


Let’s understand that NOBODY is above the law when it comes to handling classified information, PERIOD. And yes, the declassification process is arduous.


This is a short(er) article, and as provocative as it might sounds it is not intended as personal attack. We are just speaking facts.
Bottomline, former U.S. President Trump is being prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917. And spoiler alert, anybody who condones his behavior is (perhaps) unintentionally being guilty of a similar crime. Does it sound inflammatory? Not really, if you know (and understand) the facts. So let’s start from the beginning. Trump, like anybody else who has been granted a security clearance would have been required to sign a bunch of paperwork detailing what he can and cannot do in regard to classified information and material. Yes, even the classified information that still resides inside his brain. The most basic document for this is called Standard FORM 312 – Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement. Also known in the U.S. Government as a SF-312 or NDA.


HLC SF 312 dowload graphic web

Official government site hosting an NDA, first google search.

Click here to view a sample SF-312 so you can read it yourself

SF-312 is Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement 

See? He F-d up, it’s all explained here very succinctly!



The media going on overdrive covering this Crime

It is literally driving me crazy; the media is killing a forest in hopes to save tree. That’s why this is the fourth article I’m writing about this topic. According to U.S. government rules, when Trump (or anybody who gets a security clearance for that matter) was first introduced to classified information, he would have had to sign one (or more) of these SF-312 documents. It articulates (if you read along) what a person is and is not allowed to do with classified information. And what it is not allowed is breaking any rules, particularly the bit about no person being allowed to keep classified material in their personal possession, and it should not be mixed with personal crap. Simple.

Further it explains the punitive statutes for not following these rules. And the person must sign and date acknowledging that they read and understood what they read. Further, there are two additional people signing the fact that a person singing the SF-312 has understood the language in said SF-312, and that if the person has any question they can ask. In other words, you DO NOT sign this document unless you understand what you’re signing. Period. If you don’t sign, then you don’t get access to classified information.

And in the event a person signed IN, but not signed OUT whenever their access to classified information is discontinued, then you’re still supposed to abide by the rules on the originally SF-312 for 75 years! I know, right?

Guess what security personnel cite in case a person breaks the rules about classified material to start an investigation? This SF-312 because it already has the signature and acknowledgment of a person about what they should or should not to. Any additional argument is ultimately irrelevant because the form already provides empirical evidence that a person understands their responsibilities and limitations. So, any additional evidence is just gravy on top. And guess what it also means? If you don’t abide by the rules this form, then you won’t be allowed to have access to classified information again. Think about this for a moment.

If you are nominated for the Presidency, an exulted position where you would require a high security clearance… but already failed to follow the most basic of rules to safeguard classified information/material (like Trump in his first round), then what does that mean about your aspiring position? That means you’re unqualified for the President’s job because you cannot hold a security clearance. Duh!

Does that happen in government? Yes, of course. When a person’s Trustworthiness, Loyalty or Character are negatively impacted, their security clearance gets reviewed, suspended, – and could be revoked. So, let’s say for example, and enlisted person or even an officer – for example a Sergeant, or a Lieutenant in any branch of Military Service gets in trouble and loses his or her clearance, what do you think it happens to that person? They can no longer do a job with a security clearance. They will either be kicked out of the service or best-case scenario do job that does not require a clearance. And that is likely after they had to face punitive action.

And no, Rank does not have privileges when it comes to this matter of classified information and National Security. Let’s say an Admiral, or a General gets in trouble for x, y, or z reasons and they cannot longer hold a security clearance, what would that happen to them? Well, more than likely they won’t be able to do their job anymore if it requires a security clearance. They are in fact de-facto disqualified for that position if they can’t be trusted with classified information and material. Remember if their judgement negatively impacts their Trustworthiness, Loyalty, and Character. So, then what would be the case for the highest office in the land? Exactly, disqualified.


HLC Trump public domain photo webThe source for this image was found in the public domain search



Trump already disqualified himself from holding a security clearance! Hence reelection

Despite of what the court of public opinion would say and for some miracle he avoids jail (and it is 99.999999999999% he’s going be found guilty on several charges), his security record will show he cannot be trusted with handling classified information any longer. He made a HUGE precedent and he’s been very vocal about this classified document crime. It logical to conclude that he either misunderstood the very language in the SF-312, or he did understand or did not care to follow the rules. Neither of which are good precedents for handling classified information. In-fact, he’s been on National Television multiple times essentially admitting to the crimes he’s been accused of (even if he does not understand why). And, that negative record also should take in consideration all his other legal problems and indictments. If you think that is unfair, just know that is the standard for ANY person holding a clearance. Now you know.

[Note to Trump’s attorneys and friends: It would serve Trump right to shut-the-fuck-up and stop incriminating himself on this case. The indictment already used his own words against him, and his attorneys and friends could also get in trouble under the Espionage Act for condoning Trump’s actions. Even if Trump does not understand how he’s fucking his own case. All this bravado on National Television and other outlets will likely be used against him, and yes, they violate the rules on the SF-312.]

So what does it mean to his acolytes? Simple, if they have a security clearance already, then they are also misrepresenting the language on their own SF-312. And that means that THEY are not abiding by the rules that govern having a security clearance. If they are condoning this behavior, what does it says about THEIR Trustworthiness, Loyalty, and Character? Trump’s behavior is in fact going against the rules that govern the SF-312. And if they would say, “well Fuck the SF-312” – then that is setting a negative precedent for EVERYBODY with a security clearance today (and before in the last 75 years) that the rules are unenforceable and constitute a free for all. And that is what makes it so dangerous. And no, it is not a free for all, anybody who breaks those rules will be prosecuted. I should emphasize that.

Most people with a security clearance today understand their duties and responsibly to safeguard classified information. We are just asking Trump’s acolytes with a security clearance to do the same. These classified documents problem is a lot bigger than just Trump. There is no witch hunt, there is no bias against him, or even abhorrence against Trump. He signed the SF-312, he acknowledged the consequences for breaking the rules. Yet, he is admitting to breaking the rules every other day on National Television. It is just cause and effect. He’s been held to the same standard any person with a clearance has been held to.

If you don’t have a security clearance, then you likely never had to sign any of these documents Trump had to sign. And because of that lack of knowledge, it is easier to conclude this is not such a big deal, or that it is overhyped. Unfortunately, that is a wrong assumption. If you’re a Trump fan, sorry to tell you all this. It does not make me happy either. Everybody makes mistakes, but Trump is holding on to a battle he cannot [and should not even attempt to] win. Because it involves the entire world by virtue of the compromise to National Security and Defense. Even if in his mind was as simple (as in no big deal) as having copious amounts of classified documents mixed along with his personal crap in unsecured boxes, that is in fact a crime!

A quick search engine search will tell you that there are tons of requirements and procedures when it comes to classified information (even if they won’t get into details, but it will be understandable that it is a complex process). And that is the tip of the iceberg. The highest office in the land has to be the most proficient in handling this sensitive information. Period. Trump, for whatever reason thought it was ok for him to be negligent about it, but now he’s facing the consequences he agreed to when he signed the SF-312.



HLC Trump Mar a Lago bathroom classified documents webThese boxes are part of the evidence for Trump indictment because they contain unsafely stored classified documents and were found in Mar A Lago (Trump's current residence) 

Cause and effect


The Republican party touts itself the party of Law and Order and personal responsibility. Bottom line, Trump signed the SF-312 and agreed to the terms and conditions that are stipulated to protect us all (because of national security). He broke the rules, therefore he is to be held accountable. Personal responsibility.

And for all his acolytes with a clearance, if they condone this behavior, they are overtly agreeing that these rules in the SF-312 don’t apply to them either. And that is also a criminal offense, and according to the rules their own security clearances should be reviewed and possibly suspended or revoked. Yes, because bad judgement against the rules is negatively impacting their Trustworthiness, Loyalty, and Character.

And finally for all his acolytes without a clearance, if they condone that behavior, they are in-fact being instrumental in condoning Trump’s mishandling of classified information. And that means condoning a crime. And yes, that makes our country weaker. Let Trump own his mistake, nobody is perfect, but this is a HUGE fuck-up indeed.

For all of us who do not condone what Trump has done in violation of National Defense, and what his acolytes condone about Trumps actions – we understand that this is a lot bigger than Trump. And I must emphasize that condemning Trumps actions when it comes to classified information is bipartisan. Many of Trump’s former cabinet members and his own party (Republican party) are pointing towards their party principles of Law and Order and Personal Responsibly.

If you are a Trump fan, do you truly understand the full scope of why this indictment is such a big deal? If not, you’re in luck, I wrote a few articles explaining these in a factual manner. Sadly, it is a big deal. Sorry that Trump is not telling you the full story. Read the SF-312 I linked and listen to what Trump is claiming. You will realize the obvious. He fucked up, sadly, and if we are all intellectually honest, Republicans are supposed to in favor of personal responsibility. I know it might break some Trump-train fans heart that he made a grave mistake.

Nobody is perfect, but this is too big of a mistake to overlook. It is the most aggravating leak of highly classified documents in American history. Not just by virtue of the level of classification, but because it is also attributed to a U.S. President.

Is it unprecedented that a former U.S. President is being indicted under this crime? Yes. Unprecedented that Trump is the first one to fuck it up at this level when it comes to classified information? Also yes, sadly.

YOU, my dear Trump-fan did not commit this classified document violation (hopefully). It was all Trump (whether by mistake or willfully – Afterall he’s claiming as much in national television and his own social media), but at the end of the day he agreed to the rules when he accepted the Presidency job. Having a clearance is part of the President’s job, and protecting this sensitive information in accordance with regulation is integral to keeping this Presidential job. He fucked up, he disqualified himself from this presidential job. You didn’t do that… that was on him. HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

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