
The Importance of Geopolitical Awareness

The Importance of Geopolitical Awareness

Geopolitics, it does not matter if you pay attention to or even care about it – because it affects your life regardless. But if you pay attention, you have a say!


Becoming part of the solution

I get it, most people out there would rather watch paint dry, or water boil, or anything else that could seem boring and uninteresting. But the fact is that geopolitics is actually very interesting, and most important of all, it helps you understand if the world around you is going to negatively affect you and the generations to come. And if you can understand this, then you can do something about it.

Remaining ignorant of this situation makes you vulnerable and gullible to any half-baked narrative that is designed to manipulate you. These half-baked narratives thrive in the fact that most people will choose willful ignorance. Hence, when it comes to deciding they are already well behind the power curve.

One of the tell-tales of propaganda is that they will overwhelm you with so much faulty information at once that you won’t be able to focus and will likely choose to look away. This is great news for propagandists, demagogs, rogue nations, authoritarians, and any other opportunist out there. Sadly, the noise tends to be a lot louder and more accepted than the voices of reason – the latter end up drowned by the opportunists and the willful ignorance of those who could otherwise do something about it.

What can you do? Well, control what you own. If you understand the big picture, then you will be able to understand the way some otherwise tangential narratives come together. I won’t sugar coat it, there is an authoritarian storm coming to the USA, and this has already engulfed many other countries – some of which are in the west.

The bulk of the citizens in those nations were also very much unaware of the situation, and ignored the warnings from people like me and others who keep drowned under the incessant noise produced by authoritarian propagandists.



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Your power is actually immense!

I don’t expect anybody to become a geopolitics expert overnight, and you don’t need to become an expert either. All you need to do is compare any controversial story you might hear from a politician in your area and compare it to the official narrative being spoken in an adversarial regime’s propaganda. Surprise-surprise, their messages match along with whatever divisive figure you can find in the west.

All you have to do then is not give the divisive figure power and raise awareness to friends and family so they can become aware of the situation. So, how do you take their power away? Well, authoritarians and propagandists are only as powerful as their followers. Once the followers realize they have been idolizing a jackass, then they will eventually stop following the authoritarian – and stop them on their tracks. This transition will be harder for some than for others.

For example, it will be easier for those who were on the fence and were superficially interested in following this authoritarian. Others who were conned deeper into the falsehood might double down. For example, people who went mega-public by endorsing their pedantic rhetoric, tattooed their brand on their skin (sometimes literally), fought and disavowed their loved ones, spent a bunch of time and money on their merch and rallies – those will have a harder time, because nobody likes realizing they have been scammed. And the propagandists already factored that response from those being scammed.

When you start learning more about geopolitics then you will realize the obvious – pedantic demagogs like the one you might be idolizing in your own corner of the world is following the SAME (or very similar) rubric as a bunch of other demagogs all over the world. The difference is that you might not be seeing or hearing from them. And if you’re receiving news from their cronies, you’re only going to hear the carefully cherrypicked points they want you to see.

In my book Authoritarianism & Propaganda the Puppet Master Tools and a bunch of articles I’m adding daily, I am showing you how the propagandists tactics work – once you understand the playbook, then you can free yourself from being one of their useful fools. The devotion you might be exhibiting for an “authoritarian wanna-be,” or a tyrant-on the making is very similar to other confused people been groomed around the world.

I will keep adding more thought-provoking articles like this, each article is adding more context to the big picture. Why? Because there is plenty to explore, and the adversarial forces have already covered a lot of terrain, while most people who could make a difference have not even reached the starting line. But showing you all this information in small chunks makes it easier to understand this gigantic process. Please share this information with your friends. HLC

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