On Friday, October 15, 2024, at 7pm Eastern Time I will be premiering my I TOLD You! podcast. We’ll be speaking facts, expressed unlike anything you’ve seen.
About the Podcast
The first episode will be titled:
S-1 / E-1 - Clickbait in the news cycle redacted history in real time.
I’m starting this because I am very frustrated about the way the mainstream and the independent media seem to be talking in circles. The same situation was true for the Biden and Harris campaigns. I’ve personally reached them repeatedly, and their usual reply was only asking tons of money, subscribe you to a newsletter spamming the sh*t out of your account, or downright ignore you. I know I am not the only one who experienced that, because this is the common trend I’ve heard from many other frustrated non-MAGA supporters who tried to help.
Understand that if you are MAGA, the folks you voted into office are in charge of the country, and if they do “great” that is good for America. But if they don’t it is YOUR responsibility to hold your people accountable.
I hear a lot of MAGA-Vote remorse because of the upcoming deportation, Project 2025, the tariffs, the disbanded of the department of education, and a bunch of concerning appointees for important government positions. And yes, Trump was giving immunity for “official acts” by the MAGA friendly majority of the United States Supreme Court, despite the fact he is already a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist and fraudster, etc.
But all that was not surprising if you’ve been paying attention for the last several years. America is a wonderful nation, full of people with virtues – and biases. Both of which are highly exploitable. Why? Because a bunch of people are selfish – even if they don’t realize it. No matter how much you do for them, in the end some would turn you on a dime. It's human nature, and it is heartbreaking. But it is naïve not to anticipate it.
Therefore, this podcast is about that. Front ending that reality with brutally honest facts, and accountability from the get-go. This is not a partisan platform, I am not a liberal, nor am I a conservative. I am independent in the sense I will hold each side accountable. If I would have seen the same concerning indicators with Kamala Harris as I did with Trump, I would have been very vocal about it. As I was vocal at the fact the left was ignoring wisdom from everyday Americans, and instead focused on very niche groups of talking heads.
The episodes and the format
The good news is that I am not really seeking clicks, sponsors, or even clout for this podcast. I know, sounds counter intuitive – then why the f*ck starting a podcast in the first place? Simple, I want this to be a time capsule to document what the news cycle soon forgets in that never ending search for the next clickbait. I might very well be under the radar by most people who need to hear this message. But I don’t care. I need to know that I spoke when it mattered, and I did not just become a “Monday Quarterback” like 99% of the media out there.
The format will be down to Earth, much like my writing… but a lot more on-your-face, because I will be speaking from the heart with a lot of frustration on what I’ve been articulating for years, on every platform I could find… yet the results occurred just like I warned, over and over again. And I will continue giving my analysis of what will happen next. This is important, because we need to own up to our mistakes, and realize what went wrong, before we can move forward. Otherwise, we will inevitably regress.
I cannot sugar coat it; the next few years are not going to be a cake walk. And for those who are celebrating a Trump victory, they will also have to suffer any consequences the “libs” were supposed to encounter. The fact is that the MAGA leadership only needed the votes, they got that. Any dissent could very well be punitive, if the USA followed a similar rubric that we have seen in other countries that elected a government with similar characteristics.
I won’t be attacking Trump, nor MAGA as individual people, but I will have my say based on facts. I am arguing on the merits, and if the other side of the aisle would be doing the same concerning moves, I would be just as vocal. And I will. You’re welcome to disagree with the facts, but the facts don’t care if you disagree, they will be what they are regardless of your feelings about them. They will also affect you just the same, no matter how stubbornly you want to look the other way. That is what my podcast will be about.
I’ll be growing the reach of broadcasting platforms as this project evolves. Starting with Spotify, YouTube, and my already existing social media. I am doing this because I can, and because I see it as the right thing to do – now that all other avenues have been exhausted.
I’m literally sick and tired of writing to others with a platform, just to be ignored – and then hear them talk reactively about the thing that I was warning them about. It has happened so many times I’ve lost count after 200 instances. And yes, that lack of attention to detail and ignoring wisdom outside their bubbles is why the MAGA folks handed their a*s to all the non-MAGA voters.
Available worldwide on eBook and Paperback
The human factor
What most of the non-MAGA platforms failed to comprehend was the human factor. For example, they were more focused on categorizing demographics as monoliths, than really understanding what they were trying to tell them. And understand, that people need to fall on their a*s before they realize what went wrong.
That is why the campaigns needed to really understand how messaging resonates with these different communities – they are not monoliths. Just making phone calls and knocking on doors or sending a million emails was not going to work. And it didn’t. that said, it would be naïve to think something is not fishy in this election – not saying it is “election interference” – Just saying these MAGA guys had many years to figure out how the electoral system works, and how to make it work on their favor.
And for the podcast, we’ll be chatting more about those topics. I will be inviting people who have no clout – or are seeking clout, but who have tons of wisdom. Voters (if we ever have another election) are AMERICANS, they are people. And people are fallible. I am not going to sugar coat it, but although I will be unapologetic about what I will have to say, just know that everything I will express has an objective reason and a meaning behind it.
For years, I’ve written books, and articles, and had interviews here and there. I wanted to change the format, because lately I find myself talking out loud, and putting a microphone in front of me will make a lot more sense than just fuming on the insanity that keeps percolating at record speeds, day in and out. And I anticipate there is going to be a lot more that will need to be said. I have a huge list of topics already. All of which were missed by the media by a factor of a galaxy – while they recycled their same indefinite talking points.
I’m aiming to make each podcast episode 20 minutes or less, but we’ll see how it goes. The truth is that attention spans are very short, and I might have to make a bunch of short ones, instead of fewer but longer ones. Why, because like it or not, we are in contentions times. We are not having the luxury of waiting any longer right now. I’ve been saying for years that what was coming was going to be bad, and it will get much worse before it gets better… as it will exponentially accelerate.
The only delta to fix it was the people, but the majority of people heard largely propaganda points out of context that persuaded them to vote against their best interests – even if they remain elated about it… for now. The difference is that they cannot blame the “libs” or anybody else for whatever shortcoming they will have next.
And if you’re a MAGA don’t try to insult the next administration on their official social media page like you did with Biden, it will be very likely that the Trump administration will bite you back - exponentially harder, unlike Biden who would just largely ignore any comment given – good or bad.
We cannot shift responsibility for what happened. Each one of us who voted had a responsibility to do so by understanding who was on the ballots, their entire repertoire of policies and their background… FOR EVERY CANDIDATE, AND THEIR OPPOSITION… and not just taking at face value what was being said by your favorite talking heads. Whether you were on the Left or the Right, and you voted without proper research, know that is f*cking stupid, and if you did, it is too late now… but hope you learned your lesson. Because ignoring these factors (multipliers) is exactly what they herd you to do… like sheep.
I’ll end up by saying that I don’t know how often I’ll be releasing these episodes. Again, as I said, I do it because I want to and because I can, at least until speaking out will become impossible. My words are meant as a time capsule. And if you missed the time capsule that already exist, just look back at my articles and look at the time stamps, the titles and opening line in case you cannot read them all in one sitting – you will realize the obvious, this election strategy was an open book exam, but many in positions capable of doing something about it - in the media and the campaigns, failed to read the damned book. HLC