
Threads Restoring my faith in humanity…

Threads Restoring my faith in humanity…

The social media world is a lot like high school, except that sometimes it can be a lot worse. And much like each institution they all have their unique vibe.


Admittedly, I am fairly new to the many intricacies of social media. Each one is a fascinating world on its own right. I recently started using “Threads” and I have fallen in love with this app! It is like having hundreds of actual meaningful conversations with super nice people. I Love it!

And no, I am not sponsored by Threads or Meta for that matter (not yet anyway, who knows if they would – ever). But anyway, the point is that I’ve been fascinated by the candor and depth of the conversations I’ve encountered. I went from one follower to double digits in a matter of hours, and far from worrying about racking “followers” counts – I am happy that I’ve been able to directly interact with most if not all of them in some shape or form.

That fills my heart because even the one contentions conversation I’ve countered thus far; it was very civil and respectful. Far from the “debate me bro” that sometimes I see in other comment sections, this has been a very uplifting community. People with very diverse points of view seem to be able to communicate and add to the conversation. That is so refreshing to see.

I’ve been spending some time in Threads as I work around on my computer. It feels like having a fun chat with somebody interesting without actually stopping you from getting done whatever it is that you’re doing. It is awesome! I’ve added my threads Marcelo Baqueroalvarez (@myhalflifecrisis) on Threads to our contact page. Looking forward to seeing you all there! Keep in Touch – HALF Life Crisis

I’ve been so happy to follow anybody who is following me. They come from all walks of life, and I could not be happier to see that we are more similar than different. We are all people, and a lot of people tend to be pretty awesome! Especially once you get to know them. I would love to get to know more of our audience.

So yeah, I am following back anybody who is kind to follow me. We don’t have to agree on everything, but I do appreciate the fact they chose to follow us. We don’t discriminate against anybody on Half Life Crisis, we are very inclusive. With that said, that does not mean that we’ll agree to every doctrine or world view out there. But hey, that is true for everybody, we just give everyone the same courtesy.

I’ve learned that even when we dissent, the ideas combined are very insightful. That way even if you still disagree, at least we know what the other person is coming from with their point of view – in a respectful and productive manner.



Follow Half Life Crisis on Threads @myhalflifecrisis



The social media ecosystems – as in plural


As I said at the top of the article, I am still trying to figure out these social media platforms. There are a bunch of accounts we “reserved” whenever I started Half Life Crisis a few years ago, but I did not really have any content. However, I did not want to lose the name.

And yes, sometimes “Half Life Crisis” would be taken, that is why there are a few variations in my social media sites – that is also the reason why I made a page labeled “Keep in Touch – HALF Life Crisis” on this site to show what are the official handlers to each. I don’t know how far Half Life Crisis will ultimately grow, but I figured it made sense to have it addressed as soon as possible.

I’ve come to realize the obvious, there are very unique subtleties to how the audience on each social media site interacts, and the overall vibe. Some seem more personal than others. And at least one of them I can’t figure it at all… but I don’t let that hold me down.

What I am finding out is that managing your social media accounts is quite an intricate process indeed. Granted I am light years away to where some people have to manage. But I am glad that I am realizing this early on because it will be worth getting some understanding of how I will have to organize this in the future. Especially if the interactions continue to increase. And I do love interacting, so I want to make it sustainable.

The Half Life Crisis team is really only myself and my beloved daughter as my little visual artist (whenever she feels like painting) – sometimes my wife helps me with my language blunders (thank you Alicia), but that is out of her own loving heart. Otherwise, everything you see here is really a one-man show, and I intended it to be that way when this whole thing started. Afterall Half Life Crisis was created as a way for me to rant in exuberant detail about stuff I find interest and meaningful. That includes my daughter’s art.

I am so grateful that Half Life Crisis is taking a life of its own, and that also means that the social media world becomes part of that existence. And however relatively cozy-sized my social media audience has been, we are receiving visitors referred from our social media outlets. And I don’t take for granted any visit. My intent is to continue growing our social media presence and add fun stuff for our visitors to enjoy.

One of the reasons why I wanted to create Half Life Crisis is to be able to express my point of view in a manner that was not constricted by marketing or any other barrier that limits our train of thought. That of course does not mean that we are blurting things anything that would be deemed offensive. Speaking your mind and being an a-hole are two very different things – though for some people it can be one and the same. We don’t play that way though.

It is very likely that you will see Half Life Crisis interacting a lot more often in a lot of different forums. My span of interest is pretty wide, and my goal is to meet as many wonderful people out there as possible, and hopefully have a meaningful conversation. That has been happening more and more across our different social media platforms and I look forward to increasing the engagement with our audience.

In the next few days, I’ll be updating some of our social media banners and our site – as Half Life Crisis continues to grow. Please come visit us and follow us on our social media. And no, we won’t get Ticktock… someday I’ll tell you more about why. But if you see a “Half Life Crisis” in Ticktock, that ain’t us. All our official social media are listed below and, in our [contact], Keep in Touch – HALF Life Crisis page.



Thank you as always for spending this time with us, if you haven’t checked out threads yet – give it a chance Marcelo Baqueroalvarez @myhalflifecrisis) on Threads – it will make you happy too. If you have Instagram, it links directly to your account. I’ll be adding specific content to each platform – because each audience is unique, but every piece of content is of course in line with the premise of Half Life Crisis – which is: “Because life is what we make of it…” and this can be expressed in many ways. We look forward to your next visit. HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

Hang out with us and look around, there is plenty to discover!