The Charlantans' Inconvenience

Author: J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez
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ISBN: 979-8-9893753-3-2
USD $10.00


The Charlatans' Inconvenience

Nonfiction: Thought-Provoking Historical Analysis that pragmatically defines the term and goes to explains how the misinformation about it has become a catalyst for propagandistic narratives.

J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez
Available on eBook and Paperback

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About The Book

“Woke” is one of the most misunderstood words in the modern English vernacular. The character assassination to this term can easily be linked to propagandistic attempts by authoritarians, and authoritarians wanna-be.

The term “woke” seem to be hijacked by opportunists and defined in ways that defy coherence. In this book we get to define the term, understand its historical use, and how this faux controversy contributes to propagandists and other unsavory charlatans’ narratives. Many will find this short read full of mind-blowing facts. Regardless of how you currently feel about “woke” - everybody should be able to appreciate the clarification process. We are just speaking demonstrable facts in these pages.

In the end you will get to define “woke” for what really it is. And most importantly you will be able to know the answer to the question: Is the reader of this book actually “woke?” Find out, the answer might surprise you.

A Book Like No Other
This Book's History

When I wrote "Woke Proud The Charlatans' Inconvenience" there was a high level of weaponization for this term, but all those weaponizing "woke" were unable to define it whenever they were challenged. This was very frustrating to me, because it was very obvious that they were trying to keep the quiet part quiet - which is the actual prejudicial and racial component behind woke. Simply put, being woke is inconvenient to those who prefer people to be oblivious to the fact they are being disenfranchised.

This was the fourth manuscript I wrote, but I felt it was very important to put this information out as soon as possible, especially leading to the 2024 election. The book is meant to be a short read because the premise of how woke became a catalyst for propaganda is very emergent. The book not only defines the term woke in proper context, but it also links it to how propagandists are using this to weaponize the term and those who in their minds think this is a negative connotation.

The book then became a relevant case study to my first book Authoritarianism & Propaganda the Puppet Master Tools, which links to this overall topic - helping us avoiding that USA and other -still free- countries fall into authoritarian rule. What is happening is not unusual, it is startling and they are following a formula, and yes this book speaks about it in detail.

Peek Inside the Book
Table of Contents


You Might Be Surprised

“Woke” Defined

Who Benefits When Demonizing the “Woke?”

CHAPTER 4 - POLITICS AND PROPAGANDA | A Galvanizing Tool for Good and Not Good

Parroting Platitudes Without Context

Taking Advantage of the Circumstances

There is a Complex World Out There

Food for Thought


Random Paragraphs

From Foreword:
In fact, some of those so called “woke” in a misappropriated sense of the word are actually advocating from unrealistic parameters that make it harder for the real “woke” to point some actual arguments that should warrant a second look and course correction. Again, these remarks might seem very abstract to the casual observer. That is why critical thinking and intellectual honesty are so important. In the following chapters we are going to dissect each one of these in a way that will help us reconcile reality with fairness and ultimately come up with better solutions.

From Introduction
Change is inevitable, and there are some who will prefer to keep you stagnated because it is self-serving to them, and their own industry or business model paradigm. And yes, that could even include some more theological aspects. This is nothing new, it has been going on for millennia. If there is a bias that can be exploited, somebody will come up with a way to manipulate their loyal followers into doing stuff that could very well be contrary to these loyal followers’ best interests. It is actually tragically amusing to see it from the onset when you realize that. It is much like seeing an ant farm or any other corralled group of sentient beings being pushed through an artificially induced reality. However, this turns from amusing into callously devastating if people are starting to get hurt because of these bad policies.

For the United States of America, yes, there is a “Black versus White” people dichotomy in the heart of “woke” at this point in time. But that is incidental based on the history of our country. We cannot condemn the current generation for the mistakes our ancestors did. That is unfair and unproductive. It then becomes a cause for friction. Besides, in countries where there is less diversity than the United States, the disenfranchised people have the same color skin as their oppressors. I know this can be hard to understand for some, but it is because they will see it from their own vantage point. But the truth is that inequality is a lot more complex, and has been going on for millennia.

By now you probably realized the obvious. There is a lot to gain by whomever gets to control the narrative. “Woke” started as a sense of awareness against being disenfranchised. Then it became a trope to insult people with a different political leaning. At least in the United States of America. Many other countries have demonized “woke” a long time ago, even if it was not called the same thing. But rather it was given the same treatment to any term if there was any thought that someone was speaking out of turn; then that would have been considered “woke,” and therefore not allowed in a repressive society.

The writing is on the wall, and the authoritarians wanna-be understand this dynamic very well. They do not want YOU to understand it, they will just tell you want you need to hear. And if need be, they will explain it in ways that point their opposition as the roots of all evil. In political circles in the U.S. could be something Right vs. Left or Left vs. Right. The country is polarized already, that is already giving the authoritarian wanna-be even more power with minimal effort.

Look at history, a lot of the worst authoritarians were pretty moderate at the onset, but then they started to move further and further to whatever side of authoritarianism they pursued. Unsurprisingly, when they were “moderate” (although leaning to either side) but largely unchecked, they rigged the laws into their favor. Once they did that, everything else became a lot more self-serving. They will then exploit their people, the opposition more harshly than the loyal followers to give them the illusion of being “on their side” – but they are all many notches below the authoritarian himself/herself. Subsequently, everybody becomes disposable, even the closest allies. If they become inconvenient, they will fall from grace immediately. And depending on the type of regime, often unceremoniously or even violently. I am not kidding, read history, this happens. And it is happening in some countries around the world as you are reading my words.

And because there is a gigantic industry it is also a reason why veracity of information passed can be muddied up in the process. I have mentioned it before in my writings, but it is worth repeating. A lot of the information that you read every day as “news” in reality are “advertisements” – cleverly presented as studies, or other manners of presenting a product in order to increase a market segment of the population. Some of these adds will focus on very niche segments, some will be globalized, and everything in between. The point is that if you are seeing or reading anything, it is not by chance. Even the news need to be monetized somehow in order to continue operations.

We have to realize that the world is not all roses and lullabies. I can understand why most people will prefer to be willfully ignorant to these atrocities. And in reality, when you understand the intricacies of the world it can be quite depressing. But just like adulting, sometimes you cannot change the circumstances in front of you. Blissful and willful ignorance is tacit consent for somebody else to take control over your life – or continuing taking control over your life with impunity. You might not even realize that is the case because this could very well be happening by proxy. But it is happening.

Unsurprisingly, people who ascend to a certain level of hierarchy tend to believe everybody else is inferior in the lower hierarchical echelons. Often forgetting what it was like when they were in said echelons. Some people might have never even experienced a “lower” echelon because they just so happened to be born on a “higher” echelon by chance. For example, parents who were very wealthy are more likely to give opportunities to their children. These same opportunities would be either out of reach, or would take a significant more effort for others in a lower echelon to even reach the baseline.

We are the product of our environment. Things that become normalized around us will tend to dictate our perception of our “reality.” And in case you did not realize it by now, collective bias exploitation is very much an alternative for a propagandist. That is part of what is known as group thinking. Let me give you a mundane, yet benign example. Being part of the crowd in a stadium and people start doing “the wave.” Most people tend to follow the crowd and play along with the fun. There is no rehearsal, no briefing, no asking for permission. The event becomes spontaneous, and people join in. And in this case, it can be very fun. It is very similar in concept for the propagandists but a lot more complex in execution. In other words, no matter how complex something gets, there will be some basic elements that can be identified. How these will be arranged will convey potentially an infinite number of possibilities.

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

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