
OUR choices to American Politics, today

OUR choices to American Politics, today

As more and more GOP and Democrats are disillusioned with their respective political parties, the idea for a non-binary alternative becomes even more prevalent.


Not just a “Third Party”


“Control what we own” is one of the tenants we use in military doctrines.  That is a good motto to live by, but we also have to realize that whatever we do not control will control us, unless we have situational awareness for the reality we prefer to ignore for one reason or the other.  In other words, willful ignorance is tactic consent for somebody else to control our lives… without our input.

Let’s start stating the obvious, not all Republicans are MAGA, and not all Democrats are “Liberals” – a lot of people don’t really agree with a lot of their party doctrines, but that is the “close enough” for them to remain in that “team.”  The problem is that a lot of times this normalization transcends generations and communities in the way that it becomes the “normalized and expected” reality ruling their lives.

There is another layer.  Politicians often don’t tell people what they “need to hear,” but what they “want to hear” – and by making promises that exploit their virtues and biases, it makes it extremely easy for people to fall into false narratives and voting against their own best interests.  It is a trick as old as civilization, and it works.  Why?  Because tons of people make decisions based on “feelings” and not “substance.”  Remember this, manipulating “feelings” is an exceedingly powerful catalyst.  Especially if this “feeling” can be weaponized against somebody else who will subsequently be defined as a “foe.”



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We have seen abroad a lot of instances where third parties appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and they resonated with the general population.  Often giving a “solution” to those who were disheartened with the status quo incumbent, and the primary opposition.  A couple of examples for the USA, a lot of people were very much onboard with the Ron Paul platform when he was running for President in the early 2,000s.  Although he was a Republican, his message resonated with a lot of left-leaning folks.

Fast forward a few years and Bernie Sanders, a Democratic Senator from Vermont gained a lot of support from many unaffiliated people around the USA who were very much disheartened with both the Left and the Right doctrines.  Although Bernie is an Independent, he caucuses with the Democrats.  However, the Democrats have been caught sabotaging his campaign prominence when he was in the primary against Hillary Clinton… and surprise-surprise a lot of Bernie supporters jumped ship to support somebody else other than Clinton… Trump.

Trump himself started the MAGA movement – which hijacked the GOP, but the GOP itself was vehemently against him on the Republican primary leading to the 2016 election.  Trump was giving a “home” to otherwise unaffiliated Americans who did not care about politics at all, and as I mentioned it also “welcomed” a lot of Bernie supporters who were dissolution with the DNC’s (Democratic National Convention) treatment of Bernie during the Democratic primary.  In case you were under a rock at that time, it was discovered that the DNC gave a lot more money to the Clinton campaign and less to Bernie, propping Clinton and diminishing Bernie.

Trump also used a trick that is well-known abroad, he was performative.  People who did not care about politics, suddenly felt like they were “subject matter experts” because they were interacting with the political process as though they were watching a movie, or attending a ballgame, or a concert.  That way it did not matter what Trump was doing, it became a cult of personality and got people to see themselves in him.  The same rubric has been used countless times abroad and through history.  It works every time.



Two sides of every political movement


A political movement is extremely complex, but it is presented as very simple on its face.  Think about user interface for a consumer product.  What the general public often sees is “user friendly” and it is intuitive, so it will be easy to understand and utilize, even if they never-ever crack the owner’s manual.  But MAKING it intuitive to the end user takes a lot of planning, process, research, and development, etc.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.  There is something known as the law of unintended consequences.  Adversarial forces plan at least 17 steps ahead, this multidimensional chess game planning process is complex.  And it also leaves some “clues” for the opposition to “find” and use them against them.  That is how they are able to control the narrative.  Again, it is designed for the end user to find it easy to understand, but there is a lot more going on behind the curtain that most of those end-users won’t see or even feel compelled to look around beyond what it is presented to them on the surface.

But what is the goal for a political movement?  To govern.  And government is complex.  If it was too simple it would simply fail on the onset.  In other words, you need people behind you to get into power, but in order to serve the country, you need to understand all these “boring” things that most people don’t want to think about.  Yet that is something that everybody serious about government need to understand thoroughly.

That is yet another reason why a lot of “revolutionaries” who failed to address this process become authoritarians.  Why?  Because all those complex things they failed to address will implode sooner than later.  Therefore, the only way to hold people from revolting against the revolutionaries is by shutting them down and continue redacting the truth.  This creates that secrecy that adds to the unintended consequences, because inevitably at some point they either would have to come clean and admit that they failed to plan or admit to a coverup.  Neither is a viable option for them.


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Let me give you an illustrative example.  Everyday people would be like a driver.  They know how to control the automobile, and if they press the gas pedal, the car moves, and if they push the brake, the car stops.  Simple… for the user.  But all the inner workings happening under the hood to make those pedals perform are extremely complex.  It is unrealistic to think that every person in the driver’s seat will understand every single moving part that affects the gas and break pedal’s function.  But they would be familiar with the concept that one moves the car, and the other one stops.  Yet SOMEBODY has to understand that process in order to ensure these systems function as they should.

That is the party’s leadership.  Each system I cited has its own level of intricacies.  For example, the gas pedal also interacts with the transmission along with the power plant (the engine), and other systems.  The break does not connect to the transmission nor the power plant, but it does interact with other systems in the same vehicle.  Much like a mechanic would have to understand these relationships, the party leadership needs to understand the distinctive systems of government, and how they juncture, related, collaborate, or don’t interact at all.  Yes, government is exponentially more complex than an internal combustion vehicle.

In other words, getting a bunch of people to follow you is only one part of the equation, the larger part is answering “now what” if you are to raise into power.  Yes, getting people to follow you and get enticed by your message and intuitive “user interface” is the easy part.  What do you do once they get there is a whole different ball game.  And no, you don’t have the luxury to find out once you’ve gained the following.  Your doctrine needs to be addressed, troubleshooted, and scrutinized thoroughly well before you start getting your first follower.

The leadership from the political party needs to have a solid plan, and yes, it might be contentious at first among the party founders.  But it is meant to be that way.  Any party will have to face debates, and be subject to scrutiny, and if the leadership is too thin-skinned to even debate among each other, then they won’t be able to hold their own when they face real opposing doctrines.  Want a good example of how this can be sorted out?  Well, look no further than the beginnings of the United States of America and our Founding Fathers.  They had to face debate and growing pains, but they created a plan that was based on WE THE PEOPLE.


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Geopolitics at the varsity level


Any political party attempt in the USA which seeks to become a viable competition against the Grand Old Party (GOP), or the Democratic Party needs to be BETTER than BOTH major parties in every respect.  That means that we need to understand what the minimum common denominator is for both major parties.  The USA is the leader in the world.  Sure, we have room for improvement, but if the USA ceases to be the number one nation in the world, then everything you take for granted today will disappear tomorrow.

There is something known as Great Power Competition, this is the new Cold War, and it has been raging for several decades.  The adversarial forces are China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.  They have been recruiting a lot of different nations to placate to their doctrine, and not only move the USA out of the number one spot but to defeat it both economically and militarily.

How do they achieve that?  By destroying the USA from the inside out.  By dividing their people, mostly through wedge issues, and then hijacking their virtues and turning them into biases.  That is how the game has been played since times of Alexander the Great.  It’s that simple, an authoritarian is only as powerful as their followers, and how you get followers?  By inciting that FEELING that vindicates them!

People want to feel like they are part of something great… some use those words… for example, Make America GREAT Again… it’s simple, yet ambiguous enough to incite people… but it also starts with an active verb.  None of that is by chance.

Let’s break it down one word at the time so you can see how it gets into the people’s psyche.

  • MAKE – Action verb, it is an imperative, it is denoting like there is a need for something to happen BY YOU.  it is an order, a call for action.  It tells YOU… that YOU are part of this movement.

  • AMERICA – provides that “identity” – it placates to the patriotism, and the concept of America… YOUR concept, whatever it is… good or bad, so whatever YOUR concept of America is, that is what creates that visceral response.

  • GREAT – Provides that double down on patriotism, and on whatever understanding of what America is supposed to be, and it is also a thriving market for whatever derivate products are screaming of American exceptionalism or can be produced under that banner.  The more obnoxious, the more bombastic, the more hyperbolic, the more exuberant, the better… Why? Because it becomes part of YOUR identity, and you will likely double down if challenged.

  • AGAIN – Subjective, as on when?  All populist movement steams from the fact people are angry at their lives RIGHT NOW.  So, they want to “go back” to a time when the nostalgia seemed better than the current situation.  Note that it never defines WHEN it was great, or WHY it was great whenever they say… that is up to you.  In other words, this subjectivity makes it very personal – and exploitative.  Because YOUR best time in America was likely not the same as other people in America.

And then there are the vehicle to unify this message.  What better way than to put it on people’s forehead like a billboard.  Cheaply made, most of them started as a “trucker hat” five-panel ballcaps that have the front being a big flat billboard… also appealing to many blue-collar people apparel, because these were also the demographics that usually vote Republican.  Put in a red color that symbolizes the “Republican Party” and also it is a bright color that denotes emergency!

During the first Trump administration, it was obvious that Trump did not plan ahead to the intricacies of the presidential duties for a government as complex as the USA.  In fact, he did not even have a lot of his cabinet personnel appointed, nor even thought about it, case in point, he had tons of people from his own family filling key positions.  This time around he has the Heritage Foundation to do that lifting and articulated in Project 2025.  

This document that most people have failed to read defines the roles he failed to appoint on this first term.  In case you have failed to read it to, here is the link.  Yes, I used the word “failed” a lot, because it is not a win for America.


Project 2025

Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise"


Notice that this is a 900+page document.  That is the SHORT part of the process.  That means that the planning process for that would be significantly longer and more complex.  This is what they let the people read, there is a lot more than they will keep on the low-low.  Whether you agree or disagree with the Project 2025 guidelines, you have to admit that there was a process that led to putting it together.  Regardless of whether this is good or detrimental to US interests, and if it either serves only a niche group of oligarchs through theocracy, or it actually serves the American people.  Read it, you tell me.  I know the answer.

But even this process had mentions of geopolitics.  Geopolitics are important, like it or not.  And misunderstanding this will ultimately destroy the USA.  Why?  Because the USA is on the same planet as all these other countries, and we are globally linked in more ways than I care to list on this article today.  But look at my articles list, or all my podcasts, or any of the stuff I write, I explain all that in exuberant detail.

A new political party will need to have a very deep understanding of geopolitics.  That means at the varsity level.  We are living through the most contentious geopolitical tensions of our lifetimes.  Nothing as complex has been seen since World War II, therefore if we fail to understand these intricacies, then anything else we do will be a moot point.  Why?  Because our country would implode, or the party will collapse before the very first debate takes place.

Also, creating a political party implies a desire to govern for the people.  The ideal case would be to have a party that unites the USA, celebrates our diversity, and fills the blind spots that the other parties are failing to shed light upon.  And there is plenty of that, and a lot more I’ve not mentioned yet.  But I do intend to write another article to express more in-depth all these intricacies.

And yes, this will be an imperative, because it is obvious that MAGA is going on the wrong way with the expansionistic rhetoric and the Democrats failing to control the narrative at every point.  Is it an uphill battle?  Yes, it is… but the truth is that both the GOP and the Democrats are too cocky to even entertain the idea that somebody will come to challenge their status quo.  MAGA lives in an echo chamber, and so does the Left in the USA.  Meanwhile there are millions of Americans who are sick of both parties, and they don’t want to stick to either side, but rather have another option.


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And if you didn't realize that that some opportunistic entities are not already preparing to be THAT solution, but instead of uniting the country will use it for nefarious intent, then you my friend are incredibly naïve.  Somebody wants to capitalize on the power dynamic struggle.  Which begs the question of timeliness.  Whomever wants to start a new political party is already behind the eight ball, that includes any third party that already exists.  There is a reason why they have not taken off, and I would assess that propping an existing party up outright would be a fool’s errand (sadly).  Yet, creating a new party that highlights the best attributes of any of these third parties would indeed be the better option.

And if your wheels are already turning about this, you better also factor the realization that it this will be a highly complex endeavor.  This won’t be a “reader’s digest” one-afternoon-chat.  Remember, a political party needs to have representation and doctrines on all 50 states, in all US territories, in all 435 congressional districts, and of course there are different branches of government for every state and commonwealth in the union.  And I have not even started to talk about the 94 federal courts, and the different government agencies – both at the state and federal level.  And when we are a talking about the state level, you have to go down to the local election levels for each municipality… yeah… it’s complex alright.

And if that was not enough, you have to understand the US relationship along with the 200 countries world-wide to include territories, colonies, and micronations.  Every choke point, everybody of water, every bilateral agreement, every sanction, every political leaning, all cultural sensitivities, etc.  Again, that is why some regimes turn authoritarian, even if they started with good intentions.  Because they will realize that they did not plan ahead, and they will either have to concede incompetence, or a coverup… neither are positive.  So, it is easier to redact the truth and stay in power so the truth will not come out.


Registering as a political party with the Federal Elections Commission 

if you're serious about it, you need to read and understand this process


I hope this was eye-opening.  But remember, there is a lot more that we have not yet discussed.  That is HOW TO MAKE PEOPLE FEEL ENTICED TO BE PART OF THIS MOVEMENT!  That is largely incidental, if the doctrine is solid, people gravitate towards it.  They are likely already in that train of thought; they just need an alternative and a reason to leave the party they know and tolerate just because it is “less bad” than the opposition.

We have no time, if we are going to make a new movement, realize that the Democrats and the Republicans will not see eye-to-eye… that is by definition divisive.  The wedge was created, and there is no middle ground.   A new party would have to be that middle ground and pull people out of those echo chambers.  I’ll be writing more about this topic.  There will be no shortage of MAGA folks who will be hating Trump once these tariffs and other questionable rhetorics become active.


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And if you think that taking the country with violence will be the solution, think again.  That will only make the USA fall into a new civil war, which will protect those who are already on the top, and who will be hoarding their wealth, while the 99% of the world suffers into lower levels of destitution.  Not just the USA, this is a global phenomenon, and it needs to be addressed as such, because like it or not… it is OUR generation who is in the driver’s seat right now.  Hence, our responsibility for action or inaction.

We can either let the adversarial forces win… they are indeed winning right now.  Or we can UNITE the UNITED States of America, and make it be the shiny sitting upon the hill once again.  And one final statement, it will be a small group of people who will save the USA and the world.  To save the world, you first need to save the USA.  If you have not realized we are in peril, then you are part of the problem.  HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

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