
Dictator on day 1, what can go wrong?

Dictator on day 1, what can go wrong?

Trump proudly announced he would be a dictator “only “on day one. A lot of his followers embrace his words, and many others don’t realize the implied danger.


This is very alarming


Trump followers downplay it. The first time Trump overtly said that he would be a “Dictator on Day One” was during the interview with Sean Hannity during a Fox News town hall event. Hannity even tried to soften the gigantic blunder coming out of Trump’s mouth – Trump of course doubled down, and more startling the audience can be seen clapping and cheering in approval of Trump’s willingness to be a dictator.

Trump has repeated and doubled down on this statement, and a lot of his MAGA followers think it is just awesome. This is not fine at all; it is extremely dangerous. Trump said that his “reason for being a dictator on day one” is because he wants to close the border, and drill for more fossil fuels. Well, news flash – the GOP under Trump voted against the strictest border control legislation in our lifetimes – which was crafted by GOP members no less, and the USA is producing more fossil fuels than in our entire history.

This statement is almost circumstantial – as many of the current GOP talking points – because all other indicators that Trump would be pushing the USA and by extension the world under an authoritarian dystopia have been broadcasted nowadays openly far and wide. And despite this a lot of people have not been paying attention to the looming danger, think that authoritarianism in America would be preposterous, and some even embrace having a dictatorship under Trump.



HCL Authoritarianism Propagda J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez red web



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The writing is on the wall


I’ve written two books, and over a hundred articles trying to wake people up. I’m not the only one raising the alarm, but the voices of reason are very sporadic – even if they have some clout here and there. But the warning message has not been properly unified. This needs to change.

Authoritarians tend to collaborate, even though they will at some point backstab each other. But that is only after they are able to galvanize unilateral power. Trump is what I refer as an “authoritarian wanna-be” – which like much of his failed business ventures, he is not very good at being an authoritarian – but he sure is auditioning for it, even if unintentionally. The problem is that actual authoritarian regimes need to either recruit or defeat the USA in order to become the next number one country of influence.

The USA indeed has a lot of problem and very controversial chapters in our history, some that can be described as authoritarian (for example the Jim Crow era) – but we also have been able to improve dramatically through checks and balances, diversity, and a strive for equality. Sadly, a lot of the authoritarian propaganda that affects the USA (and other western countries) is imported by adversarial regimes who want to destroy the USA from the inside out. How? By dividing our people? Why? Because if we fight one another, then the adversarial regimes win.

However, despite all the propagandistic narratives that are part of our national discourse – we have not collapsed, yet. The USA is a formidable force to fight against, therefore by recruiting America into the authoritarian dystopia, it is a lot easier to control the rest of the world. I know some of you might be thinking this is some crazy sci-fi narrative – it is not, it is doctrinal in adversarial countries – just a long-term plan.

Trump would NOT be the dictator on day one his followers think he would be. In fact, Trump would not be in control at all, Trump and MAGA sadly are repeating VERBATIM propaganda talking points from adversarial nations. Check their official media, which are controlled and run by their state. And yes, the narrative that all MAGA and Trump acolytes are parroting – it might or might not surprise you that it matches word for word. Yes, both in lexicon and tenor.

I write extensively about this topic; others are also trying to raise the alarm too – but the message is far from resonating with the people who will make the difference. The voters. But there is another step that needs to take place beforehand.

The voter’s response in anticipation to the election has to make it unequivocal for if and when Trump is defeated in 2024 that it was meant to happen – because people were turned off by Trump. Trump has already set the stage for a fictitious “rigged election” plan by the left. This is why this is dangerous.

His followers are convinced that THEY are the majority of Americans. They are not, and their numbers are dwindling. But much like when people are convinced that their own religious denomination is the ONLY true one from all the thousands of religions and denominations – this tunnel vision can turn this divisive rhetoric Trump has been planting for years into violent action.

His most ardent followers will believe at face value whatever it is been told to them by the outlets they “trust.” Most of which are plagued with misinformation. Why? Because the MAGA folks are for the most part really good people who truly want the best for the country – but they have NOT been given the full scope of the available information. Trump and his top acolytes are lying to them, using them as cash cows, and if need be… cannon-fodder, or be the muscle to another insurrection.

If you don’t think it can happen in America, think again – some of those policies that are trending on that direction are being legalized – because a lot of political leaders are actually falling in line with what Trump is mandating, and what Trump is mandating are parroted taking points from adversarial regimes that want to either destroy America or be part of the authoritarian club. HLC

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