
Silvia Sevilla’s Original Art

Silvia Sevilla’s Original Art


I’ve been friends with Silvia Sevilla for more than 30 years! She is an inspiring artist whose mesmerizing style of painting is as timeless as our friendship!


A 30+ years friendship

Some friendships are meant to last a lifetime… and those friendships are treasures that get more valuable as time goes by. I met “Mi Comadre” [ my dear friend ] Silvia Sevilla in the 80’s when we used to attend grade school together in Ecuador. Even though the last three-decades did place our friendship on opposite sides of the world, every time one of us were in town – it was just like the old days. Thank goodness for social media, we have been able to keep tabs, and see each other’s families grow through the years. One thing I’ve always appreciated about Silvia is her candor. She is one of the most authentic, and exquisitely polite people I’ve ever met. Another thing that I’ve always admired, and likely helped strengthen our friendship is our shared love for the arts.



My friend – the Artist

Late 2020 I had the chance to acquire my very own Silvia Sevilla (SilviaS) original painting. Having an original piece of art in my collection is not the same as getting any random picture. To me it is about sharing a moment with the artist, their skill and manifested inspiration – as it is encapsulated for all time and remains displayed in a tangible media. Painting with acrylic, mixed media, oils, or whichever other similar technique by hand projects a unique texture. It is not quite tridimensional, yet you’re immersed in the picture. There is depth… the picture I acquired, “Mágia” has that wonderful texture. I can assure you that photographs do not make justice to the intricacy of the artwork. Which is another reason why I decided to frame it right away, as it will protect it from unintentional damage. As you will read (below) in the picture’s inspiration, you will see why this piece of artwork is extra special to me.

So let me tell you a little bit about her. Silvia was born in Ecuador but she’s a US resident. Ever since she was a very young girl, Silvia was influenced by the arts. It would not be unusual to find her painting scenes of the landscape around her family’s country property. This prompted her to become a disciple of the visual arts and cultural matters. Silvia was especially interested in topics regarding the natural environment, and human spirituality. This was especially evident when Silvia encountered people from different cultures, and people who would see the world from a unique point of view. She loves learning about people from different cultures and focuses on understanding their points of view. Through her art she expresses the recognition of human rights and identifies peace as a basis for humanist evolution.

In Silvia’s own words: “Art is any human expression which results in the liberation and communications of ideas and emotions. They are nurtured with daily events in diverse spaces, or they can also stem from theoretical fundamental elements. Every artistic manifestation depends on the eye of the beholder, and their personal experiences. The artistic creation takes its origin in the essence of each human being, which ranges from an intellectual focus to a spiritual level. In addition, the artistic creation constitutes impulses from natural activities, development, socio-cultural values, and aesthetics.” ~ Silvia Magdalena Sevilla Tinajero.


 Click Silvia's Logo to learn More about her from Revista Siete Artes



Mágia | A welcome addition to our personal art collection

“Mágia” means “Magic” in Spanish. When Silvia shared with me some of the paintings, she had available at the time, my wife Alicia chose this picture right away. As we mentioned before, the artist “speaks” to each person differently. This image spoke to Alicia, and as the devoted husband that I am – who wants to see her wife happy, I made arrangements with Silvia to acquire the painting. Below you can read her inspiration for this, and for the other pictures in this page. This piece of artwork also speaks to me, because it reminds me of my own awakening and rekindling with the “me” that lives inside me. Silvia entrusted me to hold on those examples of her – for her in case you would like to add them to your very own art collection.


© 2019 Silvia Sevilla | Magia (This piece is part of Alicia and J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez Private Art Collection)


Mágia [ Magic ]


Standalone Piece
Mixed Media Over Stretch Canvas

16" x 20" 
Date: 2019

© 2020 Samantha Baqueroalvarez
Original Artwork in Private Collection


Inspiration: In the artist’s own words – Inspiration: This is one of my most important art pieces, not just among my creations, but also in my life as an artist. This piece describes a very personal phase where I my life started to live many changes, fears and pain. This art piece gave genesis on how I decided to once again stand up and fight for my art and my dreams. When I started working on this panting, I also started practicing meditation and yoga. Those experiences helped me to gain an even greater appreciation and closeness with nature. In this case, it was the ocean as a source of energy and life. This experience inspired me to share through my artwork a message of environmental conservation. It was my hope that this would shed a light to the viewers and create a new motivation to spark their interest and gaze upon the maritime ecosystems.



 © 2020 Silvia Sevilla | Hilos de HIstoria


Hilos de Historia [ Threads of History ]


Standalone Piece
Acrylic Over Stretch Canvas
11 3/4″ x 17 3/4″
Date: 2020

© 2020 Silvia Sevilla
Original Artwork in Private Collection
Exhibited in Miami, USA


Inspiration: In the artist’s own words – Inspiration: This piece was inspired by the women who dedicate their lives to the artistic stitching as a way of identifying their communities across the world. These unique patters contribute to the strength of their artwork. This picture depicts the presence of a woman who earns her income through the skillful threading of figures and exquisite choice of colors to adorn the fabrics. These intricate skills become her economic sustain, while extending an invitation to acquire artisanal products, and recognize these products as unique and tangible witnesses of its historical value.

Update: 13 JAN 2022 – This piece has been part of several exhibitions and is back with Silvia. To my knowledge this beautiful piece found a new home.



 HLC Art Gallery Piece 49 web

© 2020 Silvia Sevilla | Tejedora de Paramo


Tejedora de Páramo [ Textile worker from the Andes High Lands ]


Standalone Piece
Acrylic Over Stretch Canvas
~19 3/4″ x 19 3/4″
Date: 2020

© 2020 Silvia Sevilla
Original Artwork in Private Collection
Exhibited in Miami, USA


Inspiration: In the artist’s own words – Inspiration: This piece depicts an indigenous woman from the Andes Mountain range who works in the textile art of “tapices” [ decorative fabrics ]. This piece was also showcased as a part of a project that recues the artisanal labor and its contribution to the artisan’s own identity. In addition, this image describes the landscape of the Andes, and how their inhabitants merge their art in a symbiotic relationship to their livelihood, which is created with devotion, and equilibrium. This picture showcases the cosmovision of the indigenous communities, and how they maintain their surroundings and natural beauty. It is an invitation to the viewer to explore this artisanal activity, and considering the important alternative to acquire artisanal products, such as the decorative fabrics from these communities – who earn their sustainment through the sales of their artisanal creations.

Note: This piece became part of a project in defense of Artisanal work with “Embajadores del Art” [ Ambassadors of the Arts ]

Update: 13 JAN 2022 – This piece has also been part of several exhibitions and is back with Silvia. This beautiful piece found a new home.


HLC Hombre Azul by Silvia Sevilla web© 2021 Silvia Sevilla | Hombre Azul


Hombre Azul [ Blue Man ]


Standalone Piece
Acrylic Over Stretch Canvas
15 1/2″ x 15 1/2″
Date: 2021

© 2021 Silvia Sevilla
Original Artwork in Private Collection


Inspiration. In the artist’s own words – Inspiration: I was inspired by Actor Al Pacino. This piece depicts a face in an expressionist style. The depth of his gaze denotes the need for questioning the stereotypical masculine life as an expression of strength. It also brings reflection to the continuous motion and the need of a man’s exercise of their imagination. This would enable the man to sustain a permanent means of survival through all different circumstances. Ultimately helping him navigate through the difficulties which are present on every man’s daily existence.

Update: 13 JAN 2022 – This piece found a new home in my private collection. This was a gift from Silvia. I’ll write more about it in a future article.


If you’re interested in acquiring more of Silvia’s gorgeous paintings today to your art collection, please contact Silvia directly via Instagram @solartesilvias and Artist Network page on Half Life Crisis. She would love hearing from you and will guide you through the payment/logistical arrangements. HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

Hang out with us and look around, there is plenty to discover!