
P. English Literature – Giving authors a voice!

P. English Literature – Giving authors a voice!

I had the pleasure to be interviewed by Peter Okonkwo, founder of P English Literature.  Peter has been giving a voice to authors worldwide since August 2020.



We spoke about my books, and how to defeat authoritarian Propaganda, TODAY!


Giving Voices to Authors


If you are an author, then you know that there is a huge difference between writing your book and making it available to the world.  Sadly, due to the competitive book industry, you’re often going to find a bunch of perhaps well-intentioned companies that offer to “promote” your book, but they also want to charge authors an arm and a leg… for a very indefinite return on investment.  Peter is different, he cares about the authors and uses his platform to give them a voice.

Since I’ve released my two books, I’ve received a myriad of phone calls and other people wanting to “promote my book” – and when I ask them if they have actually read the book, unsurprisingly, some will hesitate to answer, and subsequently concede they have not.  Generally, that is the end of the conversation.  Peter actually read it before he contacted me.  I like to emphasize that I wrote each book because I’m interested in transmitting their message, not because I care about “selling books.”

Truth to be told, I would be happy to talk somebody’s ear off about each entire book for free.  But mathematically that makes no sense.  Hence, I put them in a book format, and offer it at various price points, giving the readers as many options as possible to read the message I’m urgently trying to transmit.  Also, all my books are intended to be read more than once.  Therefore, even if I just talk to you about it, you will also need to review this information at a later date – because you’ll be drinking from a firehose.


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First Edition! Available worldwide on eBook and Paperback


That is yet another reason why I am so grateful to Peter.  His questions were able to maximize the importance from my message and be able to express with the level of complexity this topic deserves, as his questions added to these important layers in a sequential manner.  Of course, the book will have a lot more depth when the reader goes through its pages.  As I said, although these books are meant to be relatively short reads, they are also meant to be read several times over.

Each time you read each book a lot more layers will emerge.  There are literally hundreds of Easter eggs hidden from cover to cover.  The message I emphasize is to identify and defeat authoritarian propaganda.  Peter afforded me the opportunity to speak about it in detail throughout the interview.


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My books Message


I’ve released two books.  One of which has a revised edition.  I did that in order to afford readers the lowest price point possible.  Both books are nonfiction, thought-provoking, and mind-blowing historical assessments on how authoritarian propaganda has… and is currently expanding through the world, and what we can do in order to defeat these adversaries.


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First Edition – Paperback, eBook

Revised Edition – Paperback, Hardcover, eBook.


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WOKE & PROUD The Charlatans’ Inconvenience

Paperback, eBook


The books are available worldwide on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Rakuten, BookBaby, Apple Books, etc.  Find them in print-on-demand or e-book.  This link gives you more information about the books, and where to acquire them today.


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Help Peter help more Authors!


Like I said, it is very likely that any author had to endure at some point the likes of a swindler.  Some might have fallen for that trap; others might have been able to escape – but would have realized it existed.  I know I have met a lot more than I care to list.

Here is how you can help Peter help other authors around the world, and expand the literary community:

There is no shortage of wonderful authors out there who are not afforded an opportunity to speak about their literary pieces.  The industry is plagued by opportunists who are draining authors from the few resources they have when they are launching their books.  People like Peter break that cycle, and to me that is not only refreshing, but I am also very grateful to him, and this is my way to share this positive experience with the world.

I’ll end up by re-emphasizing that the contents of my books are more relevant than ever as the world is falling into authoritarianism.  While many people remain asleep behind the wheel, others are experiencing the repercussions for ignoring these indicators.  I teach you through my books the playbook authoritarians utilize and how to defeat them.  And thanks to Peter, my book’s message has reached a much larger audience.  Thank you, Peter, for everything you do!  HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

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