following their scams are laughing at you.  And yes, most people on this planet had to come face to face with that reality at some point.  They owned up to it and now are helping others not to fall for the same traps – many will relentlessly and wittingly jump headfirst into that five-inch-deep pool.  The question is: Are you going to remain that kind of gullible fool, or are you going to hold those who wronged you accountable?  You’ll yo-yo through the stages of grief, but you’ll move forward – only if you are willing to open your eyes.


I TOLD You!  On my last episode we talked about the Information Operations campaigns and how this only work if people are naïve enough to believe them.  This episode delves into how to identify those warning signs miles away, and if you’re already trapped in that hole, you’ll learn how to escape.  Whatever retribution you take against those who wronged you, that is up to you… I just recommend you ensure it is legal and wont’ get you in further trouble.

If you’ve already fallen into their trap, chances are that the swindlers already set safeguards AGAINST YOU, despite your undivided loyalty at the time… just in case you ever get an epiphany.  There is a way out, but not every case is the same.  In either case the first step is opening your eyes to the redacted reality in front of you.  If you keep your head in the sand, they won by default and are making you their b*tch with impunity.


This episode is available here:

Spotify Half Life Crisis 

YouTube Info in Context

Patreon Half Life Crisis 


HLC Info in Context collab web

We’ll be posting the links on our Half Life Crisis and Info in Context social media platforms.  This podcast is about helping you!  I know this sh*t I’m teaching you already, my life is happy – except for the fact that now we are getting authoritarianism shoved down our throats… while most people are willfully ignorant, and those who could do something about it are mostly talking in circles.  Since that is the case, I had to take it upon myself to do all I could before it is too late.  Or at least this has to be a time capsule for the collective stupidity we are experiencing in modern history.  HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

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