
Democrats, you ain’t winning - yet!

Democrats, you ain’t winning - yet!

The Harris-Walz ticket is performing phenomenally as the Trump-Vance ticket falling is approaching terminal velocity, but this electoral race is far from over. 


The left is actually quite divided


It might seem counterintuitive, because the left has gained exponential momentum under the Harris-Walz ticket, which includes more and more Republican and Independent endorsements pouring in favor of Harris, and starkly against the Trump-Vance ticket.  Notice that I did not say this is a “Democrat” victory.  And that statement alone, counterintuitively enough, is actually a very good thing for the Democratic party.

But make no mistake, high profile endorsements and other people knocking door to door, and attending rallies, and volunteering their time making phone calls, etc. in favor of Harris-Walz… means nothing unless people actually go out and vote for the Harris-Walz ticket.  And for some important races if they vote blue all the way down the ballot.  Why?  Because like it or not, the Republican party has transformed into a party that many conservatives, to include never-Trump Republicans and ex-MAGA Republicans cannot support this time around.

But the ones who remain loyal to Trump are going to vote with their guts – as in their visceral response – not so much their conscience.  This is of course a consequence on the polarization of the parties, both against each other, and the internal scuffles inside their own ranks.  And yes, much like the Republican party is fragmented, there are many fissures in the Democrat platform.  And if you absolutely forget anything I’ve said so far, and what I will say next, please remember this:


“Complacency on the left could cost the USA this presidential race, which would mean a second Trump presidency in the horizon – and he does not seem to be the type of person who would ever leave despite a majority of Americans voting against him.” – J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez


I’m sure a lot of MAGA Republicans are excited about that prospect, but the rest of the country is terrified about this possibility.  Why?  Well, I can start listing reasons for hours and the page will be longer than an airport runway… but I’ll just summarize a few for now.  90+ federal criminal charges, only US President twice impeached, found liable for rape, found liable for fraud, convicted of 34 criminal felonies for falsification of business record…

And I have not even gone into detail about all his other questionable behavioral issues – there is a reason why there is an entire book industry talking about how unpleasant Trump can be as a businessperson, a leader, or as an individual they have ever had the misfortune of crossing paths with – so I will let those authors speak about those details.  They should know, since they speak from a first-person account, and they have to go through a legal process before publishing their books in order to prevent lawsuits.

For that I would like to stop and state that regardless of whether I like Kamala or not, if she had the same or a similar rap sheet as Trump, I would be sounding the alarm about her too… but that is not the case, hence my choice seems very straightforward as far as who is better qualified to sit in the oval office for the 2024 election.


If you are still curious, here is a video by Robert Reich with a bunch of reasons why Trump is problematic for a lot of people who will not be voting for him.  Disagree all you want with Reich if you like Trump, but these are the reasons why people take pause and won’t support him.  And realize that their vote counts and they are just as entitled to their own decision to like or dislike a candidate it as much as you are entitled to like or endorse yours.


10 Worst Things About The Trump Presidency | Robert Reich (


And yes, a lot of Republicans and Independents concur with this analysis… and in case it was not obvious enough already, a lot of Trump’s acolytes also agreed with people who distrust Trump – before they changed their tune and started gravitating towards him with full devotion and obedience.  And if this latter group already burned all kinds of bridges to become acolyte to Trump, you could bet that they will go and vote for him no matter what.


HLC Info in Context collab web


Choosing country over party


Yes, a lot of people are excited about welcoming Kamala as the next President of the United States of America.  She is certainly qualified and has a lot of experience.  Also, Trump is having a hell of a time trying to find an “insult” or a “nickname” that would stick like he has so notoriously “granted” to all those he has overtly disparaged before.  But the fact is that Trump is terrified of Kamala, his childish nicknames and attacks simply don’t land – and they have surely backfired.  Case in point, more and more people said they will vote blue regardless of party affiliation.

But the attacks are increasing into a much darker tone, and yes, I mean that he is weaponizing racial division in America.  I predicted this was going to happen.  Sadly, one of the examples was his attack to the Haitian community.  In case you have not realized it yet, that was a proxy to start attacking other minorities and normalizing the bizarre into the unacceptable semi-covert racial divide, towards the overtly racist rhetoric.  I am very serious about it.  It starts like testing the waters to see how many people are able to “tolerate” this rhetoric, and how many are “embracing it” – and from there it is just a matter of igniting those racial divides that have been simmering for decades.

I was very vocal about it, and my articles attest to that.  I realized from the start that was going to be part of their MO (modus operandi).  The sad reality is that there is a huge segment of the US population who is racist.  Some are closeted racists, and a significant number are very much overtly racists.  And for the more prejudicial part of America, they were likely going to barely “tolerate” an old white man in power from an opposing party; but a strong female who meets the trifecta of gender, mixed race, and foreign descent – it is something that narrow minds cannot process.  Fortunately, the majority of the country are not racists… but the problem with the racists is that they tend to be very violent.

I will be writing a series of thought-provoking articles as we get closer to the election.  These are topics nobody is fully articulating in the mainstream media – which is sadly pretty useless lately.  And there are myriads of podcasters, influencers and independent media who sometimes get close to hitting the issue spot on, but then somehow lose track and talk themselves into a corner.  Sorry if that hurts their feelings.  I care about ensuring they understand that there are points of view hidden in plain sight that people don’t talk about, but instead react after they already fell into the trap.

We are under attack by the largest Information Operations (IO) campaign in the history of humanity.  It is mind-bending when you see it, but it is also meant to be so overwhelming that people would discard the danger as though it is conjecture, hyperbole, or even tangential to the point.  That is too by design.  Because like any swindle, they will not be too overt about it in order to create misdirection.  But make no mistake, the gloves have come off, and they are getting ready for a fight most people are unaware is coming their way.  Some of these indicators are indeed abstract and easy to miss unless you know what to look for.  It is hard for anybody – no matter how smart they are -to ask a question they did not know they were supposed to be asking.

My goal is to prevent this from happening.  We got the Blue voters spanning many political affiliations, good.  I don’t need a million emails from the campaign telling me what I already know.  I need them to PREVENT CIVIL WAR!  The Trump campaign is very vociferous, but they are not very bright.  They have telegraphed their game all over the place.  Why is the left still reactive and acting as though they are surprised whenever the MAGA folks do something that makes the headlines?  To be honest, that is f**ing stupid, because they are easy to defeat if you use the tools they have already set forth.

I’ve even approached the Harris-Walz Head Quarters for the Campaign in a city in Pennsylvania, and texted back & left voice mails to the campaign people asking me for money here in Virginia, and to influencers in the left, they have my information and my willingness to speak to an actual human being about what I’m trying to articulate to them, and guess what?  Crickets!

Then I see them reacting to another MAGA blow (even if they downplay it or see it as Trump imploding) – the same folks I’ve been reaching to – are being caught with their d**k on their hand after MAGA pushes a fast one on them.  Yes, even when Trump fumbles is not a loss for MAGA, it is important to understand how they process information and to meet them halfway.  Why?  Because a lot of them want to start “purging” liberals and their perception of RINOs, that is why.  I’m serious as a heart attack.  If Trump would have been shot on the head a few weeks ago, the USA would be in a Civil War right now.

We cannot afford to be reactive, so I said to myself f**k it, I’ll do it myself.  I’ll articulate this message that would have been better broadcasted through a larger and better-established platform.  And that is what I am doing.  I’ll keep reaching out, but I want to say that what I’ve been trying to warn them for months is very much f**ing happening right f**ing now.  I warned them it would get worse, and here we are looking at each other faces barely a month before election day.


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My commitment is to post a new article every day, some will be longer others will be shorter.  If I can make a video, I’ll do that too.  But the fact is that we are well behind the power curve.  Yes, Kamala and Walz are killing it, they are great.  But they are not the only race during this election.  There are many local and state elections for Congress and many other offices that also need to win in order to prevent the storm that is approaching – regardless of who gets to sit inside the Oval Office.

Let me finish by saying that what it is happening right now has not surprised me at all.  I tried to prevent it, but I am just one person, and although my little platform grows every day, for every 1,000 people who read my articles there is a million out there reading and listening to misinformation.  I’ll do what I can, but physically there is only so much I can do, and I’ve done all I can and then some.  And my words have a timestamp to attest to my commitment to our nation.  I can only hope this message won’t resonate when it is too late.  HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

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