
Today in America | 10 SEP 2023…

Today in America | 10 SEP 2023…

The President of the United States of America must hold the highest standards of conduct. This RICO criminal case is a huge deal in our American History.


I’ve been wanting to write this article for a while now

Yes, this is about Former U.S. President Trump 4th Indictment. This time 13 out the 41 criminal charges related to election interreference in Fulton County, Georgia. This is yet another part of what is known as “The Big Lie” where Trump asserted that he won the presidency in 2020. He did not, and this gigantic indictment goes into painstaking detail. Former President Trump has been arrested [yet again] along with many co-conspirators. Him and all others are currently out on bail with many conditions for their release before their court dates. Violations to these agreements could result in Trump incarceration until trial.

Before we move any further, please check the link below to read the indictment. It is quite long. If you decide to read this article before reading the indictment that is fine too. But reading it first will give more context to what I’m speaking of in this article.



Read Trump's 4th Criminal Indictment here

Trump Fulton County Criminal Indictment 14 AUG 2023

This document connects to the Fulton County Superior Court in Georgia, USA 



Welcome back!


This court document, like the others Jack Smith’s team has prepared before, is very easy to read even if you’re not an attorney, except that it is super long. But, then again, there is plenty to digest for this high-profile case. As a reminder, Former U.S. President Trump and all the co-conspirators indicted are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. At the moment of this article, they all pleaded not guilty and they are pending trial. Some of them requested speedy trial dates, and the court accepted this proposal.

Not everybody, but mainly Trump is happy about speeding up the trial date.



Where to start?


There’s so much to talk about in this case that, literally as I type this, more information is coming out to light from co-defendants and a bunch of twists and turns that add to the story. Note that I said “add” and not “change.” Instead of citing everything point by point- otherwise this article would be a book with many volumes- I will instead do my best to put some context.

It’s sort of like a chronical on what is going on in America around this time in our history and why this is important.

First, a few key dates. Trump’s fourth indictment occurred on filing and is dated August 14, 2023.  He was arrested in Fulton County, Georgia on August 24, 2023. Trump’s infamous mug shot has already been used as a political football, and even more [unsurprisingly] as a fundraising tool for Trump himself.

If you have read any of my previous articles, then you know that I am neither a fan nor a foe when it comes to Trump. If I was writing the facts I am writing today, and you insert any other name that was not Trump I would give them the same courtesy. I just happen to mention Trump because it is Trump who is in the main defendant in all these criminal cases brought against his conduct. Because this is such an unprecedented situation, I have no choice but to talk about this situation as a functional adult living in this era.

The reason why I started the series Today in America in my blog is because of the important historical value when Trump, as a U.S. President, was facing accountability for his actions based on the impeachment. This, of course, was also part of the timeline when it came to the insurrection on January 6, and all the many criminal charges against him. This series is an important distinction from other topics I cover because it will affect us for generations to come.

Yes, Trump love him or hate him, will affect the United States of America and the world at large for generations to come. Some might feel elated about it, some will be terrified about it. I want you to be informed to the point it sparks your curiosity, and you can do more research on your own.

As with my other articles, this will help us put some context in the timeline. Trust me, it might not be tomorrow when we reach the end of this saga– but all that is documented here will help us remember the pages of history. Yes, I know that some of Today in America does not only cover Trump, but also some additional American and often Right-Wing circumstances. All of those articles are related. And yes, if this was a Left-Wing situation, I would be more than happy to document that as well. But like it or not, unfortunately Right-Wing politics are in the spotlight because of some situations that are long-term and not beneficial to our country. The saddest part is that, perhaps unintentionally, Right-Wing fans are supporting rhetoric that is actually beneficial to regimes that do not have the United Sates of America’s best interests in mind.

Don’t get mad at me for that assertion. Read the talking points that are being sent from more extreme sides of the Right-Wing aisle and compare those with adversarial nations’ talking points. Don’t take my word for it, do it. Look what are their views on gun control, on climate, on economy, on immigration, on who they prefer as a political candidate, on what is more beneficial to them. It points out the obvious, yes, that some of the good hearts from the right have been high jacked by some adversarial nations and actors, and they are prostituting those patriotic feelings and fervor against their own best interests. That is why these judgements against Trump and his co-defendants are so important to the Geo-Political stability of our entire world.



Criminal conduct allegations are backed up with evidence

You don’t need to like the any prosecutor such as Jack Smith in order to understand what his duties and responsibilities in an unbiased manner are. Trump sure as hell does not like him, but why? And I am not talking about the obvious, which is that he is prosecuting Trump and the co-defendants. But the question should be, why is Trump being prosecuted in the first place? The answer is easy, because there are copious amounts of evidence for criminal offenses that bear his name. Sure, that it is unusual and unprecedented that a former U.S. President has been arrested and indicted several times. Trump is also the first president to be twice impeached and that has led a group of people to storm Capitol Hill. And has a rap sheet that is longer than most other people charged with criminal offenses. That is significant.

How do we know that? Well, for example, because there have been hundreds of prosecutions and convictions that stemmed from January 6, 2021, that pointed Trump as the catalyst for the insurrection. Trump might be able to express to his own social media platform “Truth Social”, as well as friendly-talking heads, a narrative that will paint a particular picture in the court of public opinion. But it is a much different situation when it comes to painting the same picture in a court of law. Trump, until now, and throughout his presidency was able to get away with a lot more than any other President has been able to get away with in U.S. History.

And that is saying a lot, because not every previous U.S. President was a super cool dude. We had some crazy dudes in office in American History.

What is happening right now is not surprising to anybody who has been paying attention with an objective point of view. And by objective, I mean that I don’t take left nor right talking points from talking heads at face value, but rather by seeing and analyzing the evidence. And it is not hard to find plenty of evidence, no matter how desperately his acolytes try to conceal it. For example, on January 6th, there are literally thousands of independent video footage feeds showing the violence that Trump regalia-bearers enacted against Congress. And yes, some of those videos were filmed by these very same Trump regalia-bearers. A lot of them got prosecuted and many ended up, or are currently serving time, in Federal prison.

So, it is not a matter of asking “IF” it happened because there is plenty of empirical evidence, to include real-time photographical and high-resolution video evidence that it very much did happen, whatever the indictments claim to have happened. The question is how they are going to be able to prove it in court, as there are many twists and turns when it comes to navigating the legal statutes. In other words, it comes to the skill of the attorneys and the technicalities that could derail an entire case.

And if you have been following this saga for a while, then you are sure to identify the many problematic double-edge situations attorneys had to face on either side. There seems to be a common denominator and that is that Trump tends to not pay their attorneys, especially if they do not win a case.

Case in point, Rudy Guiliani, who is also a co-defendant in Trump’s last case and who also was arrested in connection to many counts. He was reportedly begging Trump to help him cover his mounting legal fees. Guiliani also lost his D.C. Bar (law) license because of his involvement with Trump and for the fact that he brought more than 60 cases in connection with the election alleging voter fraud- and won zero cases. The cases were considered frivolous. And, of course, not winning even one case does not help his credibility on this case.

Guiliani claims that he is proud to have served under Trump, and that might very well be the case. I have a suspicion that Trump might have a lot more leverage on Guiliani if he decides to flip. We know that Guiliani tends to put his foot in his mouth a lot. There are plenty of examples of that on national television to attest to that claim.

So, it will be a very interesting case to see how it evolves. Of course, the situation is not as straight forward because Trump is running for reelection to the Presidency of the United States. And, because of the 14th Amendment in the U.S. Constitution, many States are now challenging the premise to have Trump’s name in their respective state’s ballot. In other words, they won’t be able to certify that he is eligible to run for the presidency because of the insurrection for which he has been prosecuted.



Can Trump even run for the U.S. Presidency again?


This is what the 14th Amendment states in section 1-5, the provision in question pertains to section 3 under the 14th Amendment:


Section 1
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Section 2
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Section 3
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Section 4
The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Section 5
The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

Many constitutional scholars are pointing to the fact that Trump’s own actions rendered him ineligible to run for office. Any office, let alone the highest office in the land. And of course, for the presidency of the United States of America, you would think that you need some very high credentials to command the most influential nation in the planet, right? Well, not so much…



This is what you need to seek the US Presidency:


  1. You need to be a natural born citizen. So, for example, I personally cannot run for President of the United States because I was born in the Republic of Ecuador, even though I am an American citizen.

  2. You need to be at least 35 years old and reside in the U.S. for at least 14 years.

  3. You cannot be charged with treason or insurrection against the U.S. of A. Yeah, that one, that is all Trump. If he would have let the transition of power pass peacefully as it has always been passed since the U.S. became a nation, then it would have been all good. But he didn’t so here we are having this conversation.


Is this case, is it just as easy as I stated? Absolutely not, that’s why we are still dealing with this situation. For example, there are literally days, if not weeks' worth of real-time footage of Trump inciting his followers to march to the Capitol and condone violence. There are videos, photographs, transcripts, phone calls, video calls, receipts, and literally thousands of eyewitnesses, among a bunch more evidence. So where is the disconnect?

If it was not obvious, we have partisans on every issue. And those partisan supporters, if fervent enough, will fight any potential avenue to argue their point of view even if the argument is futile. But that is where it gets scarier. The argument does not matter at all if a person is already convinced of a lie and want to believe it regardless of any evidence. In fact, the reality of the situation will become counter-intuitive because what they are experiencing was specifically designed to mess with their perception of reality. In other words, it is not even their target audience’s fault that they are seeing something that might seem sensible to them. But that is why propaganda is such a wicked art form. It uses the good values of a person and turns it upside down in order to convince them from a false reality. And yes, it works very well as it is designed.

The more cynical these followers are in their misperception, the better. Because that will make them feel more and more endowed with what they consider “the truth.” But the fact is that if they would be afforded the ACTUAL truth from the outlets and talking heads they trust, then they would not support them. That is why the outlets they consume will present a very edited version of the facts and some half-baked explanation to something of importance, but in a way that makes no sense if held to close scrutiny- even if the end resultant message for the audience is incoherent. Hence, they will attack anybody who tries to subject these claims to a coherent level of scrutiny.

Instead, talking points and buzz words are inserted throughout the day and throughout the same networks and communication mediums their target audience consumes. And, of course, these platitudes will be parroted as though they were an analysis that happened in the mind of the unsuspecting supporter of this false narrative. Sometimes it is very subtle, but lately it has been pretty on the nose. For many people who have bought into that narrative, it is pretty much what is needed in order to make these crazy platitudes remain effective.


The problem is that when a narrative is false it is not sustainable, period. A lot of this narrative has been losing traction- if not with the actual hard-liner Trump Republicans, but with the more moderate Republicans and most definitely with the swing voters and Democrats. So, why is it important as the election comes near for the Republican party in particular? Two important reasons:

Reason #1. Because they will destroy their own party under party differences. In other words, the worst critical enemies of Republicans are Republicans, themselves. For example, throwing epithets against less-than-radical Republicans such as RINOs, which is an acronym that means “Republicans In Name Only”. In other words, the Grand Old Party, or GOP, is heavily fragmented between the so called MAGA (Make America Great Again) Republicans and pretty much everybody else.

Reason #2. The Republican party has been losing tons of seats in the last three elections. The candidates that are in the Republican Primary seeking the Nomination for President of the United States are largely not viable candidates in the eyes of most swing and democratic voters. And since the Republican party is fragmented inside, that alone will destroy a lot of their voting base and force them to choose the “lesser evil” which could very well come in the form of a Democrat. And no, vilifying Biden might not work either because Biden is very much to the left of the right in the political spectrum. That is just one [of many] reasons why other Democrats were attacking Biden when he was seeking the nomination as the nominee for the left, yet he won by a pretty larger margin.



The bid for Republican Vice-President

I watched as much as I could from the first Republican Primary Debate that was hosted by Fox News on August 23, 2023. Unsurprisingly, Trump did not participate in the debate even though he is running again for President of the United States. Just think about that for a second- how, and why, would a person seeking a job interview for the highest office in the land not want to show up to said interview? That is essentially what these debates are all about. Sure, those who want to vote for Trump already made up their minds well before the debate was even planned. But that is not everybody who is voting in the next Presidential election.

However, as counter intuitive as this might sound it was a clever move for Trump not to show up to this debate. Why? Because now he can cloak on possible deniability and even his opponents running for the nomination cannot attack him directly on live television. With Trump embroiled in so many legal cases, he would have been a target by at least some of the candidates to say something that would compromise his conditional release out of jail until trial. With that being said, although not all, there are many on that stage who seemed to be running for Vice President, and not President based on their answers and tenor towards Trump. That was evident when there was a question to stop the legal proceedings Trump is undergoing. Most of the candidates essentially condoned Trump’s actions, even if they have spoken against the actual crimes he has allegedly committed. It was clear to me that they were also trying to pander to the MAGA Republicans.

But it was even more complex than simple pandering; it was actually a bit horrifying watching this debate because a lot of the candidates did not have a clear grasp of actual Geo-Political sensitivities, and other important national security issues- such as climate change, or the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Yes, climate change is very real, and it is a national security issue that is being monitored by the U.S. Government. A lot of other countries who push propaganda asserting that climate change is not a problem is because climate change benefits them directly. And no, these are not countries that have the United States of America’s best interest at heart. In other words, we had plenty of Republican candidates for the presidential ticket nomination that are, in fact, parroting adversarial propaganda talking points!

As these topics have become politicized, the actual crux of the argument goes missing in their constituent’s radar. Why do you think we get a lot of very terrible candidates gaining traction and running for office? If you realized that it is because adversarial forces are pushing propaganda and shoring some people who don’t know their ass from their head, trying to dumb the rest of us down with rhetoric that is contrary to our best interests, then you would be correct.

The saddest part is that this rhetoric will be so well crafted that for those unsuspecting victims (which, to be honest, can be any of us whenever targeted by a propagandist) would find it counter-intuitive to fight that realization of being fed bullshit. It is designed to be that way, and it is working as designed. For the U.S. at this time in our history they are targeting a certain segment of the Republican Party, and to a lesser extent some segments of the Democratic Party. Why? Because, at this point, the Democratic party has doctrines that are inconvenient to other adversarial forces that don’t want the U.S. to be number one on the world stage anymore.

If you go to a different country today, the left side of the political spectrum is targeted by the propagandists because- in that particular country- that would be inconvenient to the adversarial nations. Go to other countries and the right will also be targeted, much like in the U.S. In other words, if you did not realize it, the adversary does not give a crap about what your political doctrines mean to you- not at all. They see who is more avid about spewing talking points and platitudes and move rhetoric into action in a way that is convenient to them. In fact, adversarial nations that do not want the U.S. to remain number one are Extreme Right and Extreme Left, respectively. It is not a matter of if you have party loyalty towards your political animal logo of choice in the U.S. (the elephant or the donkey), but rather how willing you are to disconnect yourself from reality in order to succumb to partisan voting despite your actual best interests.

I realize that what I am saying in this article might seem very abstract to many readers. It is meant to be that way. It is in the abstract where the adversarial forces thrive. They want us to see the world in a black and white manner when in reality it is a dynamic gradient. It is easier to hide a nefarious agenda if you put in some close-ended talking points. That is exactly what is happening in our political discourse right now, and it has been brewing for years. If you have been realizing that candidates are getting weirder and weirder, that is a consequence of this situation going into overdrive. We have not seen it to this degree so much in the U.S., but this has a very robust proven track record in other nations. In other words, what we are seeing is nothing new in the world, only new to the U.S., relatively speaking.

Case in point, adversarial nations back in 2020 and in 2016 were very happy about Trump being elected President of the United States of America. Why do you think that is? In 2020, adversarial nations were touting that the “Big Lie” was amplifying misinformation that the U.S. 2020 election was stolen. Why do you think adversarial nations which do not want the U.S. to be number one in the world were so happy to see Trump back in office? If Trump was indeed a force to reckon with, they would have not wanted him in office because that would be contrary to their anti-American agenda.

I can tell you that they were not happy about Biden getting elected, and they sure as hell were against Hillary Clinton. It is easier to spark some animosity among the very vocal constituents while they are engaged with heart and soul towards whatever or whomever they feel that speaks for them. That is propaganda. It is designed to speak to you in a way that will create a visceral response even though these messages have been implanted very gradually, and in some instances over a number of years. Most importantly, via sources you implicitly trust and respect. For example, church congregations, family circles, relatives, teachers, friends, co-workers, parents, etc. They can’t all be wrong, right? Yes, they can. It is designed to be like that. Propaganda is not a small operation, it is a gigantic monster whose tentacles reach so far that you would not realize it until it is too late. That is why I say we can all be vulnerable to that if we are not careful.

I wrote an entire book about authoritarianism and propaganda. I will advertise it whenever it is ready to release. I just need time to get the publishing process completed. My goal is to release it sometime before this year [2023] ends. It would make a good Christmas or Black Friday gift (wink, wink)! I’ll put a link over here as well when the book is finally released.

But, back on the topic, the “Big Lie” is CONVENIENT to America’s adversaries! Simply put, saying that the most influential country in the world is flawed when it comes to democracy and the integrity of our elections, as well as the checks and balances, gives card blanche to other nations to point the finger against the U.S. in their own propaganda broadcasting this banner:

“The USA is not as good as they claim they are.” – adversarial nation of choice.

That gives the adversarial nation a chance to justify to other nations and their own people that whatever authoritarian system they have, that is what should be the norm for the rest of the world.



In other words, the “Big Lie” (Trump’s claim that the election he lost was stolen) has gigantic Geo-Political ramifications. The sad fact is that a lot of people in the U.S. do not give a $#!^$ about other countries or can even point out other countries on a map, or even name a country on a blank map. Wanna bet? Here, below, I added a blank map of the world. How many countries can you identify and name? Be honest. Not with me, but with yourself.


HLC Blank World Map web

Blank World Map



If any person has a problem doing this simple task, that is a vulnerability that allows adversarial nations to thrive. Because this lack of interest on world events or anything else outside our borders creates a perception to the rest of the world that we are not interested in their wellbeing, let alone their security. Yet, these countries are looking up to the U.S. as the leader in the world. Then the question for the propagandist to propagate is easy:

“Why should the rest of the world care about the U.S. if the U.S. does not care about the rest of the world? – adversarial nation of choice.”

And, for countries that are on the fence about the U.S. being number one, they would still like to know if Americans know they exist.

Using the blank map of the world in this article, let’s throw a few softball questions. Some of these countries are of pivotal importance to the U.S. and, while some might be considered adversarial, some might be considered allies. Can you identify which one is which? I won’t give the answers in this article because I don’t want to be targeted by an authoritarian regime, but let’s see how well you do. The answers are intended to gain introspection. This pop quiz is what the rest of the world that is looking up to the U.S. is hoping we, as a nation, understand in order to retain their support.


Please point each listed country in the map and say (to yourself) if they are allied or adversary (and why):

  • Ukraine
  • Belarus
  • Russia
  • Argentina
  • Honduras
  • El Salvador
  • Yemen
  • China
  • North Korea
  • South Korea
  • Japan
  • Vietnam
  • Germany
  • Finland
  • Lithuania
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Iran
  • Kuwait
  • Bahrain
  • Colombia
  • Venezuela
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Great Britain
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Canada


How well did you do? The answer on this pop quiz is for you only to know the score. If you had some trouble with that, then you, My Dear Reader, could be potentially vulnerable to propaganda by adversarial nations. Propagandistic efforts only get more complicated from here. The United States of America is still the most influential country in the world, but that also implies that whoever is alive today must remain in vanguard, understanding the intricacies of the world in order to remain the leader world-wide.

Sure, some might assert, “Why the hell should I care about the rest of the world. I only care about America.” And, for anybody who states, “America First.”- sure, let’s test that hypothesis. Let’s start with another pop quiz that includes a question that many immigrants need to answer in order to become a U.S. citizen.



Using this blank map of the Continental U.S. please point and name the 13 original colonies.


HLC Blank USA Map web

Blank USA Map


How well did you do? If your answer was, “This is a trick question because some of the states looked a bit different during colonial times,” then, congratulations, you are onto something as far as American history goes. But, speaking of the 13 colonies, that is a question we expect immigrants to know and answer in an oral test to become American citizens.

Let’s see how well we do, first with the 13 colonies and then with some additional questions we expect our immigrants to learn in order to join the fabric of American Society. And, yes, naturalized U.S. citizens like me know the answers to these questions. I’ll put all answers on my Patreon page.


Question #1. Name all 48 contiguous states in the Continental U.S. in the blank map provided in this article. No peeking away from the article!

Question #2. Name the 49th and 50th state in the U.S. and point those in the blank world map provided in this article.

Question #3. Name all the territories around the world that belong to the United States. I’ll give you one example- Guam. Can you identify all the other 15 U.S. territories? Yes, the U.S. has 16 territories.

Question #4. Name all the territories in the Continental U.S. that were part of the Confederacy during the American Civil War.

Question #5. Why do you think I am asking all these questions? I’ll answer this last one for you.


Because understanding our history matters and understanding our situational awareness matters. That’s because the adversary is getting smarter every day and they are pushing talking points to us in order to make us fight against one another. For any person who is very vocal about all kinds of stuff they think they understand about the political discourse, then these basic questions should be very easy to answer. If these questions are not easy to answer by this person, then this same person is likely to believe some “pseudo patriotic” information that is pure bullshit. The propagandist efforts are designed to be that way. Bullshit is presented in a way that is very palatable, but it is destroying us from the inside. That is unfortunately happening at this point in our history. But we can change that grim reality.

That is why I said that these questions are not meant to be answered for me, they are meant to be answered for yourself. And please be honest with your answers- not to me, but to yourself. In the end, I know the answers to all those questions. By knowing historical context, I can also identify propaganda miles away. My intent is not to put any reader on the spot. For all I know, my readers likely found these questions very easy to answer. Yes, they are actually very easy questions.

But adversaries would want you to believe that these softball questions are very hard, and you should feel offended for someone even asking such questions (or even put you “on the spot” for daring to ask). That faux outrage is all part of propaganda. We, as Americans, can only remain the best country in the world by uniting. That is in our name- the UNITED States of America. We don’t let the adversary divide us, even if the division is propagated by the majority of Americans.



So, how does this tie to Trump’s indictments?

If we miss the train on this legal reality at this time in our history, then we are going to lose a lot more than just a legal case in the courts. What is at stake in these proceedings account for a Geo-Political nightmare at a global scale, as I mentioned before. Trump, or anybody else for that matter, is required to be held to the same standards under the law as any other person in the United States.

Right now, there are states contesting under the 14th Amendment to take Trump’s name off the ballot. That will likely be fought in court. Then, other states will go the other way and put Trump’s name on the ballot despite the language on the 14th Amendment of The Constitution of the United States of America. In this case, it is likely going to be resolved by the Supreme Court of the United States of America (SCOTUS) and SCOTUS is also divided six to three when it comes to the number of Justices, with the majority being conservative judges.

So that begs the question, thus far, the last high-profile SCOTUS cases were decided on a 6-3 party line ratio. What will be their verdict for this case if it reaches that high? Will SCOTUS allow Trump to run despite the constitutional conundrum as stated in the 14th Amendment? We have never had a U.S. President being accused of a crime, let alone 91 criminal charges all together. This indictment, in particular, are crimes linked to the insurrection with more than 41 combined with other defendants' charges, alone.

It is being reported that Trump’s legal team is trying to delay the trials as much as possible. This would allow Trump to potentially gain the Republican ticket nomination and become a Presidential Candidate against the Democratic nominee- which, as of now, seems to be the incumbent U.S. President Joe Biden. That means that if Trump is the Republican nominee, then he would be facing Biden again. But let’s not forget that Trump did not win against Biden in 2020. In fact, he lost by a pretty wide margin, despite the fact that Trump got the most votes as a sitting President. He just did not get as many as Biden did.

In 2016, Trump won via the Electoral College but lost to Clinton in the popular vote. Clinton had about a 2.3 million votes lead over Trump. When Trump faced Biden, Trump lost both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote. In the following elections, candidates endorsed by Trump underperformed significantly during the next elections at all levels, which included losing the Senate. That means that there are plenty of people all over the country who are not onboard voting for Trump or Trump-like candidates.

Sure, he has a very vocal loyal base, however dwindling, of hard-core supporters. But remember that Trump already threw a bunch of them under the bus after the January 6 insurrection by disavowing them when, or if, they became inconvenient. In fact, Trump called his supporters Antifa, or other groups that were not right-wing at all. So, people went to prison for Trump, and he let them deal with that alone. Many of them have flipped on Trump. There are no shortages of criminal prosecutions where the defendants said something along the lines that “Trump told me to do it” as part of their defense for the insurrection. Trump also has not been very kind to his co-defendants. And I would not be surprised if at least a few of them flip on him as the legal bills start to mount.

Again, I don’t want you to be fixated on the fact that I am mentioning Trump. I am mentioning a person who committed many criminal acts as stipulated in the many documents provided on public record. In other words, the indictments. You can read them all of them on my website. I am not asking you to take my word for it. I am just affording my readers an opportunity to read the indictments on their own and understand what is at stake behind my commentary.

As you read through the indictments, just realize that a prosecutor cannot make stuff up. That would result in a mistrial, and it would defeat the entire premise for the case. If there is an indictment by the Department of Justice (DOJ), it is because there is plenty of evidence to support those allegations. These allegations point to prosecutorial statutes that affect the entire country, not only Trump and his co-defendants.

Why does it affect the entire country? Because Trump was the 45th U.S. President and he sets a precedent that the rest of the civilized world finds problematic. Even if some Americans don’t give a damn about the rest of the world, the United States of America is part of this planet- therefore part of this world and consequently we have vested interests in ensuring that the planet where the United States exists (and that includes the territories all over the world) are safe. There is a reason why the United States of America is the most influential country in the world, right now.

Who will be the next number one country in this world is up for grabs, and the closest competitors do not hold a warm spot in their hearts for the U.S. It is obvious to me that a lot of the GOP presidential candidates have missed that memo, but I know my readers are a lot more cultured than most of those candidates. I don’t know how far my words will travel, but I have a feeling that my readers are the kind of people who will make a positive difference by distinguishing reality from the propagandistic bullshit being fed far and wide inside our great nation. HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

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