
Understanding racism for dummies

Understanding racism for dummies

No, the civil rights movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King did not eradicate racism in America. What it did was give a STARTING POINT to a leveled plain field.


Understanding Racism

It is unsavory, and several still think it is a moot point, even in America, the land of the free – home of the brave, to even think that racism exists. It has been in a larger scope almost camouflaged, but sadly it is very much a reality. And what it is more insidious is that it is not only regaining traction, but it is also morphing into negatively affecting even more groups than just those who are linked by the color of their skin.

When you see it pragmatically, then you realize the obvious: Racists are extremely ignorant people, not just in the sociological aspect of how cultures work, but even in the actual anatomical and evolutionary process of how human beings adapted to their environment based on geography. By the way, a lot of racists for several reasons don’t understand evolution, hence they don’t accept the theory of evolution either way. Which is on its own an additional bag of witfully ignorant issues.

The fact is that the human “races” do not really exist. We might have different skin colors and share some similar looks depending on the geographical origin; but we are all the same species. Yes, we can interbreed, and if you get a life-saving blood transfusion, it does not matter what the color of the skin from the donor. It will be human blood regardless. In fact, our skin color is directly linked to our ancestors’ geographical dwellings, and how sunlight affects those areas.

Melamine is the natural substance that causes the pigmentation of our eyes, skin, and hair color. The more melamine you have, the darker these will get. What’s the purpose? It prevents you from getting roasted under the hot sun to the point you would get skin cancer. It’s part of the wonderful human evolution process. That is why many folks get tanned when they go to the beach, because the body produces melamine to try to protect them from the sun rays.

But if you’re a person with a very light skin tone, you might not tan at all, but actually get directly sunburn. That trait would be genetically passed as your ancestors developed in an area where the sun was not as intense as other areas. Hence, that is why a lot of people in the northern hemisphere have lighter skin, and many of us on the tropics and southern hemisphere will have a darker complexion.

In other words, the lighter skin was a consequence to allow people living on those areas as much scarce sun exposure as they could, and the darker skin was to protect them from the excessive amounts of sun. And that is why color pigmentation is prevalently linked to geography. Sure, that today the world is more globalized, and it will take many generations to adjust people’s skin color but remember that humans have been wondering the planet for several thousands of years.

That is why I said before that we are all human no matter what color skin, hair, or eyes we have. Every person is a human being, and racism robs them from their humanity. And that racism or misunderstanding of cultures is a prime catalyst for opportunistic demagogs, propagandists, authoritarians, and “authoritarians-wanna be” to boost people’s ignorance to mobilize the most ignorant segment against a particular group of people.



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Racism is dynamic, sadly


Let me emphasize that it is geography and the actual intensity of the sun what will dictate how much melamine you will get. Let me give you a quick example, although I am from Hispanic descent I am fairly light skinned. But when I was in the US Navy underway and having to be topside for a while, my skin got a lot darker on any area that was exposed to the sun, mainly my face, neck, arms, and hands. But the rest of my body was still as pale as before I was spending time topside under the blazing sun. I was still the same person, but my skin color adjusted to protect me from the harmful sun rays.

Sadly, simply put skin color is not the only trait that racist will ping on. They will also start hitting a group’s culture. And I will give you an example from history that it is very much on the nose, but it shows how despicable this double standard existed even in the West – and while fighting a global conflict. This example dates to World War II. As many people know the USA, Great Britain and the Soviet Union were fighting the axis of evil – which was essentially Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and the Empire of Japan.

When the counterpropaganda, and other literature that was generated by the USA to depict the adversary it was very riddled with racist overtones. The Nazis, who were also majority white would be depicted as malign, but not dehumanized. In contrast, when the same war-publication efforts were depicting Japanese people, they were depicted in a subhuman form. More akin to stereotypical and exaggerated caricatures, and in very grotesque manners.

Both of these groups, Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan were adversarial forces, and both were foes who rightfully had to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. Yet only one of those two adversaries was depicted as subhuman. Unsurprisingly, for Nazi Germany, they also depicted Jewish, Roma, disabled, or any other groups they disenfranchised as subhuman. Racism is nothing new, and to a large extent it was condoned, and in many households in America it is very much condoned and taught as morally superior – even if they try to keep in under wraps – and only share these views within a certain group of like-minded (and-looking) folks.

But what it is also happening now at an exacerbated rate is racism by association. In other words, discrimination against people who have a certain color of skin but being discriminated against if they have a relationship with a person of a different skin color. How terrible is that trend? It is very disturbing, because nowadays it seems that those who have the most divisive rhetoric are getting the most attention, and many less-than-informed folks seem to be agreeing to their misinformation at face value.

One of such cases is why I wrote my book Woke & Proud the Charlatans’ Inconvenience. Because the demonization of the term “woke,” sadly has a very large racist component to it, even though some people don’t realize it. And in fact, are not even able to define the term. I defined it, and I use it as a case study for propagandistic narratives, as I wrote in my book Authoritarianism & Propaganda the Puppet Master Tools.

I will leave you with this for today. We – today -cannot be held responsible for what our ancestors did. However, we are very much responsible for the decisions and actions WE take ourselves TODAY. I’ll be writing a lot more thought-provoking articles like this, please follow the entire series. It will be more than 100 articles like this one. HLC

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