
Today in America | 23 JUL 2023…

Today in America | 23 JUL 2023…

Who wins when the collective population is artificially dummied down? Adversarial forces, that’s who. And the way it happens can go unnoticed by most people.


Many predictions I made are coming to pass

Who would have known, right? Well, a lot of us noticed the writing on the wall for years. And yes, I am talking about the inevitable legal progression of court cases piling over the Former U.S. President Trump. And also, we get to see a lot of the expected reactions from the Republican-Majority U.S. House of Representatives, and the committee hearings that seem to be centered around of the support for former Republican President (Trump) and the discrediting of the incumbent Democratic President (Biden). In other words, does the country seems politicized? It would be naïve to say it is not politicized. Let’s see why.



Things in the new cycle are not as random as some people might think


Granted that for the bulk of the American population thinking about the national discourse can be very taxing, overwhelming, boring, exasperating, frustrating, futile, unimportant, crucial, historic, patriotic, disheartening, and so on. Yes, I very much realize that these reactions are very diverse and all over the spectrum. That is the point. Right now in our American history there are different segments of the population who are consuming a different part of the media-wars equation. And based on that, their understanding (or even interest) about how politics play a role in their lives can range from none-at-all, to as extremely important to them.

Both extremes may be problematic. But even in the shades of gray in between these extremes there is a lot of room for misinformation and propagandistic actors who are willing and ready to fill a lot of knowledge gaps. And it is happening, it has been happening and will continue happening if we remain unaware of our reality; and more importantly the context that brough us to this point in our history. And yes, I know that this might be overwhelming for many… to even think about catching up with all this informational backlog. And sadly, many would prefer living in the same manner they are accustomed because of that “reality.” That logical fallacy is better known as willful ignorance.

One of the reasons why I started this blog/platform ( was because I have a lot to say. And although what I am writing here has been also told to an air-breathing person (or rather, to many people) – in person, this message seems to resonate more and more with the younger generation. Why is that important? Because they will inherit this planet… along with any achievements and potential negative aftermath that derives from our collective actions, these actions we are enacting upon today.

And when you stop and think about that even for a minute, you will realize the obvious. Hopefully we will all age gracefully, and as we become older and brittle, the next generation will make a lot of decisions on our behalf, much like the current generations of people in power are making collective decisions over all our lives through party lines. And that is the key concept I want to address here, party lines. If you have been paying attention to American politics in the last several years, you would have noticed that this non-partisan decisions over key policies have been more and more polarized. In very simplified terms that is an indicator that actual dialog between dissenting parties is at a stand-still, or null and void.

This is important because under this construct legislators are either all in or out with their party’s polices, even if these policies are far from optimal to their constituents and the rest of the country. And yes, many of those will have very negative lasting effects. We’ll talk more about that in a moment with actual examples. But that of course leaves an important question on the table. What are we doing right now about that situation? Who is we? We the everyday people, constituents, and general public? Particularly those who are able to vote – still or will be the next generation of voters. Every year, exceedingly sizable portion of the population will reach voting age. Likewise, another sizable part of the population will not vote for several reasons. Some because they don’t want to, some because they are not authorized to do so, and of course life is a cycle, some voters would have died before the next election for one reason or the other.

And yes, this is important in Today’s America. Today – as I write this is Sunday, July 23, 2023. And there has been no shortage of news that are ranging from the bizarre to the downright dangerous as we move into the next election season. The problem is that a lot of people are not even remotely aware of these dangers, and more importantly they don’t care to know or learn about this looming peril. This willful ignorance gives tacit consent to somebody who is actually paying attention – for better or for worse – with a nefarious agenda or not – to make decisions on their behalf. And if you guessed that these attentive people’s decisions do not tend to have everybody’s best intentions in mind, then you’re correct.



Making the population dumber and celebrating this destructive paradigm

Even in the national discourse… scratch that… I would say, especially in the national discourse this dumbing of the population is very evident. And yes, it has been years in the making. But for some of us who have been measuring this rhetoric, we are not one bit surprised. It is disturbing, and the trend obviously did not fix itself. Not that we could have expect it would fix on its own, but rather it is more startling that the dumbing of the population continues to spread like wildfire. Yes, the rate of acceleration for this dumbing of the population is increasing, and it is up to the newer generations to be smarter and better prepared. Whomever is inheriting this world must be smarter than the older generations ever were, because their decisions will affect us all. Remember, this generation’s attentions are today’s richest currency.

A smart generation understands that that we can make a prosper future for everybody, without disenfranchising others. It is easy to have a group succeed at the expense of another group, it takes a truly smart group to be all-encompassing while respecting each other’s individuality, and our human-rights in pursuit in becoming the persons we are meant to be.

Unfortunately, the loudest and less informed people in many world-societies seem to gain a lot of clout in today’s society. And there is plenty of them spreading like wildfire. Empirical facts have been replaced by often-misinformed opinions. Common sense somehow has turned into a superpower of sorts. And those who are providing sensible assessments in the midst of this madness seem to be marginalized, whilst the inevitable negative aftermath percolates and becomes a normalized reality for us all. Much like a cult-like behavior. It that is not disturbing to you, it should be. Why? Because it will affect you sooner than later, and without your consent to do anything about it until it is too late.

And yes, some people might thing that this assertion is too hyperbolic. But is it? I wish it was, I can tell you that much. We have had a system that has been condoning misinformation and enhancing the clout of charlatans and other half-witted parroting cynics. And yes, that might sound harsh to some, but the truth is that this is not the time in our history to be oblivious to the dangers of being the one who is ignorant to the chaos that surround us. Ignorance is not bliss, it is tacit consent for others to potentially that advantage of the misinformed, and the ill-informed people.

Paradoxically, it is not all that hard to figure out if somebody is pulling a fast one on you… if you can see the pattens and signs from a great distance – if you know what to look for. Sure, the combinations to bring to the final end-state are seemingly infinite, but the truth is that there are certain steps that will have to occur in a semi-consistent basis. Of course, as with anything of actual value, it takes experience and know-how.

It is easy to fall in the trap of a “black and white” binary paradigm. It is designed to seem that “straight cut.” But that could in-fact become the catalyst to have otherwise good people exploited by a nefarious actor. And the most sinister part of it is that the victims would feel that the actual truth is counter intuitive. That is why you see a lot of people endorsing very dangerous narratives so fervently. Their decision-making is based on flawed data. Hence their calculation is going to be erroneous. It is not a bug; it is a feature on this paradigm. There are millions of combinations to make this alternative reality can end up happening, but there will be certain patterns. And it takes experience to understand this process.

Which begs the question. Who is actually controlling the narrative? Well, as thought it would not be frustratingly confusing enough, it can be bunch of people or entities. They all have something in common. It is convenient for them (those controlling the narrative) to have a segment of the population misinformed as a means to gain and keep their “loyalty.” Any time you witness dissent or political circus, always ask yourself this question: Who benefits from this spectacle? Whatever this spectacle might be. Surprisingly to some, loyal constituents from a demagog are actually not benefiting from this person-in-power, this person who enjoys the constituent’s loyalty. Regardless of who elected them, elected representatives in all branches of government have to look after the wellbeing of all their constituents. Not just the Democrats or Republicans respectively under their party of choice.

Not just because a politician is elected under a particular ticket (being Democrat or Republican) means that it gives them card blanche to do whatever unsavory deed they feel like doing to those constituents from the opposite political party. Elected leaders are supposed to use their power to improve the lives of all constituents under their purview. Therefore, disenfranchising any constituent because of political dissention is by definition not taking care of all constituents under them.

Also, if a politician has so much free time to appear, or even host podcasts and TV shows, and make their own TV shows, rallies, appearances, and a bunch of other things away from their district. Then it begs the question… what the hell are they doing for their actual constituents?

For example, let’s say hypothetically, if a Congress Person from Georgia is going to and supporting political rallies in California, how is that directly taking care of their own constituents in Georgia? Sure, that some would argue because they are building a coalition for their political party… but then again… should not that time, effort, and money (because those trips are expensive as Fuck) be used to actually serve the people in their own districts or constituency? To put in context, one of such events could represent the yearly income for several constituents that need it the most. Food for thought.

When I first started writing this article, I wanted to give specific examples of what is going on the national discourse, but to be honest – there is too much to talk about. And because so much time has elapsed, it might be a moot point. I do intent to talk about those topics individually. Some will go for my Patreon because of the more poignant topics. Not my choice, but for example, a Congresswoman essentially showed explicit images in Capitol Hill from in a way that can best be described as politically charged revenge porn. Look out for that article and more in Patreon.

But this goes to point out the crux of what I am writing here. We have been dummying so much our people that inevitably we will see more of these bizarre spectacles in our American History. I was just looking at the news today, and there is so much to talk, and so many touches on the topic for this article. Tomorrow will be another day, and I am sure that I will be just as intrigued about how disturbingly bizarre things keep getting. HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

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