
Welcoming Author Karla Armas

Welcoming Author Karla Armas

We welcome Author Karla Armas to the Half Life Crisis Arts Network. Karla is a writer, poet, communicator, and author of “Pez Amapola,” a poetry book!


Authenticity and talent

Karla Armas was born in San Franciso de Quito, Republic of Ecuador, and she is currently a communicator who specializes in captivating through writing. I’ve known Karla for more than 30 years. We used to be classmates in High School, and memorably we used to sit next to one another during our “typing” class, as the seats were assigned in alphabetical order.

Little did I know that decades later, one of the things we have in common is our ability and love for written-word expression; and yes, most certainly through typing. Karla is known for her candor and magnetic personality. She is the mother of three handsome boys, who share the same candor as their mother Karla. It has been said her children become a testament to her gregarious authenticity.

Karla became a personal inspiration to me when she wrote her inspiring poetry book “Pez Amapola” in 2019. We were both born in July of the same year, and she mentioned as one of the reasons to write her book “Because the 40’s have arrived” – meaning that she was about to celebrate her 40th birthday.

She went on to say that she toiled with the idea of writing her book for a while, but everything else seemed to take priority, and somehow this project was becoming every so elusive. And finally, the circumstances were such as to take that crucial step and become an author! Karla wanted to ensure this literary goal was accomplished, she did. Her book is a legacy to demonstrate that elusive “future goals” that seem out of reach can indeed become true.

This “dream-come-true-pursuit” message resonated loudly and clear with me. I too had a lot of projects that were in the back burner, and life was getting on the way, pushing these goals perpetually to the right. Karla’s inspiring story was one of the factors that also made me start Half Life Crisis, and years after I am honored to write about Karla and welcome her into our Arts Network.



hlc karla and book webPez-Amapola by Karla Armas – source image by Primicias - Ecuador



Bringing Karla into our Arts Network

When Half Life Crisis started the Art Network, I wanted to do so by invitation to people and entities who had a profound effect I my life, and who also are life example of what Half Life Crisis is all about. Half Life Crisis does not equal “Midlife-Crisis” – but it is rather a realization that often life moves very fast, and our very existence tends to be left behind.

Art in all its forms has always been an important factor in my life, and I say factor because art is a multiplier. Karla’s book is available for sale on in local libraries in Ecuador, on selected international online retailers, and can inquire directly through the author about the book. You can see links in her Half Life Crisis Artist Network page on this site. Karla has her own landing page in the Half Life Crisis Arts Network. Her book poetry “Pez Amapola” is also featured at the Sammy Baqueroalvarez ART GALLERY, also hosted by Half Life Crisis.


bzv sammy beezee art gallery


“Pez Amapola” is not the typical poetry book; it is also a self-biographical journey that can guide others to pursue and reach their elusive selves. The difference is its beauty is expressed through poetry. The book is in Spanish, as Karla is a Spanish-speaking author. Karla is fluent in English, but as she resides in Ecuador, we are another link to the English-speaking audiences.

On her landing page you will have access to see a snapshot of Karla’s many literary accomplishments, links to interviews, videos, and most of her preferred social media accounts, a biography, examples of her art, and so much more. Part of the Half Life Crisis Arts Network is to showcase talented artists by giving them a platform, and have them pair up with art lovers, who are also art supporters in any capacity relevant to their industry.


hlc karla armas flip box web

Learn More about Karla at the Half Life Crisis Arts Network


There are many ways to support artists. Buying or commissioning their art directly is certainly one way, but also by helping them promote their talent to others who might have not been lucky to enjoy it yet. The latter is crucial to help them gain clout and exposure. And yes, that can be as easy as sharing this page with everyone you know. That’s a free and effective way to support artists!

With that we welcome Karla Armas to our Arts Network. Don’t forget to check out the landing page dedicated to Karla on our website and the exhibit about her “Pez Amapola” poetry book. Just click this link to learn more, and please share it with everyone you know. Art is meant to be appreciated, and the more eyes can lay on her literary pieces, the more it will allow her to continue expressing her artistic talent. HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

Hang out with us and look around, there is plenty to discover!