
Clickbait in the news cycle, redacted history

Clickbait in the news cycle, redacted history

The I TOLD You! podcast premiere S-1 / E-1 is here!  Clickbait in the news cycle, redacted history in real time.  If you’re naïve, this WILL hurt your feelings.


Today’s topic


If you are a mainstream or independent media personality, and if you were part of the Biden and Harris presidential campaigns, this episode will tell you what everybody else should have told you but failed to tell you – that you catastrophically failed to listen.  Granted that there are a few with a platform who were spot on (the minority), or at least on the correct track.  But most were so far from the objective, that was akin to landing on Mars when it was supposed to be a landing on Chicago.

Yes, that means you were either way off or were talking yourself into a corner.  The adversarial forces behind the information operations (IO) campaigns that become catalysts to massive psychological operations (PSYOPS) are constantly several steps ahead.  From the White House down to the media, you guys fell for the adversarial traps.  Yes, even criticizing them was factored into their game.  I will tell you how even the different government agencies filled the 50 lbs. heads failed to prevent the damage.

How do I know they f*cked up?  Well, look at the federal government running on freakout mode as they get ready for the Trump presidency and his extremist cabinet choices to take over.  So, before the USA becomes the next republic from the Russian Federation, I figure I’ll tell you all where you f*cked up.  And I TOLD You this over and over again.  I have the emails I’ve sent you, and I have the receipts for my warnings you failed to hear.


Snowflake Trigger Warning Note:

And that is just the beginning, this podcast will be lit.  And each episode will be scorching a different willful naïve group to their core.  Most people will enjoy it, but some will feel butthurt despite my warning that this is not for snowflakes.  If you feel offended, comment all you want, I might or might not read it.  I do this podcast as a time capsule.  And for good measure, if somebody with a room temperature IQ insults me, I might just read it for the comedic value as I laugh out loud at their dumbasses expense.  When a dumb ass-wipe person insults me, it is not the burn they think it is.  It literally does not land, because I don’t respect them anyway.


I TOLD You!  This will be unlike anything you’ve ever heard before.  But I guarantee you, this will blow your mind with thought-provoking points of view, answering questions you never knew you had to ask.  Enjoy the show!


This episode is available here:


Spotify Half Life Crisis 

YouTube Info in Context

Tumblr Half Life Crisis 

Patreon Half Life Crisis 


HLC Info in Context collab web


We’ll be posting the links on our Half Life Crisis and Info in Context social media platforms.  I do this because I can – at least for now, but if you share this with your friends, I guarantee you it will blow their minds, and you’ll have a lot to chat about.  And each episode will build onto the rest.  There is a hidden world in plain sight, and you’re about to enter it.  HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

Hang out with us and look around, there is plenty to discover!