
Moscow Marge, do you agree?

Moscow Marge, do you agree?

Adversarial propaganda does get repeated verbatim on mainstream media, and sadly enough, also by elected leaders. According to colleagues, MTG is one of those.


Repeating adversarial regimes talking points

Representative (R-GA 14h District) Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG)is a figure who has gained notoriety in the American political discourse. She has found herself in the middle of many controversial issues since she got in office back in 2001. Even her colleagues in the GOP have very publicly taken exception to many of her views.

Most recently, she has been the catalyst of a civil war battle between her and the incumbent Speaker of the United States House of Representative, Mike Johnson. A man who also happens to be a hardliner GOP politician who gained notoriety for some very divisive views when it comes to policy that is very much aligned with theocracy. That’s not where MTG disagrees with – for her, Jonhson is not extreme enough on a myriad of other divisive issues.

Although MTG has been all but disavowed by her own Caucus, she is very much praised by state-sponsored media outlets which happen to be against the United States of America. Is that surprising? Not really, unless you have not been paying attention to the geopolitical climate in the last several years… and by several years I mean since well before the Soviet Union went the way of the dodo.


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The insider threats


I’ve said this before, but it is worth repeating. There are two main categories of insider threat – a witting and unwitting insider threat. The former is the one that is very much aware they are working in favor of the adversary and are doing so wittingly. That’s bad.

The unwitting is worse, because that means they are aiding an adversary, but they are too dumb to realize they are doing so. Which one is MTG? Who knows, but there is a valid reason why the adversarial regimes prop her rhetoric, not only from her mouth, but amplifying what she says on their propaganda efforts. And I am not talking about some “liberal” – so called “woke” – soy-feed whatever epithet the right-wing folks like to disparage their opposition – This is a concern raised by the GOP leaders themselves.

And unless you’ve been living under a rock, then you would know that the GOP is struggling – and has been struggling. The internal fight and polarization inside their party is worse than ever. On one side you have the “traditional GOP” folks, and on the other extreme you have the many shades of the MAGA-universe. And there are plenty of shades for the latter. Not all MAGA are created equal, and that’s why many are now ex-MAGA. Yes, there is a civil war among MAGA folks.

Spoiler alert, it will get worse – but as these division points occur, only one group comes up on top. Who? The adversarial nations who are hell-bent in “proving” that the American system of governance is not only flawed – but ineffective. That’s what they are selling, and people like MTG are phenomenal mouthpieces to amplify that message.

MTG might not be doing so wittingly, but there is a reason why the adversarial propagandists are propping up her misconceptions. It should not take a Doctorate Degree in Strategic Analysis to understand why. Although a lot of MTGs efforts have failed, they give credence to a different audience. An audience that sadly most people in the USA don’t understand, or care to understand that it’s paying attention to its every move.

Fortunately, some of us are paying attention and writing about it. I’ll keep adding small articles to keep awakening THIS important context by exploring each element. Just keep in mind that there is indeed a much larger context, and we’ll break it down into little, more digestible chunks. HLC

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