
Are MAGA leaders lying to MAGA?

Are MAGA leaders lying to MAGA?

Are MAGA leaders lying to their loyal followers? Yes, they are. Don’t get mad at me, I’m not the one lying to you. Let’s explore what they are hiding from you.


Banking on your outrage


Let’s set some introspective context first. This article might make you mad, but you’re not a triggered snowflake like those damned liberals, right? So, I’m sure you can take it like a mature individual, correct? If the mere fact this article’s title and premise has gotten you angry or uncomfortable at all, that is a vulnerability that can be exploited by propagandists. For you see, your anger is a very strong catalyst to steer you in a particular direction.

Which direction? Well, it depends on the timing and how many biases you’ve demonstrated to have. We all have biases, it is part of being human – but when those biases are exploited, then a false reality can be implanted in our minds. Much like when you get captivated by a movie, or a book – sort of like that. Your mind and your entire reality for a moment is part of the story being presented to you. Propaganda works the same way.

We humans are all more similar than different. That is inconvenient to any entity, person, or cabal who wants to manipulate us. The most insidious thing is that they will pretend they are fighting for our rights, and protecting us from a foe that seems to be very weak – but surprisingly is also very powerful and menacing. The end result these propagandists seek is to convince you that you’re in a “good against evil” fight – but and that YOU are the “good,” even if that requires you to become a martyr – if and when called upon.

They will exploit your religious devotion, your patriotism, your sense of good versus bad, your biases, etc. and pin you against the other group. The other group will be dehumanized (sometimes very gradually), and attributed a lot of flaws that are often hyperbolic or even imaginary. They will then want you to discard any dissenting view outright. For this they issue you a few cherry-picked and easy to remember talking points – and make it your duty to parrot those far and wide.



Hijacking good people’s hearts and minds


The premise for MAGA has been repeated through history, the tactics are the same, the responses from the loyal followers were very similar centuries ago. Two examples of less than 100 years ago are Nazi Germany, and Fascist Italy leading to World War 2. All those Nazi and Fascists were people who wanted to Make Germany Great Again, and Make Italy Great Again respectively. Don’t get mad – but you have to realize both of those groups were also far right on the political spectrum.

The people who were lied upon to obediently follow Nazism and Fascism around 100 years ago were also feeling angry at pretty much everything MAGA is mad about today. Yes, very similar talking points when it came to minorities, border controls, immigration, liberalism, homosexuality, etc. And these obedient followers were also deeply religious, patriotic, and would obediently attend rallies, punish any dissenters (either verbally, and eventually physically), and felt justified to do so – because they thought they were fighting a war between good and evil.

And guess what? The same tactics that are being used against you in the USA are being used against other otherwise good people in other countries. The fact is that they only want your devotion and support, but you’re their first victims. Why do you think there is such a level of attrition in the MAGA ranks? Because people are realizing that they were not afforded the entire story.

Why? Because if you see all the datapoints that the MAGA-media is not affording you, you’ll realize the obvious. What they are telling you is far from being a complete picture, and the context is highly skewed. You’re not the problem, there is somebody high jacking the fact you’re a good patriotic and caring individual.

They will push divisive and bizarre narratives little by little to the point it gets normalized, and then any non-MAGA seems like a hateful monster in your eyes. But they also teach you to be “patient enough” – until one day – when it is convenient for them, they prompt you that you waited long enough, and call for action. They want you to fight.

When you finally realize that they have been manipulating you, it is going to hit you like a ton of bricks. You’ll survive the impact, but it is going to suck. A lot of ex-MAGA in the USA and their equivalent around the world have gone exactly through what you will be experiencing. They can tell you themselves, it is not nice – much like when you realize that you’ve been a victim of a scam. You’ll defend the scam, until you get to the point where it is impossible to escape reality.

At that point you might either concede and escape these clutches or double down and go down with the ship. They are expecting you to do the latter – and that is why they capitalize on your anger, so you will feel more emotionally invested in becoming a martyr than admitting that they lied to you. It is your right as an American to cling to it, but it is the right of any other American not being dragged down with the same narrative that you’ve been enamored with. That’s an important distinction.

You’ll have the classic stages of grief – and yo-yo through each step for a while. That’s normal. We’re here to help you get through. The stages of grief are Shock, Anger, Denial, Bargain, Acceptance. A lot of the MAGA folks will be yoyoing between the Anger and Denial and this will cause them to gravitate to their echo-chambers in the MAGA-verse because it can make them feel as though they can regain their sanity there. It is designed to drag you in such a manner.

That does not mean that you’re a bad person, or that you’re stupid, or that you’ve been a naïve target – The trap was meant to exploit your best attributes, and make you a cash cow in the process. But they are doing it so subtly that you wouldn’t realize it unless you were aware of this beforehand – that is why it is a trap. It is meant to snare you without you noticing.

But think about it, how much money have you spent on MAGA merch? There is a reason why this merch is available too – it’s a whole industry based on your outrage, disguised as patriotism. It is because it makes you feel more invested with time, effort, and money. And with all those many (however dwindling) MAGA folks doing the same, it becomes counterintuitive to even ascertain that everybody should not be onboard with the same narrative.

Whenever you’re in a bubble; if mom, dad, uncle Timmy, all my friends, my classmates, my pastor, my relatives, and everyone I love a respect believe in the same MAGA narrative, they can’t all be wrong, can’t they? Yes, yes, they can be wrong. A fact is not more real because it is popular. If a million people “think” or “believe” that the sky on this planet is made of diamonds, that does not make it true.

This MAGA phenomena is not even a political issue at the end of the day, it is a mass-manipulation tactic. For the USA it happens to target people on the right, sorry. In other countries it targets people on the left. The reason is because the MAGA concept is not even conceptualized in America, it is imported by adversarial nations.



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MAGA is not actually conceived in America


There are several adversarial nations who want to end the era when the USA is the premier nation in the world. This is what is known as “Great Power Competition” which is the new version of the Cold War, and has been brewing for several decades. And this could very well end in global armed conflict.

The reason it hasn’t – yet, it is because the USA is a formidable force to go against. Therefore, the adversarial nations, who do not like each other all that much – have been working together on ways to defeat us. And quite frankly, nobody is better at killing or disparage other Americans than Americans themselves.

If you’ve been alive for the last few decades, then you can clearly see how this phenomenon has been more and more polarizing to the USA. In fact, particularly in the right – they common trope is that many Americans will say they will use their Second Amendment right to protect their First Amendment. Ask the same group what’s the Seventh amendment or how many amendments we have in our constitution and they might be baffled. I know – because I’ve asked that question repeatedly. By the way the Seventh Amendment is the right to a jury of your peers, and there are 27 amendments

And I bring this up because they KNOW that certain narratives, if repeated often enough, will soon become part of your train of thought, the way you see the world – even if before that was not a problem for you. You’ve probably seen among your own friends and family how some people have been moving more to the left and right respectively. They are capitalizing on your anger and frustration! And yes, propagandists also target the left, that’s a separate article, this one is about MAGA.

And to be clear the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is not one of those Great Power Competitors wanting to bump the USA off the number one spot – NATO is in fact trying to keep the USA to be the leader for world stability. I’ll list as promised things you want to find out more about things that are spinning your attention and outrage, and you’re more than welcome to do your own research to learn more. I am actually working on a project where I’ll be able to consolidate all that information that is otherwise hidden from you.

Right now, your opinion and point of view for outrage as spelled by MAGA will seem spot on – yes because it is based on the datapoints that are been afforded to you. They know you would not be happy with MAGA if you are afforded ALL the information. That’s why they call anything non-MAGA “fake news” – they are hoping you will take that MAGA-verse broadcast at face value, and not actually do your due diligence to find the answers.

I wrote an article about that the other day. In fact, this is a tactic not only used on MAGA in the USA, but it is used around the world – and it works. Because the moment you stop being angry, then you can realize that you could be wrong, and will want to learn the truth. And you’ll realize the obvious – those whom you poured your devotion upon were lying to you.

So, what about the American MAGA politicians running and stating all these data points you keep hearing? I’ve written about that extensively. They could very well be either in the same trance you are experiencing – and truly believe it, or they could be insider threats. Whatever the case, for some reason they happen to repeat verbatim all the same talking points being played on state-sponsored adversarial regimes media.

And by the way, also parrot the same talking points from these adversarial regime leader’s mouths – and use it to create legislation in the USA – let that sink in for a moment. Our MAGA politicians are repeating verbatim adversarial nation talking points, and using those as the basis for their legislation. In other words, our political discourse is also being run by an adversarial nation by proxy – via your MAGA elected leaders. Look it up!

So that begs the question, if you’re indeed a patriot for the USA, why would it be ok to repeat adversarial regimes taking points? Understand that adversarial means countries who want to destroy the USA, and have even gone on record stating that they would conduct first-strike against the USA, and those would be Nuclear Strikes by the way. I bet your favorite talking head does not talk about that, and still chases “Hunter’s laptop” as the highlight. There is a reason why you’re not given all the data points by MAGA leaders.



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WARNING: Reading this part is not for snowflakes – if you’re a snowflake these might offend you. if you decide to read them, realize that there is a reason why MAGA leaders are not giving you the entire story. This is a non-all-inclusive list. But it should get you started to understand how they are taking advantage of your devotion and loyalty. Just understand that you are disposable to them if you ever become inconvenient to them. There is plenty of precedent for that being the case.

  • You’re the cash cow for MAGA. Trump is nowhere as rich as he claimed to be. That is why he was hiding his taxes and his finances. It was discovered during legal proceedings that he is actually a lot less wealthy than he claimed to be. This is of course very bad for his brand, so he gets the allure of being successful – though he is essentially living on the equivalent of paying a with credit card with another credit card. And yes, when he was “not taking his 400K salary” he was charging millions to the taxpayers between playing golf, staying at his properties, and other shady deals he used by levering his presidency.

  • All the donations you are giving are mainly being used to pay this “billionaire” legal expenses and lifestyle, because he has actually done a lot of shady deals well before he was running for the US Presidency. Your donations pay for his private jet gas and maintenance, for his legal bills, extravagant lifestyle to his closest acolytes, rallies, and other events that are self-serving to Trump.

  • Trump was not the only one running on the Primary for the Republican ticket, but he was the only one with 90+ criminal charges, without counting the 30+ criminal charges in NY. I wrote about this too, this decision was going to bite the GOP in the butt, and it is happening. It is unprecedented that a twice-impeached, four-time indicted candidate was running for the Presidency. The GOP had more choices, and even the RNC chair had to step down in disgrace.

  • You’re the only group on this planet who is buying MAGA merchandise, to include merchandise that is disparaging to Biden. Also, those NFTs, bibles, trinkets, gold coins, memberships, overpriced tacky shoes, colognes, and all that other merch that is pushed by Trump. They know that you’ll pay premium dollar prices for this MAGA stuff – even if you’re complaining that everything is more expensive under Biden, this MAGA-fans disposable income is going to the “billionaire.”

  • The election was not stolen, Joe Biden won – not necessarily because people voted for Biden but voted AGAINST Trump. It might seem counterintuitive to you because democrats and most people who are not enamored with Trump (to include many Republicans) will not spend time and money buying merch and stuff to drape themselves in campaign stuff, and camp out outside a rally for hours to hear Trump say the same stuff he says all the time. Instead, they will just vote in any way that is convenient for them. Because COVID-19, the majority of people voted by mail in 2020. Trump could have taken advantage of that, but he directed MAGA people not to vote by mail.

  • Trump did not create COVID, but he mishandled it. It is not so much about the amount of people who died, which is more than all the war casualties the USA has experienced – but it was also because of the debilitating effects it had on great segments of the population, and how getting a bunch of people sick destroyed the business models that existed until then. For example, commercial real estate did not ever fully recover because of how the pandemic changed the way people work. For example, why spend thousands paying rent for an office when you can telework?

  • Biden has nothing to do with Trump’s criminal trials, a lot of those events happened well before Trump was in office, and the court systems happen to take forever especially when people of influence – such as Trump, who has been given an extra pass to move the proceedings to the right. For example, because he was a sitting president, he was not prosecuted for a lot of the stuff that was problematic before his presidency. The best way to not be prosecuted is by not committing crimes.

  • There is no such thing as a witch-hunt. Trump has simply done a lot of shady stuff. Sure, that most of his acolytes will say otherwise, but the problem is that when there are indictments, these are based on actual evidence. Otherwise, these would be subject to a mistrial. No prosecutor in their right mind would accuse a former President of crimes if there wasn’t proof. Trump knows that it is easier to say he is innocent in the court of public opinion, but he has not been able to prove that in any court of law.

  • Trump has an incentive to get in office, as it was an incentive to stay in office when the 2020 election came around. Trump has done enough shady stuff that he knew he was going to get in legal trouble, but he very well knew that if he was a sitting president the Department of Justice (DOJ) would not prosecute a sitting president. Every lawsuit Trump sent (more than 60) to claim the election was stolen were either dismissed or lost – because he had no evidence.

  • Trump will say something to your face and in his Truth-social rants, but it is a very different story when he is under the scrutiny and jurisdiction of the law, where his words can backfire and land him in a pumpkin-suit. In fact, he might get behind bars for violating the NY gag order directly, and by proxy – via a lot of his acolytes repeating the very same things his gag order was preventing Trump from attacking judges, jurors, and witnesses.

  • The current gag order for the NY trial was to protect the jury, witnesses, and judge from Trump’s divisive rhetoric. Like it or not, there is no shortage of people who would seek violent retribution to “protect” Trump – even if they haven’t ever met Trump in the flesh, or never had a face-to—face conversation with him. There is no shortage of people who were MAGA fans who have been arrested by law enforcement for attempting violent attacks against regular people and officials. The gag order was to prevent Trump’s influence to prompt some of his followers to seek violence against others. Because this type of violence has happened before!

  • Trump is considered a moron by other countries. They think the USA is crazy for electing this man, or for being so prominent in the American discourse. The USA lost a lot of its leadership acumen during the Trump era, and it was restored under Biden. Trump is the equivalent of being a tenant who left the house destroyed before he vacated. And Biden was tasked with fixing it – the fixing part takes a lot longer than the damaging part. The difference is that what was broken was not being showed by the Trump officials, but once it was turnover to Biden, the truth of how bad things were became very evident – because it had to be addressed and fixed.

  • The FBI did not plan to kill Trump for the classified raid in Mar-a-Lago -that’s a very dangerous narrative that has been in the MAGA-verse today. In fact, it was coordinated with the Secret Service for when Trump would not be physically present in order to search for the missing classified documents. And of course, Trump was given about a year to return all the highly classified documents he was holding in an unsecured space. These documents are so sensitive that they could result in the USA being easily defeated by adversaries if it falls into the wrong hands. I would be very surprised if these documents did not already fall into enemy hands – and I’m sure the Biden administration had to work extra hard to address and contain that damage.

  • The declassification process is a very long and arduous process. Why? Because it is the methods, sources, placement, access, and a bunch of other factors that contribute to a document being classified in the first place. In other words, it is not just “declassifying the paper” but everything that is associated to that document – and for it to be declassified, it means that it would no longer be of strategic use for the USA. I’m oversimplifying, but that is a reason why it is such a big deal.

  • A lot of the pretty talking heads in your TV, your podcasts, and other channels that you consume are lying to your face. Some might be lying to your face because they are simply repeating lies issued to them. The fact is that many of those narratives cannot be held to a three-inch level of scrutiny. Why? Because they are repeating adversarial nations talking points verbatim. These talking points are propaganda, and they a specifically designed to make you angry. And this anger is brewed until the point some will want to “do something about it” – and it will feel as though it was “their idea” – and feel justified to act, even if that means violence against others. What it does not need is having the math and facts to add up – these are meant to be issued in an echo chamber where they hope you won’t fact check. By the way, that is why they also attack fact checkers. No duh, huh?

  • If you have been naïve enough to believe and repeat with conviction some half-baked narrative, they will keep lowering the bar to see how dummied down the narrative can be before you realize you’ve been fed lies. That is another reason why many ex-MAGA are so vocal about trying to make you to exit the MAGA-verse. In the end, as the lies become more ridiculous, then those who stay are those who will be convinced of committing crimes against humanity if called upon – and will do so willingly, because those who remain will think they are justified. That is exactly what happened 100 years ago with the Fascists and the Nazis. Now you know, do you want to be on the wrong side of history? You still have time to change your mind, like many of your ex-MAGA friends have.

I can go on. But hope this makes the point. If you forget anything I’ve said today, please remember this. There is a reason why MAGA leaders want you fired-up. First because you’re their cash cow, and the angrier you are the more time and money you’ll spend on whatever they ask you to spend. And two because if they can convince you to believe half-truths, then it is not a bridge to far to ask you to become a martyr for their cause.

Their cause is to divide America, and make us a weaker target. Many ex-MAGA realized this, and that is why they took off their red hat and started finding out what else the MAGA leaders were lying to them. Spoiler alert, the more they looked, the more they found. If you want to learn more, you can read my articles and find out on your own how propaganda tactics are weaponized against us, and you can help prevent America from collapsing. Thank you for reading this far! HLC

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