
Are Americans Willfully Ignorant?

Are Americans Willfully Ignorant?

Many Americans might not realize it, but the rest of the world pokes fun at the level of knowledge the average American has. Let’s find out if that’s you.


Are you willfully ignorant?


WARNING – If you’re an American, this article might hurt your feelings – if you have a thin skin. It is not meant to offend you, but rather to awaken your introspection.

Let’s start by stating the obvious, there is not a single person on this planet who knows every answer to every question. And some of those questions might feel tangential, trivial, or even pedantic. Conversely, there is also a bunch of erroneous answers that are taken at face value as though they are accurate – the latter is common when somebody is pushing propaganda.

With that said, there are key elements of information that directly affect your life, so you need to learn them – whether you like it or not, such as obeying traffic signs. So, if you’re an American Citizen let’s see if you know the answer to the following questions (if you’re not an American you’re also welcome to play along). You don’t have to answer these questions for me, you have to answer them for yourself. Be honest, with YOURSELF – not with me.

  • How many stars are in the US Flag, and what do they represent?
  • How many stripes are in the US Flag, and what do they represent?
  • Name the original 13 colonies at the inception of the USA.
  • How many branches of government are there and who leads each branch?
  • How many territories does the USA own?
  • What oceans border the Continental US?
  • What was the last state to be added to the USA?
  • Explain what led to the American Civil War, and which countries were part of the Confederacy
  • Explain the Jim Crow Era

Ok, all those questions should be pretty easy. Let’s ask something about geography: Can you name every state in the following blank map? How did you do?


Blank map of the United States of America



Let’s talk about the world


We have a problem in the USA that is growing exponentially. Adversarial regimes are seeking to turn Americans into a dumber population. Adversarial propagandists are actually implanting the slogan “America First” because to the average person it will superficially feel as a proud patriotic slogan.

In reality, that slogan is a hidden message meant to trap you into “taking for granted” American exceptionalism. I’ve written and will write more in detail about this mental swindle. The end state is to have you live off past victories, while they carry out the plan to strategically defeat you – while making you think you’re actually fully ready.

Much like the tale of the turtle and the hare competing in a race. The Hare was overconfident to be faster than the turtle, so the hare took a nap mid-race while the turtle continued slowly moving forward, by the time the hare woke up the turtle was near the finish line. Something similar is happening in America right now – but it has been going on for a while. We are the hare in this example, by the way.

Let’s see how much about the world do you know. In the following map, identify at least 25 countries (your choice). Identify means the following: Name the country, name its capital, name its main language, name its type of government, name what is their latest important headline that affects the USA. There are about 200 countries in the world, this should be easy. How did you do?


Blank World Map


Ok, now I need you to do this – because these are important flash point areas or significant geographical points (this is a non-all-inclusive list). On the world map point to the following countries and bodies of water and name the countries surrounding it. Why? Because a potential World War could involve these regions in a significant manner. Let’s see how you do.

  • The United Sates of America
  • Ukraine
  • Russia (and all NATO Borders)
  • China and Taiwan
  • Iran
  • North Korea
  • Israel (point where Palestine is also)
  • Hungary
  • Turkey
  • Finland
  • Lithuania
  • Poland
  • Belarus
  • Japan
  • Yemen
  • Chile
  • Argentina
  • El Salvador
  • Honduras
  • Egypt
  • Eritrea
  • Strait of Hormuz
  • Strait of Gibraltar
  • Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb
  • South China Sea
  • Artic Ocean

Why do you think I chose to mention these points? If you don’t know the answer, don’t’ beat yourself up. But I will say that there is a very good reason why I am writing a lot about the world’s geopolitical situation. The stability of these regions is of strategic importance to our lives, even if they seem to be on the other side of the planet.

If you unequivocally know the answer to all these questions, that’s commendable, and please share your knowledge with others. The most succinct answer is that the adversary wants us to be aloof about what is going on around the world and prefer it if we are entertained seeing a ball being kicked down the field or binge-watch a season of whatever show is currently trending.

What they don’t want you to do is truly understand the intricacies that are affecting the world and how these intricacies are in turn affecting our lives. The USA is part of the world, and everything that happens beyond our cozy corners affects us all.



Lean how to defeat authoritarian propaganda and bias exploitation



Sadly, that’s not what sells advertising, get clicks, or views on the news. Hence, we tend to remain willfully ignorant of the larger picture. This is why some other countries around the world consider the average American as being disconnected from reality – even when Americans are going abroad visiting another country. I’ll end by saying that we are more similar than different, the more you learn about the world the more you learn about yourself. HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

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