
Book synopsis Authoritarianism & Propaganda

Book synopsis Authoritarianism & Propaganda

Authoritarianism & Propaganda the Puppet Master Tools is a mind-blowing historical analysis that teaches how to defeat propagandists before they galvanize.

  HCL Authoritarianism Propagda J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez blue web


J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez

© Marcelo Baqueroalvarez HLC 2022.
HLC Control Number: 22-0800014-M
ISBN Paperback: 979-8-9893753-0-1
ISBN E-book: 979-8-9893753-1-8


 This article is meant to feel more conversational” than my usual articles. The reason is because I want to give as many alternatives as possible for my book’s message to resonate. There are plenty of articles, videos, and information on my site about it. This is a view speaking as the author at a more personal level.



About the Book


Authoritarianism and Propaganda come hand in hand. They have been related from the very start. An authoritarian is only as powerful as their followers. Are you being bamboozled into being a useful fool for an authoritarian? Let us find out together.

In this book we will get to speak about all those important factors that give an authoritarian leverage over our own lives and our very futures. And make no mistake, a useful fool is disposable in the view of the authoritarian. The only person an authoritarian care about is himself or herself. Authoritarianism can vary in size and scope. It can be large as a world leader or can even be as small as a family unit. Yes, a micro version of the same monster.

The archnemeses against an authoritarian and their propagandists are pragmatic critical thinking and intellectual honesty. In this book we will discuss about how you can stay ahead of authoritarian rhetoric. The authoritarian and propagandists want to turn their rhetoric into action, and these actions do not have your best interests in mind – even if you are fighting on their side.

In this book you will learn the facts that tend to be hidden in plain sight. Are you ready to open your mind? Thank you for taking the time to have this conversation with me.


hlc authoritarianism propaganda


The Puppet Master Tools

 Available on eBook and Paperback worldwide



A Candid note from this book’s author


Hi! I am J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez, also known as “BeeZee.”


When I wrote Authoritarianism & Propaganda | The Puppet Master Tools, I wanted to create a different type of book. In other words, have the freedom to write something in my own unique style. That is why in the end I decided to self-publish. The more I researched about the publishing process the more I realized that for THIS project in particular there was a potential (likely unintentional) that my words could be taken out of context or editorialized under somebody else’s constraints, or perhaps under their perception of what I am actually trying to convey.

Afterall, my mind is a scary place, and it would take a lot longer to explain to somebody else what and how I am trying to express – or articulate the vision tumbling in my mind. That is why this book was written in this very particular way which I designed it – hence, I chose to self-publish.

The writing style for this book is meant to pull the reader in a bunch of directions. Yes, it is intended to be that way for a very valid reason (which is further explained in the book). Much like the spokes in a bicycle wheel that are pointing away from each other, they all come full circle regardless. On purpose, some of my writing in this book is meant to be read a few times over. There are “easter eggs” and symbolism incorporated all over the book.

The same is true on any artistic piece I create. There is always more than what meets the eye. The way I frame things will create a different response on each reader or witness to my artistic expression. It is meant to be that way.

And pertinent to my writing – especially for this book, English is my third language, therefore there is a non-zero chance I had made some idiomatic blunders. But hey, nobody is perfect, and neither am I. In fact, I don’t think I will ever be able to speak proper English. I have made my peace with that fact. And to be honest, if I was to wait for perfection, then this manuscript would have been shelved for who knows how much longer. I’m sure future editions (if I ever do that) might fix some idiomatic shortcomings (if any), but at least this book’s message will be out.

I wrote most of this manuscript while underway serving onboard the world-famous USS COLE DDG 67 (yes, that is the same ship that was attacked by terrorists on October 12, 2000). Us Sailors, don’t have much down time when we are floating away from home and around the planet, but any bit of down time I could find I invested it in working on my writing, which included this book.

This is the third manuscript I finished during our ship’s nine-plus months operational deployment. I finished the manuscript for this book after the ship returned to home port, even though we were still out to sea, or were otherwise incredibly busy even while back in port. A U.S. Navy Destroyer being the “workhorse” of the Navy is most definitely a huge understatement.

Writing a manuscript is quite an endeavor but making it available to the world has been perhaps the most challenging part. And quite frankly, the ship’s mission schedule has been very busy and any side project, such as this book had to take the back seat while we completed our operational commitments. That is why is called a “military service” and not a “military job.” There are all kinds of sacrifices associated with the military service. I am sure any military person you’ve met can cite countless examples about that reality.

But at the end of the day, this book or any other endeavor takes a team-effort. In my case I want to give a special acknowledgment to my wife Alicia. Not only did she create the background for this book’s cover, which was based on the context about the book – but she was also my primary “beta-reader.” When I wrote my first manuscript Alicia “offered” to be my “editor” – I had a feeling she would change her mind. She did. And I don’t blame her, it was a tall order for any person. But in the end, she did agree to be my preliminary proof-reader after I did my best to “edit” the book.

Yes, I actually edited the book myself. Yes, I know, I know, [*gasp*] that sounds like a cardinal writers’ sin… but hey… it is what it is. I used Artificial Intelligence software, and I re-read this entire book a bunch of times. But guess what? I also wrote stuff all the time for my work in the Navy, and that included instructions, policies, doctrines, reports, evaluations, awards, standard-operating procedures, and a bunch of other long-format papers – among a bunch of additional stuff that somebody had to use. And I didn’t have an editor for those either… yet everything I wrote is immortalized somehow, and what I wrote made sense to them.

So, I figured, if I am writing a very different book than anything you’ll find on the shelves; I might as well go the whole nine yards. People who have read excerpts from this book did appreciate it very much, especially when what I am articulating paints the picture in their minds.

I am grateful to them. And seeing this reality pragmatically, there is a lot of content out there that has become influential, even though their articulation and dissemination was not exactly aligned with “industry standards.” The way I see it, this book is an artistic manifestation. Artists are known for expressing their individuality, so yeah. I’ve gotten compliments about my writing style before, so I figured I can keep doing what I feel it’s appropriate for everything else I design and create – to include this book, making it as authentic as can be.

The book looks and feels just the way it was pictured in my mind. To see it in real life, both on e-book and paperback – exactly the way it was intended is very liberating! I just love when what I have envisioned becomes a tangible reality. And yes, everything I create has a reason for why I choose to pursuit in the way I have… even the stuff that seems tangential or disconnected.



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Bringing BeeZee Vision, LLC™ onto this project!


I also leveraged my little multimedia company BeeZee Vision, LLC™ When I originally conceptualized BeeZee Vision in 2005, I envisioned for this to be a creative art outlet. Of course, things have changed quite a bit in the pertinent industries that touch upon BeeZee Vision’s original concept, and that is certainly true for technology in general. From the time BeeZee Vision, LLC™ was finally founded in the city of Chesapeake, VA-USA in 2013, the best way I realized to make it sustainable was through Web Development.

Fast forward 10 years later and being so close to my retirement from the U.S. Navy, I also used BeeZee Vision, LLC™ as the publisher vehicle for my books, and my many other projects under my overall vision.

Afterall the infrastructure for payment options and multimedia already exists. BeeZee Vision, LLC™ did have to also take a back seat because of my military and operational commitment. Fortunately, we created in order to provide our customers with automated web-development services whenever customer face-to-face projects were not possible.

Now that I am so close to retire after a little over 20 years of Active-Duty service, I can finally bring all these elements full circle. Much like those spokes in the bicycle wheel I was speaking of before. See? It all comes full circle. I will continue to write more articles about BeeZee Vision in the near term. There is plenty to talk about!

Meanwhile, how far my book will travel? I don’t know. But Half Life Crisis has reached readers in more than 79 countries! How many versions there will be? I don’t know that either. So far, we have an e-book and paperback version. I’ve considered doing an audio book in the near future. But what I do know is that I am committed to not be constrained by artificial barriers of my own making.

As many of us can relate, I’ve also been surrounded by nay-sayers my entire life, and everything these nay-sayers said I could not accomplish… well, they were wrong! For every “nay” or a “you cannot achieve that,” I’ve got a lot more memories of accomplishing projects, than remembrances of somebody who did not believe in me. In other words, I have a bunch more memories of actually bringing that project (they asserted I could not accomplish) into fruition. That track record is a good omen!

Meanwhile, there is positive traction on my book. There have been media, news, book festivals, podcast, interviews, etc. speaking about my book, and broadcasting on their platforms. I appreciate that very much, but at the end of the day I just want my book’s message to resonate in the way it was intended to resonate. I’ve wrote it because the world is going unhinged, and I am providing a solution to stop authoritarianism on its tracks before it galvanizes.

I’ve heard a lot more media outlets, both mainstream and independent start to talk about it, but they have not spoken much about solutions. The solutions are already written on my book. What is missing is for people who want to prevent authoritarianism to actually start working together, and for everyone to start learning from history to prevent making the same mistakes again.

That is why my book is written in the way it has. I just hope my readers see it as a preventive measure, and not as an after-the-fact situation. What I’ve written will work either way, but the former reason is always advisable, because otherwise things will get a lot worse, and it will be a harder mess to clean up. HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

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