
Jack Smith clarifies Trump’s J6 connection

Jack Smith clarifies Trump’s J6 connection

The US Government’s evidence linking Trump as the catalyst for J6 is massive.  Yet many of Trump’s supporters’ outlets do not afford MAGA folks the full story.


Trigger Warning:  If you are a fan of former President Trump, this article might be painful to read.  Liking or disliking Trump is not the issue here, this article recounts the US Government findings on the criminal case involving Trump and his co-conspirators on the alleged overturn attempt of the 2020 US Election.  Keep in mind that if the government is able to compile so many densely packed pages of evidence as a summary, that means they have truckloads of hard evidence to exponentially expand any claim.  Please familiarize yourself with the government’s evidence regardless of whether you believe the findings of the investigation or not.  Facts don’t care about our opinions, and looking away will not change how the events unfolded.  Further, if you are indeed a Trump supporter, would you not want to fully understand the allegations against him?  For example, if a loved one was being prosecuted, would you not want to know the allegations in detail?  If you indeed love Trump, you owe it to yourself to understand the allegations in detail.

You’re welcome to read this article for context before listening to or reading the Unsealed Indictment regarding Trump’s involvement leading to the insurrection on J6.  


Unsealed Indictment regarding Trump’s involvement leading to the insurrection on J6.  

The document is 165 pages long.  This is a read you cannot afford to miss!


If you prefer this document being read to you, you’re in luck!  The folks at The Bulwark posted this video reading this entire document.  It is well over 4 hours long, but like it or not, this issue is also very much on the ballot.  You don’t have to agree, but you do have to know what it is about before casting your vote.  It is every voter’s responsibility to understand EVERYTHING about BOTH candidates before they vote.


Listen to Jack Smith's Unsealed Court Filing Against Donald Trump (


Author’s note.  The Bulwark outlet represents Right Wing media, they are not “Liberals.”  My intent with this article is to afford you two different option is for you to read it, or listen to it, or do both simultaneously.  Highly recommend the latter to get the full effect.  I promise you; this reading does capture the attention from the start to the last page.  I’ve personally read it from cover to cover and listened to the video from start to finish.


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What else have we learned?


Incumbent President Biden indeed defeated Former President Trump in 2020.  Despite Trump getting the most votes for any sitting president, Biden got more votes.  This might be hard for many people who voted for Trump to accept, but the truth is that most of the country would have voted for a brick wall before voting for Trump again.  Trump has never actually won the popular vote; he only was elected because of the electoral college in 2016.  Millions of popular votes were casted against him (in both elections).

A lot has come out to the forefront ever since.  Although a lot of the new revelations are out, many of us assessed or at least suspected for a long time.  Afterall, the writing was on the wall because Trump and his acolytes were not exactly subtle about their activities.  January 6, 2021, is known as J6 – and has passed into the pages of American History as “the Big Lie.”  And believing this lie is extremely concerning.

We’ll detail several reasons on this article.  Sadly, there are still many people who are very confused about what happened on that day, and more importantly what led to it.  That is why I included two methods for you to read or listen to the entire summary of events, prior, during, and after J6.

J6 is not hard to understand, but it is complex.  And the more you learn the more disturbing it becomes.  And regardless of whether you are a Trump supporter is not the question, it is about the many red flags, the gaslighting, and the fact that there is ample evidence gathered even by the perpetrators themselves – live – using their OWN mobile phones!  But I realize that this can be very hard for some people to accept, not so much because of the facts, but because of the impact this realization means to THEM, and THEIR ability to analyze the reality behind this insurrection.



Presenting the Evidence


Don’t just take my words at face value.  The USA is a premiere nation because we have checks and balances.  Even though these have been challenged and attacked viciously for several years.  These attacks include intimidation against the very people in charge of conducting investigations against Trump.  Well, guess what?  That level of obstruction also adds to the pile of evidence that already exist.

That is why I’ve included links to the entire Indictment of Donald Trump for his attempt to overturn the 2020 election in his favor.  The document is very well written, and easy to follow.  But it is very long – 165 pages long.  And yes, it is the stuff you need to know before you cast your ballot, regardless of whether you believe Jack Smith or not.  I’ll keep emphasizing this point.

Like it or not, Trump’s character and decision-making train of thought and process is very much on the ballot, and your knowledge of BOTH candidates’ policies, and legal situation from official sources is your responsibility.  Spoiler alert, the more people have learned about Trump in context, the more they have endorsed Kamala Harris for this election.  And yes, that includes a few ex-Ultra-MAGA folks.

The document from Jack Smith was submitted in regard to Trump’s prosecution, where he is a criminal defendant for J6.  Think about that for a second, even if you disagree with their assessment, we have to come to the fact that allegations cannot just be pulled out of thin air.  I know many Trump supporters are on the side of the police, believe in law enforcement, law, and order, and all that jazz – but we have to remember that these principles apply to everyone regardless of rank or privilege.  In the USA we are all supposed to be equal under the law.


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Understanding the Impact


If the USA normalizes that the electoral process is rigged, then we lose the premiere spot on the world as the beacon of freedom and Democracy (or Constitutional Republic).  Sadly, in many nations around the world, their votes don’t matter.  Even if there are elections, they are just for show.  That was not the case in the USA for the 2020 election.  Trump got an unprecedented number of votes, but Biden got an even larger number of votes.  That simple.

I’ll let the documents that I linked speak for themselves, because an entire team of professionals compiled that information.  All their claims on these can be independently verified.  And you’re not only welcome to look for the evidence, I encourage you to conduct deep dive research onto every allegation – yes, scrutinize the hell out of it, you might be surprised of how everything that seems to be a wedge issue comes together like a big puzzle.  But remember that an echo-chamber is not an optimal place for pragmatic research.

It is also worth noting that because of the SCOTUS decision to give Trump “immunity” for crimes if linked to “official duties” – this criminal case got significantly delayed.  Otherwise, Trump would have been standing trial for this very criminal case several months ago.  The fact is that “lawfare” has been put on its head, on the fact that Trump has been given a lot more latitude than essentially any criminal defendant in the history of the USA.  So no, he is not treated equally like every American under the law, he has been given a lot more privilege than anybody else.

For the first time in US history, the trial was done sort of “in reverse” – in other words, the special prosecutor Jack Smith who represents the US Government without Bias or Prejudice, had to make this case iron clad just to be able to present it in front of the judge – as a consequence of the SCOTUS directive.  In other words, he had to essentially prove the entire case against Trump before it gets argued.  That of course gives Trump an immediate advantage, but the fact is that the truth, no matter how you twist it – always adds up automatically.

Trump’s only viable defense has been to try to delay it further, but he has exhausted that option.  This is a good thing, even if you like Trump.  Why?  Because it means that accountability for everybody is equal under the law, that is why.  For better or worse, Trump has made a lot of mistakes, many of which are of criminal nature, according to his many indictments. 

And I want to empathize this to any MAGA readers.  YOU are NOT responsible for TRUMP’S alleged crimes.  He did that on his own as the main defendant and in collaboration with a few criminal co-conspirators.  If you have not read or listened to the entire indictment, that is your tacit acknowledgment that you’re afraid of what you could hear and learn – in the sense that you might be afraid of learning something that will rock your world’s perception.

If you think all that was written and found for this case is a “lie” - then hear it as though it was fiction, or as though you’re listening to a podcast for entertainment, or whatever manner that will encourage you to listen to the evidence pragmatically and in full.  But learn what it is about, it is your duty as an American citizen, because this election is so pivotal in American history.

Adversarial forces are expected that all MAGA and non-MAGA folks won’t read it or listen to it.  Why?  Because when context is lost, it is very easy to manipulate the truth in the court of public opinion.  Well, in a court of law, the words and facts matter.  And there are a lot of very disturbing facts.  Again, YOU ARE NOT TRUMP, he did what he did… his co-conspirators did what they did, and this document summarized all that – in more than 160 pages!  If you fail to read the document, you let the adversarial forces win – it is that simple.  You’ll have to own that guilt for the rest of your days.

And as I said.  If the government was able to compile this case succinctly on this 165-page document, that means that they have truckloads of evidence to back up every paragraph in that document.  It is not up to debate; it is not up to interpretation… the evidence exists – or this document would not exist.  And if Trump would have been on the up and up, then this document would not exist, because the events that led to J6 would have not existed either.  You have the choice to accept it or not… and if you don’t accept it still, it does not matter, because your belief or disbelief of this evidence won’t change the fact that it occurred as described.

This is a shorter article, because the links I included are very long.  In future articles I’ll be describing in more detail what do YOU win if Trump is defeated in 2024, and what do YOU lose if Trump is either defeated or if he wins the presidency.  What I can tell you right now is that what Trump really wins is to stay out of prison for his 100+ criminal charges at the federal and state level.  If he becomes the president, he will make those go away – much like he made other legal problems disappear despite any attempt to conduct checks and balances while he was in office.

Trump has a lot to lose if he is not elected.  YOU as a regular citizen do not have anything to lose.  You might not like Kamala Harris for whatever reason, but there is a very valid reason why so many Democrats, Independents, and most significantly – Republicans are proudly endorsing her and encourage to vote blue down ballot.

I won’t tell you who to vote for, that’s your decision… as it is mine to vote for the candidates of my choosing.  But that means that we have to be responsible to understand the FACTS on BOTH candidates.  What’s their doctrines, their character, their record, etc.  But don’t just hear it from a talking head on your favorite outlet.  In order to do proper research objectively, we need to look outside our echo chambers, and also hear what is being said on outlets we disagree with.

If you hold all the facts, then learning their point of view won’t affect you.  But if a person is afraid to watch something that they “not like” because they’re afraid that what they say might rock their world, then that is the best reason to listen to them.  Because if for whatever reason your echo chamber is redacting the truth, and not affording you the full story; then escaping the echo chamber will set you free.  That way when you make your voice heard at the ballot box, is because you are well informed pragmatically.  And a way to start this process is by reading the documents I linked on this article.

I’ll end up by saying that no candidate is perfect.  We are not electing perfection, but we are electing somebody who has fortitude of character, who is not throwing tantrums, who has courage to talk to news outlets they disagree with – because if they ran away for the news, they won’t be able to stand up to a dictator from an adversarial regime – unless that candidate is hoping to become a dictator himself – it’s that simple.  To me the choice is very clear.  HLC



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