
Is Trump Mimicking Hitler?

Is Trump Mimicking Hitler?

Yes, he is, Trump is indeed mimicking Hitler, even if by coincidence. But I would be very skeptical about that, because at some point it stops being a coincidence.


Hitler’s misguided views live on


I’ve been an avid researcher about World War II (WWII), and what led to this nefarious conflict. But most importantly, I’ve made it my life’s mission to prevent something like this from repeating in our lifetimes. Startingly enough, the indicators of us heading to a global armed conflict are more and more evident each passing day. Sadly, most people are asleep in this reality.

WWII snuck upon a bunch of people who did not see it coming on. But there were indicators galore, and most of the people who were trying to prevent it were ignored, and as historians unearth those indicators, they wonder how it is that people did not see it coming. Well, the same situation is happening right now, and people seem just as incredulous and stuck in their own lives – again not paying attention. If you haven’t realized it yet, it is because it is designed to sneak upon you.

Hitler was not a very accomplished man as he was growing up, but he did have some oratory skills that were very persuasive. Much like today’s most insanely misguided influencers gain a gigantic clout on their social media platform by spewing all kinds of demonstrably erroneous crap, but they are charming – and that is enough to overwrite their follower’s rationality senses.

How does that work? By attacking the biases, make them angry (or emotional, or both), no matter if they are for or against him – the point is to make a visceral reaction. When we are influenced by a visceral reaction then it is very easy for us to stop thinking rationally. An authoritarian wants this fire to burn, because they can either find if those who agree with them will be willing to move that rhetoric into action, and also if those who disagree have vulnerabilities when they speak about their dissention – and prepare a propagandistic narrative to attack their objectivity.

During the earliest part of Hitler’s rise to power he led a failed coup. He was imprisoned, although he was “punished” with “velvet gloves.” Look it up. It is here where he wrote “My Struggle” (Mein Kampf), which if you’ve ever had the misfortune of reading it, it is a bunch of ramblings of a narcissistic psychopath madman who spews all kinds of demonstrable falsehoods and divisive rhetoric – but it capitalizes on exploiting all those people biases that I talk so much about.

Sadly, there are a lot of people, even in America, who were seduced by this divisive rhetoric. In fact, right before WWII there was a Nazi party in the USA, and they even had youth camps indoctrinating all that insanely racist doctrine. Sadly, a lot of those kids are adults now, and they have perpetuated those divisive rhetoric points – despite the fact the USA actually went to war against Hitler.

On my book Authoritarianism & Propaganda the Puppet Master Tools I speak in detail about how Hitler raised to power. But the most succinct answer is by manipulating people’s biases – even the biases of people who were not necessarily bad themselves. But remember that any person, given enough propagandistic factors in their lives can potentially become a genocidal monster – so long the opposition has been robbed of their humanity. That’s what Hitler did, he robbed people of their humanity.



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Trump’s divisive language


If Trump is a race-baiting, divisive figure on purpose, [after all many people around this planet consider Trump a very divisive figure, and think the USA went nuts]. That is very problematic. If he does not realize he is divisive, that is even MORE problematic because that means he’s been handled by a puppet master and is making Trump “think” he is in control. Hence, the puppet master would control the USA via Trump’s ineptitude to realize the impact of his divisive rhetoric. Like or dislike Trump, he is very reactive and is known for retaliating furiously. But he is also known for being very prone to cuddling those who kiss his butt – so long it is convenient for him.

Of course, a huge segment of his Ultra MAGA fans might disagree with what I just said – others will very much embrace it. And some have in fact openly endorsed his antics. For example, the Neo Nazis and the KKK. That should be a red flag for the rest of the MAGA movement… but remember that part of the tactic is to compartmentalize information in a way that his adoring fans are not afforded the full context of any issue – and instead resort to certain talking points – and any actual context will be called “fake news” or any other epithet in an effort for the followers to discard it outright. It’s designed to be that way.

Well, the truth is that a lot of the MAGA movement followers do not accept the KKK, the Neo Nazis, or even the Confederacy for that matter as part of the MAGA brand – but sadly, these I mentioned are very much enamored with Trump – or at the very least have openly endorsed him – and Trump has not disavowed them either. And I know for a fact many MAGA people are actually against Neo Nazis, the KKK and the Confederacy – yet they are ultra MAGA, so what’s going on?

Well, EXACTLY what happened during the times Hitler was galvanizing power – there were many factions that did not like each other, yet they all galvanized around him. Why? Because Hitler exploited each group’s particular biases. Everybody in the target audience will be angry about something. Therefore, this frustration can be weaponized (very easily) by making them believe that he is going to fight for them. The only fight he did for these people was what was convenient for his agenda – everybody [even his followers] became disposable.

If Trump is not being cognizant on how he is mimicking Hitler, let me make it very obvious for him and his followers. It is the DEHUMANIZATION of whomever he is “opposing” what he is mimicking from Hitler – even if he does not realize it. For example, the dehumanization of LGBTQ, immigrants, democrats, and anybody he finds “inconvenient.” That is divisive, and when this narrative gets normalized, it can turn rhetoric into violent action.

Remember, the President of the United States of America is supposed to be a president for ALL Americans, not just the ones he chooses to like. His “unifying of MAGA” is simultaneously divisive of the rest of America, because he spews a message of “us against them.” Recently, something similar has happened in other countries around the world, though many people in America have not realized it – because quite frankly the information is not as available in the USA media unless you specifically look for it.

I’ve written about red flags, and other indicators before. You can see them in this article series. The reason why journalists, historians, and many Americans are pointing out that Trump is repeating Hitler’s words is because Hitler wrote and published those exact words, and Trump and many of his acolytes repeating them… it’s that easy. You can read those yourself if you want to validate what I am saying. And if you’re a MAGA fan, for a second just imagine that it was Biden saying those incendiary words, but they were directed against YOU.

Trump has showed one thing in all his criminal cases and other controversies – his most loyal followers were disavowed and he turned against them on a dime the very moment they became inconvenient to him. You might be the most self-proclaimed Ultra-MAGA Patriot out there – attending rallies, traveling around the country to see him, buying MAGA merch, donating money, time, and whatever you think is the “right thing to do.”

His previously adoring followers also invested exactly that and more, and the moment they were inconvenient they were unceremoniously disposed of by Trump. All this is very well documented, if you want to look for it – but if you’re an Ultra-MAGA it might be traumatic to read the facts that are being hidden from you, and it might rock your world – as it has to many ex-Ultra-MAGAS who realized the full context on their talking points was being concealed from them. Escaping MAGA is designed to be that way – and intended to make you discard the facts. What makes you think YOU will have a different experience if you become inconvenient to Trump? HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

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