
How does the world perceive the GOP?

The Grand Old Party or GOP has mixed views around the world.  Like it or now, this affects the United States of America, because disfunction is exploitable.


Why is this even relevant?


Ok, so spoiler alert – ask many American citizens on American soil what does GOP stand for?  And a sizable number might have no idea it is the “Grand Old Party” – a lot of them might assume is the “government of the people” – which is incorrect.  But for anybody who is not aware, the GOP aligns to the right on the political spectrum.  Or what in the USA is better known as the Republican party.

What you have to understand is that a lot of people outside our borders don’t quite understand what the difference is between a right or left political ideology.  And the reason is because a binary political system like the one in the USA is not actually all that common around the world.  The political spectrum can have people with right views peppered with left doctrines and vice versa.

What the average foreigner would see is “American Politics in general.”  In other words, under their perception they will ascertain if the USA is still worth of emulating, or has it become a shitshow where elected leaders have lost their collective minds.  And if the latter is the case, then they will start looking for a different “more reliable” regime that does not appear to be a shitshow.  And yes, that has been happening for a while.  When we fight in such a polarized manner it is content gold for propagandists in adversarial regimes.

By the way, that is why I write so much about this stuff.  Yes, we are the most influential nation on this planet – still.  But that does not mean that there are not a bunch of regimes who want to make us fall from that position, take our place, and beat us up to keep us down for good measure.  And do you know how they achieve this?  By having us fight each other.

This American polarization has been raging on for several years, but it is so normalized that some people who are spouting propaganda points were born into this polarized reality, so they might not really know any better, unless they peek out of their bubble.  Yes, this polarization is a few decades old.  That is how long it takes to take the USA down, but the bad guys are closer to the finishing line and most Americans have not even gotten out of bed to get to the starting line on this race to becoming the new status quo.



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Why am I speaking about the GOP then?


If it was not obvious it is because the GOP has been targeted as the team to play in favor of the adversary.  Truth to be told, the majority of the Republicans would not wittingly or willingly do such a thing – but the insidious part is that the adversary is not asking for your permission, nor your consent.  They lay a trap to get you angry and worked up – issue you a few easy to remember slogans and talking points – and then make you run their plan as though it was YOUR idea.

Why am I telling you this?  Because they are lying to you.  Not even the majority of the GOP guys might realize it, they could very well be part of the same trap.  Just in case you didn’t realize it, the adversarial propagandist is exploiting your true-felt devotion to your faith, your patriotism, your fears, your anxieties, your rage, your patience, your insecurities, your wallet, etc.  And while they exploit you, they will make you believe YOU are the knight in shiny armor who will save the day.  You’re not saving the day, it’s part of the scam.

The adversary uses different tactics to the folks on the left, they are not immune to exploitation either.  But for the USA, they want to make the left seem “weak” and designate them with whatever other “inferior” perception will make you feel superior to them.  They want to see the fight between left and right.

In other countries – because this is happening around the world – the adversarial regimes will do to people on the “left” what they are doing to you on the “right” here in the USA – yes, copy paste of the same playbook.  It works, I know a lot of Americans don’t give two shits about what happens outside their borders, but they should – because everything that happens outside our borders eventually affects us directly.  Why?  Because we share the same planet.  That’s why.

What the world is seeing with the GOP is the disfunction.  They don’t see the moderate Republicans, or those who seek speaking truth to power.  They see thee MAGA, and the Ultra-MAGA tattooing their skin with Trump’s face, draping themselves on MAGA regalia, and spend millions of dollars for an industry specifically intended on producing disparaging merch against Biden, they see the sophomoric fighting on Twitter (X), and all other social media platforms.  They see the news showing how “broken our government system is” – and propagandists use it for their own strategy.

Yes, they also see problematic things with the left, but the people on the left are not nearly as loud or passionate as the folks on the right here in the USA.  If you go to other countries, it is quite the opposite role.  

I write books and articles about how to identify this authoritarian scam, and I am starting a new project because quite frankly we are running out of time, and at this rate the USA will no longer be number one – but an adversarial regime will set the new status quo.  We can prevent that – together.  HLC


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