
MAGA is Dwindling Rapidly

MAGA is Dwindling Rapidly

In case you missed it, Trump was harshly booed during the Libertarian Convention, and there is a growing number of GOP and Utra-MAGA attrition. Let’s see why.


Falling out of love with Trump


It might sound incomprehensible to some of Trump’s still-ardent followers, but the reality is that many of his former ardent-followers fell out of love with him. I’ve written in my articles and in my books about this effect – it happens. Politics to an extent is like a romantic relationship. Even the most passionate relationship could come crashing down.

Well, that’s exactly what we are observing with Trump and his ex-adoring followers. Let’s use an illustrative example to understand this trend. I’m sure most people reading this at some point had a previous relationship that went the way of the dodo. However, during the honeymoon state, when you started dating it was all flowers and lullabies – and even if there were idiosyncrasies – you would just give this person a pass. Until one day these flaws got old, or there were other reasons to part separate ways.

Trump repeats the same old tiresome talking points in EVERY speech and rally, post, etc.… he constantly complains about others, he portrays himself as the victim, he mercilessly attacks and gives derogatory nicknames to whomever he feels like attacking – if he feels he won’t face consequences for it. But when it comes to running his mouth facing actual consequences, he cowers, gives an excuse, and slips through the back door. Want an example? Sure, he did not take the stand on his last criminal case.

He boasts about his distain on anything and everything during the rallies, on his social media, on the press conferences outside the court room, by using proxies for violating the gag order in NYC, by using acolytes to amplify his disdain for his enemies, etc. Yet, when he had a chance to say his piece in an articulate manner in the courtroom – despite the fact he stated on camera repeatedly he was going to testify, he chickened out. Sure, it is his right – and likely the smartest move. But why was it the smartest move in this case?

It was the smartest move, because Trump knew, and likely his legal counsel also advised him that he was going to get his ass handed to him, because when you poke Trump’s ego in some way, he’ll react like a grenade. He has done that before, and it backfired in a court of law. Even if this kind of faux-bravado sounds appealing in the court of public opinion where half-baked narratives can lead to group thinking and condone any farse… it is quite different when the facts are placed under scrutiny – and there are actual consequences for spreading falsehoods.


 HCL Authoritarianism Propagda J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez blue web



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Ex-MAGA Jumping ship, choosing country over Trump

Most ex-MAGA and this includes ex-Ultra-MAGA became very overt critics of Trump, and the MAGA movement. For this to be understood, we have to understand that MAGA is not a monolith, and although the diversity is very minimal if contrasted with the Democratic Party, there is a level of diversity. Not just in skin color and ethnicity, but also on socio-economic status.

The situation is that each part of MAGA is getting their biases targeted. It is unfair to say that most MAGA are racists, or homophobic, or religious zealots… because that is not only untrue, but also unfair. Of course, that MAGA leaders use this as a catalyst to infuriate the MAGA folks into believing they are in an us-against-them perpetual fight. Sadly, some people in the opposition do call derogatory epithets to the MAGA folks, and that causes the MAGA folks to “validate” this us-against-them perspective been perpetuated by the MAGA leadership.

However, when you actually sit and have a deep conversation with a MAGA person, then you’ll realize they have not been afforded the full context of an issue (any issue that is in contention). They generally are fed some strategically incendiary talking points. These points are easy to remember, and sound solid in an echo chamber. But once you subject them to scrutiny, these points cannot hold up without crumbling. This will frustrate the MAGA, and they will either double down or use a “what about” tactic.

And this is an important hinge, because from here some MAGAs and Ultra-MAGAs who actually wanted to “prove others wrong” – ventured out of their echo chamber and wanted to challenge first-hand what these “anti-MAGAs (insert your derogatory epithet)” are supposedly lying about. And surprise-surprise, they realize that a lot of what is been said in the MAGA-verse is redacted. In other words, they are deprived of a lot of valuable contexts. This tends to be traumatic, because they realize they have been largely scammed.

They realized the obvious. Trump is petulant, cares only about himself, and pragmatically speaking is a wimp. He complains like a toddler throwing a tantrum, and this is simply not a grown-up behavior. At least not one that should be authorized to be in the White House again. I’m quoting ex-MAGAs by the way. A lot of Republicans feel that the GOP has turned into a circus, or a sad reality show, and they resent Trump for turning their beloved Republican party into what it has become.

As they continue learning about the shortcomings from the Trump brand, they see the most startling pattern. Most of Trump’s ventures took a dive. Even the casinos… who bankrupts a casino?! Let alone more than one casino! But the biggest complaint I keep hearing is because they realized they are Trump’s cash cow. His MAGA fans might be living paycheck to paycheck or struggling financially – yet all the donations go to pay for Trump’s significant mistakes.

But it is worth mentioning that as many ex MAGA and ex-Ultra-MAGA depart the party, those who remain will double down and likely triple down. For example, if a dude or gal have a Trump tattoo or thousands of dollars’ worth of Trump & MAGA merch, and has burned tons of bridges, it is not unusual for them to stick for the long haul, and obediently follow directions. Much like a toxic relationship.

But I would caution anybody giving Trump their undivided devotion. Consider this, on how “loved Trump” really is by his own family. Only his son Eric showed up in court for the NYC criminal case that lasted several weeks. NOT ONCE has his wife or other children shown up to keep him company or show support in person. Sure, Don Jr. melts down on his podcast every now and then – but if Trump’s own family ghosted him during the most contentious trial of his life – this should be a red flag for anybody paying attention. HLC

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