
Welcoming Federico Verardi

Welcoming Federico Verardi

We welcome Cinematographer Federico Verardi to our Arts Network! You might have witnessed Federico’s talent behind the camera in several Hollywood productions!


Skillful Talent

Federico Verardi was born in Italy, he lives in Hollywood, CA – but his story is like a fascinating book that is both inspiring and a page-turner! I’ve met my good friend Fede in the early 2000’s through a mutual friend in our Arts Network. He too was attending the same college. Talking about lasting friendships!

Fede was always a multi-talented individual. His eye for photography is superb. He is the kind of person who can turn even the most mundane subject through his viewfinder into a jaw-dropping piece of visual art. I’m not sure how he does it, but I’ve seen it in person, and it is both impressive and inspiringly fascinating.

I can recall hundreds if not thousands of anecdotes we’ve shared with Fede throughout the years, and all of them bring a smile to my face. Not only is he a phenomenal professional when it comes to his artistic craft, but he is also one of the most genuine and all-around awesome people I’ve ever met. And I am so proud that we are friends.

In the last several years, it seems that each time we’ve got a chance to meet it is somewhere else on the planet. I remember a time we’ve met at his hometown in Italy, around the time I was stationed there, but we’ve also met in Washington State. And before that we’ve met in Virginia, in Florida, and even in California. He is after all a busy man, and his skills are in high demand.

Here is the direct link to his website. There is a lot there to discover, and you’ll understand why words alone cannot encompass his motion picture and cinematographic talent.


HLC Federico Verardi camera rig webFederico Verardi - Movie Director of Photography and Cinematographer



Bringing Federico Verardi to our Arts Network


When Half Life Crisis started the Arts Network, I mentioned that I wanted to showcase people and entities who have been highly influential in my life. Fede has been one of those inspiring individuals and life-long friends who I am privileged to have known and honored to welcome into our Arts Network.

Fede pursuit of his dreams is inspiring in so many levels. There is something to be said about the passion he puts into his work. And seeing it also from a spectator’s perspective, when you see those wonderful images on screen, and wonder – who captured that scene on film? And then I read on the credits and seeing my friend’s name on the screen, it makes me smile and be in awe to see how his work has been immortalized, viewed, and enjoyed by millions of people – including me of course.

As with every member in the Half Life Crisis Arts Network, Fede’s landing page will feature a compendium of the many examples where you have witnessed his work on the big and small screen. To me it is another way to say thank you for his life-long friendship, and my opportunity to humbly brag about my friend’s uncanny talent. Once again, we welcome Cinematographer Federico Verardi to our Arts Network team! HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

Hang out with us and look around, there is plenty to discover!