
Today in America | 15APR2024…

Today in America | 15APR2024…

For the first time in American History, a former president was sitting on his own criminal trial. Also, in connection with the infamous Hush Money Payments.


New York City has become quite a rough town to former U.S. President Donald J. Trump. And this criminal case is not even one of the more severe other 91 federal cases still pending. Trump is no stranger to controversy, and although this case will get wall-to-wall coverage in every imaginable outlet, I figured it is best if I find the historical middle ground.

I’m writing this the day after what will be a lengthy legal proceeding for Trump. On Monday, April 15, 2024, the former president sat down for the preliminary part of the process. There are no TV cameras in the courtroom, but that does not mean that there has been quite the imagery being described by reporters, or other personnel who were witnessing these proceedings.

For instance, it has been trending that Trump fell asleep during the trial. I’m not going to jump in the bandwagon to make fun of him for that. But I do find it interesting that when he was insulting Biden as “sleepy Joe,” this happens to him. I’m sure Trump had a rough night before the first day of trial, and he is also an elderly person.



What’s this trial about?


Before we get any further, as is customary, I include the indictment, so you can see what this is all about. This one in particular is only 30 pages long. But it is jampacked with a lot of very interesting points. Again, you don’t have to “agree” with what it has been written against Trump; hence Trump is having his days in court – as in plural.


Read Trump's Criminal Indictment - here

Trump's New York City, NY Criminal Trial

Manhattan District Attorney


I want to take a moment to emphasize (for anybody who thinks otherwise) an important fact. Incumbent President Joe Biden has NOTHING to do with this trial. I know some might think it is a political hit-job, but the fact is that Biden’s policy is to let the legal system do its own thing. Also, the allegations in this criminal case predate the Biden presidency by several years. So no, it is not a politically motivated trial.

Trump has been embroiled in legal problems most of his adult life, although the majority were in civil cases. The problem facing his candidacy is the pattern of misbehavior. Let’s be clear, nobody has been given anywhere as much leeway as Trump has been afforded in pretty much all this cases. It is also worth noting that one of the witnesses, his former attorney Michael Cohen spent time in Federal Prison for the same thing Trump is facing justice now.

The difference is that Michael Cohen was working at the behest of Trump, and Trump was the one calling the shots. It is also worth noting that “billionaire” Trump had Cohen mortgage his own residence in order to come up with the $130,000 in hush money to Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels. You would think $130.000 would be pocket change for a billionaire, apparently not.

In other words, the trial is happening because Trump falsified records, and misused campaign finances, among other things to pay Stormy Daniels, and at least one other lady. This is not up for debate, as I said before Michael Cohen already went to prison for this very exact situation – the difference is that instead of only having the person lower in the totem pole, the trial is going after the ring leader. And it has taken several years to reach this point – by the way.


Image of Stephany Clifford, better known as Stormy-Daniels



Refreshing your memory about Stormy


If this was a movie, it would have so many twists and turns that it would at some point become “too much.” Then again, real life tends to be more bizarre than fiction. Trump denies this affair with Stormy, and to be honest calling it an affair it is a bit of a stretch. Though there was sexual contact.

I’ll be the first one to tell you that whatever consenting adults do behind closed doors is up to them. For what has been described by adult industry star Stormy Daniels when it comes to this sex encounter, it was consensual – however hilariously brief and unsatisfying. Trump had its eye on Stormy, and in Trump fashion he made his moves to try to get her to pay attention to him.

At the same time, Trump’s third and current wife Melania was at home with Trump’s youngest son Barron. That I do find exception to it, because although it is well documented that Trump has been no stranger to cheating, it is not something that should be celebrated. I will say though that Melania does not seem to be fond of Donald in the slightest, as she is usually absent, and there is a lot of videographic evidence of her swatting him away.

Stormy got this $130,000 payment via Michael Cohen. And it is worth mentioning him as well. Cohen is perhaps one of the people who have experienced the most interesting character arc in this entire saga. Formerly known as “Trump’s Fixer” – he would do all kinds of shady stuff in behest of Trump. And although he was found guilty of perjury – that too was to protect Trump. And of course, Trump let him to dry out.

Cohen gave a pragmatic warning to many other Trump acolytes, that they would be experiencing the same he has. In other words, if Trump find somebody inconvenient, he will dispose of them at a drop of a hat. That was surely the case when it came to Michael Cohen, and it has been the case to many other acolytes who did all they could to be under Trump’s good graces – and Trump turned on them whenever there was a hint of criticism.

There was one more person I’ll mention for this bizarre saga, former Playmate Karen McDougal, who is also an actress and model. She received $150,000 hush money payment, to conceal her 10-month relationship with Trump. On McDougal’s own words, her regret was that Trump was married. But eventually, even though they tried to conceal the truth, the story came up, and obviously keeps reappearing.



What’s going on today?


Trump is facing 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. Leading to the trial, Trump also violated the gag order issued against him – because he kept making very inflammatory statements, among other things against people in this very courtroom. That’s not surprising, Trump is known for making very offensive statements against anybody he finds inconvenient.

The first day was meant to try to finalize the jury selection. There were more than 500 people summoned for this, and it will be narrowing down to the 12 jurors who will ultimately be sitting there and a few alternates, if for whatever reason a juror must be absent, or otherwise dismissed.

The concern from the Trump’s defense was that there might be a bias against Trump, or that they would have heard something about this case – hence they would not be impartial. Well, a couple of observations. First a person would have to be living under a rock not to realize what historical significance this case has – even though it is the least problematic case for Trump, all things considered.

And second, it is so high profile because Trump himself won’t shut up about it. He might not realize it, but this gag order is actually in benefit of Trump, so he would stop saying stuff that will further incriminate him. Unless he does not realize that anything he does can be used against him. Even though the law in New York states that it would need to happen in front of the judge – but if something is making world-wide headlines, because it is stuff Trump himself is stating – then it is a self-inflicted wound.

I realize that for some people seeing Trump in this predicament is hurtful – I am referring to the MAGA crowd. But this is what equal treatment under the law, sort of looks like. And I said, “sort of” because they are treating Trump with velvet gloves through the entire process, no other defendant in the history of these United States have been given so much leeway.

In fact, large segments of the U.S. and world population seem to agree that Trump has been getting away with more stuff than any other person alive. It seems most everybody, except Trump seem to realize that. The fact is that he is getting his days in court, this is one of several criminal cases – and of course there are a lot of collateral situations running on this case.

Although Trump pleaded “not guilty” – surprise, he also set forth a lot of appealing that made him look pretty guilty. Like for example, trying to use the statute of limitations as a way to bury this situation. The problem for him is that the court of public opinion and a court of law are two very different animals.

For this one, he won’t be able to spout something that is demonstrably untrue and get away with it. That did not work on his civil trials, for which he owes more than a half a billion dollars. Those, by the way, are not connected to Biden either – I had to emphasize that. For some of us who have been alive a few decades, we’ve heard Trump being in hot water before. Although he usually got away with it, generally via bankruptcy.

But at some point, we have to face reality. Like or dislike the guy is not the problem, it is a matter of facts, checks, and balances. What is more likely? That a person has been used to do some shady things for most of his adult life and gotten away with it, until he can no longer get away with the same volume of crazy stuff as before? Or that there is a “witch hunt?”

I know a lot current and former MAGA fans. And the former MAGAs broke ranks when they had to come to terms at some point. On their own words “enough is enough.” There is just so much leeway a person can get without consequences. Especially if the shoe was in a different foot. Would that be tolerated? Of course it wouldn’t.

At this point Trump is facing his own version of f-around and find out. He has his days in court, and he is given a lot more latitude than most defendants. There were many more candidates in the GOP Primary, so this level of miscalculation is something that is also owned by the current state of the GOP.

On that note, if you’re contributing to the GOP right now, your hard-earned money won’t likely go to ads or any of that stuff – it will go to pay this so-called-billionaire self-inflicted legal bills.

Maybe one day, as everyone moved on with their lives, even though they will face Trump on this latest legal proceeding, maybe, we will also be able to move with us as Americans, post Trump era. HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

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