
Sammy’s EARTH AND SPACE Collection

Sammy’s EARTH AND SPACE Collection

Sammy uses her artistic expression through painting as a window to her mind. It is always mesmerizing to see her focus, and then be welcomed into her world!


Sammy BeeZee second collection for February 2021

This week it has only been Sammy and I at home, while mom’s out on work travel. Although I got her a new professional level easel (might as well, right?), she didn’t really use it until recently. Surprisingly, although the easel is quite large, she chooses small format pictures for her latest work. How small? 10×10, 8×8, and 6×6 canvases. As always, she chose the palette and the brushes for her artwork. Though sometimes it is rare, she actually came over and sat down with me when I was watching an episode of Futurama in DVD (yeah, I know — but I like it), and this episode was about a solar flare hitting Mars, it is actually a pretty funny episode, but I was able to explain to her about the sun, and how it can give a nice day. She was interested, so we watched videos of the actual sun, and the power of nature.


© 2021 Sammy and Marcelo Baqueroalvarez / HLC | Sammy painting her “Earth and Space” collection – FEB 2021 VA, USAHLC earth and space (trio) 


In case you are still wondering, the episode is named “Farewell to Arms” (Season 7 episode 2). Sammy actually sat down with me we watched the episode; we had the fireplace lit. She actually laughed and said “oh no” – It was a fun time. The next day she asked for painting, and I think her pieces were inspired by this episode. Some might agree to disagree, but I think it is important for my little girl to understand the power of nature early on and be able to explain to her what do we do be safe.


 HLC Nature Power Collection web© 2021 Sammy and Marcelo Baqueroalvarez / HLC | Sammy painting her “Earth and Space” collection – FEB 2021 VA, USAHLC earth and space (trio) 



Earth and Space

“Sammy Original” Collection FEB 2021 


Seeing all her pieces in tandem tells the story she wants to convey.

 A small collection of three-square pieces, 10″ x 10″, 8″ x 8″, and 6″ x 6″. This collection seems to be inspired by her observances of the Futurama Episode “A Farewell to Arms,” in Season 7 – Where a Martian prophecy is mistakenly thought as a giant solar flare would hit Earth but ends up hitting Mars in 3012. The first and larger picture shows the solar flare depiction over the dark skies. The middle size picture shows a close up of a landscape which is bright and, in some areas, burning. The smallest has a lonesome figure walking in what it seems to be a forest, but the figure seems to be not scared even though it is surrounded by what it seems flames. Sammy always have had a fascination with the flames and nature, she loves looking at the fireplace (though she’s always very careful to look from a distance) and loves nature walks. I think she’s also getting interested about the environment, many of her paintings depict nature in a way or the other… and ever since she was very little, she has been very careful about putting stuff in the recycling bin as appropriate. At home we do like shows about space and the cosmos, and she might be following those steps. She loves looking at the sky and stars. After all, the fruit does not fall far from the tree. By the way, she worked almost simultaneously on all three pictures, especially the smaller ones, because they have a similar palette.


hlc art gallery piece 24 web © 2021 Samantha Baqueroalvarez / HLC | “Earth and Space” # 1 of 3 – FEB 2021 VA, USA


Solar Flare


Earth and Space (1 of 3)
Acrylic Over Stretch Canvas
10" x 10"
Date: FEB 2021

© 2021 Samantha Baqueroalvarez
Original Artwork Is Not for Sale


Inspiration: Sammy is no stranger to abstract nature depictions. This is very likely a way for her to ask what the reality behind her thoughts are trying to express. She started with a gradient of blues and then used a lot of fiery orange acrylic tones… and I mean a lot of it… she put a bunch in this picture and then she uses the rest adding to the other two pictures in this collection. As it is usual, I have no idea what she’s doing until paintbrushes are down. There is a lot of texture and gradient tones in the piece… as with any Sammy Original, the angle of the picture will reveal a lot more to the beholder. Sometimes I look at her old pictures and I see stuff I didn’t realize were there. I’m sure the case will be the same with this piece of artwork.



 hlc art gallery piece 25 web© 2021 Samantha Baqueroalvarez / HLC | “Earth and Space” # 1 of 3 – FEB 2021 VA, USA


Camp Fire


Earth and Space (2 of 3)
Acrylic Over Stretch Canvas
8" x 8"
Date: FEB 2021

© 2021 Samantha Baqueroalvarez
Original Artwork Is Not for Sale


Inspiration: Sammy utilized a much brighter palette on this picture (which was in her paint palette but didn’t use much on the larger picture). She did use some of the darker tones as the base but used them very sporadically. The “flames” were added after the landscape was already created… I don’t know if it was that she wanted to make a fiery statement, or she just wanted to use all the acrylic she poured over her painting palette… as I mentioned, she squeezed a bunch of orange-tones. She worked on this picture almost simultaneously as the third picture in this series. If you look closer, there seems to be some figures hidden throughout the picture… most of them blending through the surroundings. I am not sure if she had a train of thought on those, or if it is just a coincidence but I know that she does put more emphasis on some of her brushstrokes than others. The way I see it, is her message for environmental conservation.



 hlc art gallery piece 26 web© 2021 Samantha Baqueroalvarez / HLC | “Earth and Space” # 3 of 3 – FEB 2021 VA, USA


Lone Figure


Earth and Space (2 of 3)
Acrylic Over Stretch Canvas
6" x 6"
Date: FEB 2021

© 2021 Samantha Baqueroalvarez
Original Artwork Is Not for Sale


Inspiration: Sammy repeated the sentiment of the scene above, and here it seems to be more of a close up of the chaotic scene… now when Sammy was painting this, the scene was oriented counterclockwise… meaning with the large bright orange strokes over the yellow background on the bottom. She then moved it clockwise and this enigmatic lone figure appeared. I don’t know if this appeared by chance, but I like how it is almost as if this while figure is reflected below itself… Almost as if it is in peace in the middles of these surroundings. To me it gives a sense of “hope” and that doing the right thing still would keep the figure free from harm. As with all of Sammy’s pictures, her abstract depictions – even if some of those would be by chance, they evoke a sensation and raise questions that invite introspection. 

The collection adorns Sammy's bedroom. HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

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