
Introducing Bite-Sized Wisdom

Introducing Bite-Sized Wisdom

I like writing long articles, but I realize not everybody can afford to read them in length. Therefore, this section is for shorter bites.


Bite-Sized Wisdom are short format articles

There is no surprise I can be long winded if I want to. In fact, ranting in detail about things I find interesting is one of my favorite things to do. To me is the best analog to having a profound conversation. Do you know what I mean? The types of conversations that can go for hours and you touch in some sidebars, but they all come together somehow? Yes, I love those, and further I feel that the art of conversation has diminished substantially in the last couple of decades. Everybody seems to be in a hurry “to get to the point” that they miss the actual context. To me, it almost feels as though it is dismissive attitude towards one another. I don’t really like that.

With that said, I know that not everybody is able to sit and have a long conversation. Therefore, I am introducing this new section to my site. I still want to provide a and engage in thought-provoking conversation with my readers. Also, hopefully this format will also allow you to enjoy as many little articles as you wish while you are visiting our site. I’ve written and will be posting a bunch of them in 2023.

And just in case you were wondering, yes, I will still feature long-form articles in the site. Another reason why I like long format is because unsurprisingly I have a lot on my mind, all-the-time. And believe it or not, even my long-form articles are not as long as all the stuff I have still tumbling inside my head. As of the time of this very article I have written three manuscripts, and I have nine other book topics in cue. My current manuscripts are in the process of being edited, and hopefully we’ll publish them starting 2023. For the new topics I just need time to sit down and dedicate time to each. But that’s a long-term goal.

But in other words, this long form format allows me to organize my mind while having a deep conversation. So, if you enjoy profound and methodical conversations, please feel free to hang out with me. We can always continue the conversation in our site’s comment section. The short articles will also feature my singular writing style. Just shorter in scale.

By the way, this might be a good time to tell you that I do appreciate and read all comments in before I authorize them to be posted in the site. I do zero editing on the way they are written and love every one of them. With that said, I do get spam in this site. And some of those spam comments have links to sites that not everybody might want their kids or granny to visit. I’m not necessarily against whatever they are promoting, but if I decide to delete a comment that is clearly spam it is because of potential liability. For example, if there is a link to a seemingly shady site, I cannot in good conscience become a vector to spread something that could be harmful to you in any way. And yes, this definition of “harmful” includes but is not limited risks to your computer. For example, if this spam has a virus or malware of some sort. That’s why I moderate any comments that reach my site. However, if you have a though provoking question and it is not spam, I’ll post it and reply upon reading your comment.

Thank you again for hanging out with me! I appreciate every visit. Please share our stories with all your friends and family, and let’s keep our conversations rolling. There is plenty in the works with Half Life Crisis for 2023. See you around! HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

Hang out with us and look around, there is plenty to discover!