
Releasing “Woke & Proud”

Releasing “Woke & Proud”

My second book is a nonfiction historical analysis on how the term “woke” has been weaponized by authoritarian propagandists. Are you “woke?” Is that good?


An important life milestone

I can hardly believe it, yet it is true! My second book “WOKE & PROUD The Charlatans’ Inconvenience” eBook version is ready for preorder in all major bookstores! The official eBook release date is Wednesday, December 6, 2023. And the Paperback will be released on Monday, February 5, 2024. Both dates have a lot of symbolic meaning.

December 6th will be the 498th anniversary of the founding of the city of San Francisco de Quito. That is the city where I was born in Ecuador. Also, I will be having an interview on that day at 2pm EST.

February 5th will be my grandmother’s (who raised me as a mother) birthday. And to a different extent it is the first day I checked onboard to my very first U.S. Navy, the now decommissioned ship USS SEATTLE AOE-3. This is the ship where I met my wife, Alicia.


hlc woke proud


Woke & Proud

The Charlatans’ Inconvenience

J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez


WOKE & PROUD – my second book


I decided to write the manuscript for “WOKE & PROUD The Charlatan’s Inconvenience” earlier this year for a lot of reasons. The first one is because the terms definition became extremely elusive. This of course became an incendiary catalyst to a lot of opportunists and [not surprisingly] charlatans.

The question then becomes: Is “woke” a good or a bad thing? Since the term itself has become a parody of itself in some circles, demonized in others, and used as a tool for propagandistic divisive rhetoric by many – hence, it made sense to me to find the ground truth and present it in an organized manner. A few months later I started typing this book, and it is finally available for the world to enjoy.

As with everything that I write, my intent is to transmit a unifying message. There is plenty of division out there. That is the whole reason why I wrote this book along with my debut book “AUTHORITARIANISM & PROPAGANDA The Puppet Master Tools.” But as the polarization based on propagandistic methods was ramping up around the world – and especially in USA – I realized that my book “WOKE & PROUD The Charlatans’ Inconvenience” was sort of a relevant spin-off from my other book. But an important stand-alone topic.

These books are meant to be read in series (no matter which one you start with), yet they are designed to be worked as a stand-alone. When I was working on “WOKE & PROUD” – my intent was to bring that level of introspection that some of my readers have come to enjoy. The way I write is the way I talk. My Sailors seem to enjoy this manner in which we can talk about complex topics in a way that paints the different discussed factors in their minds – leading them to the see the full picture in context.

For example, I was just talking today with one of the Sailors in my ship who got my debut book from Apple Books – “AUTHORITARIANISMS & PROPAGANDA,” and he stated that it has expanded the way he was understanding the world and saw of the things that were hidden in plain sight that until there were not very evident. He also realized what I intended with the book which is the following: It is intended to be a short reading, but it is meant to be read several times. And each time you read it you will find something new. The same is true with my second book “WOKE & PROUD.”

Why did I design my books that way? Well, the reason is simple in principle but complex in dimension. What does that mean? I value my readers’ time; time is the one thing no matter how rich you are you can never get to buy back the time you lost. Hence, I wanted to push the message as fast as possible, with added strategic redundancy, while sparking the reader’s curiosity. Every person is unique; therefore, their experience will be unique as they read these words. Then as they read the book again (even if at random), the layers hidden in the book will continue to expand on the context.

I was very happy to hear from my readers that they have been experiencing my debut book in the manner I envisioned. This next book will be similar, with the only difference that it is meant to be a shorter initial read. Yet, much like the previous one it is meant to be read a few times. There are hundreds of easter eggs hidden in the pages, much like there are hundreds of easter eggs hidden in everything I do. Happy egg-hunting!



HLC Marcelo Woke Proud book web

WOKE & PROUD The Charlatans' Inconvenience - Book Cover with Author J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez and BeeZee Vision, LLC and Half Life Crisis Logos



Order the book - WOKE & PROUD



Why am I releasing these books in such rapid succession?


Quick answer: Because the topics in these books are emergent, and the sooner the message is out the less damage we can prevent. Of course, I am only one guy with a couple of books. But it is thanks to you my dear reader that my little platform has been growing each day! I don’t know how far my words will ultimately travel, but I want you to know that I am very grateful to you for being at the beginning of this journey.

Even before I was got to gain any platform or have gotten discovered – I was just a U.S. Navy Sailor growing every more concerned about all the madness going on in the world; to include the United States of America.

I would type these manuscripts at the end of every workday after all my tasks were done for the day. I finished writing four manuscripts in all and have a few other manuscripts in the works. While some people onboard would enjoy different activities (deservingly so) such as watching movies, video games, reading, studying, playing card games, etc., my goal was to put what was in my mind in manuscripts. All of us onboard had “other than duty” goals we wanted to accomplish; writing was mine. Not because you’re onboard 24/7 means that you are at “work” 24/7 – that would drive a person insane. And that would be a vulnerability by the way.

As I finally returned to land, I started researching on how to publish my books. I had saved some money over a determinate period of time in order to fund these projects. I figured that having a manuscript living in my computer’s hard drive without its intended purpose was not an acceptable course of action. Therefore, I chose from my finished manuscripts the succession for release. Even though I did not actually write them in the order I am releasing them.

For instance, my debut book “AUTHORITARIANISM & PROPAGANDA” was my third manuscript, yet it was released first. “WOKE & PROUD” was actually my fourth manuscript and released after this book. The next book I will release is titled “LEADERSHIP Understanding the Human Factor” – yet that was the second manuscript I wrote. My fourth book release details will be published after I retire in April 2024 – even though it was the first manuscript I wrote while deployed onboard USS COLE.

Every book is meant to be unique – although they are formatted in a similar manner. But it is all part of the entire package. For example, and among many other levels of symbology “AUTHORITARIANISM & PROPAGANDA” paperback version was meant to be in matte finish as it also represents the hidden world in plain sight of propaganda. But “WOKE & PROUD” will have a glossy finish because it means to be bright as an awakening. Whereas that “LEADERSHIP” will be hard cover, and it is also a much longer read with 25 unique chapters.

For any of my readers who are more familiar with my writing style – I did not want to be like everybody else. Because I am who I am. I enjoy writing, and I love the fact that I can tell a different story with each piece. Being this piece a book, an article, a video (script), or even other types of media such as paintings, photographs and more. There is so much I like to add for my readers to discover. I hope you have been able to see what hidden underneath is. Even my idiomatic blunders. At the very least you know for sure that what is written in my platforms did not come from an Artificial Intelligence (AI), but rather from [this] air-breathing – imperfect human being.

Also, I should probably make another shameless plug to my Patreon page. In my Patreon I can write about some additional topics, beyond the scope of this site, for a yet a different level of conversation. Also, my top tier supporters get to read my entire books before they are released once they are in the process of production. They are posted there right now.

I will keep adding more stuff on our social media, but as I said – I am just one dude with a couple of books and a site. I do want to share whatever little bit of knowledge I’ve gathered through the years with my readers. Perhaps selfishly, I just want a safer world for my daughter. Right now, I see the world getting more and more volatile. I’m just doing my best to be a good dad – as a person who has some say while being the generation in the driver’s seat.

As always, I want to thank you for spending this time with me. I don’t take for granted the fact you chose to read my words. I would love to hear from you, we can always continue this conversation in the comment section on this page – or in any of our social media platforms. Thank you for being with me on this journey! HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

Hang out with us and look around, there is plenty to discover!