
Original artwork for my wife FEB 2021

Original artwork for my wife FEB 2021

For this year’s Valentine’s Day, I panted a small two-piece collection for my wife. This is depicting our lives from an abstract and subliminal manner.


Celebrating 14 February 2021 with my two girls


Sometimes responsibilities take us away from home on special dates. This year my wife had to spend Valentine’s Day away from home, but that does not mean my wife and daughter are any less beloved. I actually don’t have much affinity for Valentine’s Day. Like most non-federal holidays, this is definitely a spend-money type of event… in my humble opinion. By the way did you know than in Colombia they celebrate Valentine’s Day in September? Yeah, way back then… I didn’t it know either… but that’s another story. The point is that I try to be nice to my wife and kid every day of the year… not just when a calendar date tells me to do so.

With that said, I did end up getting presents for my two girls. Yeah, I caved into the peer pressure. In other words, I might not care about Valentine’s, but my wife does, so I don’t want to make my wifey angry. I do put my foot on never buying flowers. I don’t play that game… flowers, however beautiful they are both expensive and they die. So, I rather spend the money on something that will stand the test of time, such as the memories of a wonderful date night (as we did pre-COVID) or a meaningful gift, though my wife also likes gift certificates – which I must admit it is very smart. Yeah, I know it might not sound very romantic, but romance is subjective and one of the things my wife likes about me is that I tend to be pretty practical, and that I see the world from a very unique perspective on a number of things… and despite this specific quirk of mine I will spoil both my girls in any way I can, and they mean the world to me. I just don’t like buying flowers, though.

This time, because of the circumstances, COVID, distance and the very rainy cold weather I decided for different better approach. For my daughter Sammy I bought her a new easel for her to work on her paintings. I figured she might do this painting stuff long term so I’ve got her the biggest and nicest one I could find that way one day she can work on larger formats if she so desires. She has not used yet though… when we got to the art-supply store she saw these little glowing rubber duckies and critters and she’s been obsessed with those instead for the last couple of days. For my wife Alicia, I painted a very abstract picture… kind of borrowing from Sammy’s painting style – because, why not? Also, Alicia wanted me to paint a picture for her for Valentine’s on a similar style as a different picture I made as a good-bye present… Which copied Sammy’s style also… so I did.

Some reading this might think I’m a cheese ball, or super sappy for doing this. I don’t care, it made my wife happy, and in the end if Momma is not happy, then no one is happy. Happy wife, happy life. And by the way, I do love my wife.


No Matter How Far 

Original Collection by Marcelo BeeZee FEB 2021


© 2021 J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez / HLC | “No Matter How Far” collection- FEB 2021 VA, USA


A small collection of two pieces, 16″ x 20″ side to side-oriented portrait. These pictures are intended to be one next to the other as depicted below. Heavy on symbolism with a female figure on the left (Alicia) and a male figure on the right (Marcelo) facing each other even though they are in separated frames, they are meant for each other. The materials are acrylic over stretch canvas.



Symbolism & Inspiration:

The pallet is primarily based on Alicia’s favorite color (purple) – there are several shades of purple on this picture. The images are fuzzy as per our ever-changing evolution as we grow older together. Also, it pays tribute to the ethereal manifestation of our spiritual connection. We tend read each other thoughts due to our combined INFJ personalities… and tend to agree in most things. That’s one reason why the flame between both figures has at its core the same fire color of that depicts both figures, and there are reminiscences of the same colorations on both sides. Both figures are planted on the floor, reminiscent of the physical earthy reality we both walk upon, and that is why both platforms immediately below the figures are closer in color and orientation… we both have similar congruent goals and share a our life and created a home together. However, as you can see the is a difference of color on the far right and left of each lower corner (on each separate frame), and that signifies of our geographical place of origin and how far we’ve moved from our original roots to the place and time we are sharing now. Alicia was born in the Pacific Northwest hence the heavy greens on the corer… while I was born in way the hell up on the Andes – which are also pretty green, by the way… Alicia has a much stronger connection – however distant – with her previous family life than I do, therefore my past is further behind me, and my figure seems to be closer to the left edge.


There is a bright and shinning layer of blue sparkling water on either side behind each figure… this is reminiscent of our connection to the sea through our U.S. Navy adventure… this is how we met. The fire between both figures also speaks of true love and connection no matter how far. The circular motion of the background is our constant motion that brings us back together no matter how far we travel or disagree on a particular topic. In addition, this shows our travels together and separated to all kinds of places around the world. Alicia and I spent a very significant part of our our relationship on opposite sides of the world, but eventually we found our way back to each other. The sparkling and almost chaotic collage of colors, some blended, some well defined is a depiction of our lives together, and our responsibilities and duties as we balance our life obligations. We both have faced a lot of challenges before, and while we’ve been together in the last almost two decades. Some of the colors exude outwards from each figure, while other exude inwards showing what we have learned and bonded from our union, as well as the things we have in common that make us a strong couple, and what makes us unique from each other. The colors in each side, though similar are also different in direction, slope and combination. This is also due to our own individuality (personality), one that ensures we both can be ourselves, and though we might not agree on everything, we do get a chance to come to terms to each other – even if it takes time to circle around. Also, the red flame towards Alicia is my admission that I do tend to push her buttons, and fan the flames… but at the same time is a depiction of Alicia’s fiery nature (or dragon lady as she calls herself).

Behind Alicia the image flow slopes up, while behind me (Marcelo) it slopes down. That’s the flow of our life coming together, and my “mid-life crisis” per-say… because I have a lot of stuff that it is pending I want to do and would like to share these unfinished goals with my wife. Alicia’s slope up, because we generally get to do whatever Alicia wants, which ranges from watching the movie she chooses or eat whatever she decided to eat. The colors slopping down in front of her are reminiscent of what I wish to share with my wife, things that are part of me that only she gets to witness. The slope down to the base of the fire in front of me coming from the could of colors seemingly like an abstract hand, is a depiction of my contribution to our relationship and pouring my purest intentions (hence silver white) from my entire life’s previous experiences and lessons learned. It also means that I am willing to protect her and our little family forever.

Inside the little fire is also a third figure hidden between these two frames… this represent our daughter Sammy, who is nurtured by our teachings as her parents, and as she grows into a young lady (that’s why if also flames towards her mom), reminiscent of their femininity. Also, the difference in the shape of the fire on each side of the picture is because Sammy does behave differently depending who’s parent she’s interacting with. The same color that falls from the abstract hand is replicated on the bottom right side of the right picture and that is the values of caring that I’ve inherited from the family members who raised me, and the lessons that forged me into who I am now… the additional layers on top of those values are my own lessons and those who came after, and how I was able to build who I upon those bases from my origins… A remembrance of who I was, and who they were – after all all those who raised me already passed away, but the clock keeps moving forward, but they live in my thoughts and are part of who I am. The orange flame color through out the pictures illustrate the truly caring people who were influencing our lives, forging us into the people we are today. The overall “otherworldly” appearance is because subjective reality is evident on each decision made, these are the spiritual lens of the subconscious trying to make sense of the earthly reality, and all that we have to sort day in and out in order to maintain a balance in the path we set forth. The path is abstract, and things will change, but though it is fluid, it circulates back to who we are, and no matter the chaos and the ever-growing changes, we can always clearly see we are always there for each other.

Lastly, both figures face each other, and that is to always remind my wife Alicia that no matter how far, I am with her.


 HLC Art Gallery Piece Alicia web

© 2021 J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez / HLC | “No Matter How Far” # 1 of 2 – FEB 2021 VA, USA




No Matter How Far (1 of 2)
Acrylic Over Stretch Canvas
16" x 20"
Date: FEB 2021

© 2020 Samantha Baqueroalvarez
Original Artwork Is Not for Sale


Inspiration: Figure depicts Alicia with as the better half of our relationship. Please see above for the full description. Both pictures are intended to be appreciated together.




HLC Art Gallery Piece Marcelo web
© 2021 J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez / HLC | “No Matter How Far” # 2 of 2 – FEB 2021 VA, USA




No Matter How Far (2 of 2)
Acrylic Over Stretch Canvas
16" x 20"
Date: FEB 2021

© 2020 Samantha Baqueroalvarez
Original Artwork Is Not for Sale


Inspiration: Figure depicts me (Marcelo) as the person who loves my wife. Please see above for the full description. Both pictures are intended to be appreciated together. 


This two-piece collection reminds us of our individuality and what unite us together.  Each time I see this, I remember the fact I cannot ever take for granted the fact we are together, and I am forever grateful.  HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

Hang out with us and look around, there is plenty to discover!