
Being a dad to my daughter

Being a dad to my daughter

Being a dad is the highlight of my life. Why? Because I have the privilege of being a dad to the most wonderful daughter a dad could ever wish for.


Being grateful for my child


Sometimes we need a story that makes us feel happy. Well, at least to me. And if happiness could be a person, then that’s my daughter Sammy. This weekend, admittedly we did not really go out nor did much outside the house as other weekends. But it was a great time none-the-less. Every moment is precious, and every memory becomes a fleeting moment. So, I wanted to reflect upon the fortune I have right now in front of my eyes.

As I type this short article, my daughter is sitting in her favorite chair as she watches her favorite videos. She looks so conformable in this a big lazy boy recliner chair I bought for Alicia when she was pregnant with Sammy. Sammy had dinner, but now she’s enjoying a couple of pop-tarts she picked up last time we went grocery shopping. Thought this big cushy chair was before in our bedroom, when Alicia was pregnant, it is now in our living room. It is not lost on me to see now my daughter sitting in the same place her mom was sitting when Sammy was inside her belly.

This is a scene that has become common place in our home. And to be honest, it makes me happy because it represents tranquility and stability. Sammy and I had a fun day today and we even ran a few errands together over the weekend. But most importantly, I was able to give her some “me” time – whenever she so desired it. But it is indescribable to know that she’s nearby, and not in the other side of the world – as it was the case at the same time last year when I was deployed.


HLC Sammy and I ridding on the SUV backseat web© 2023 Marcelo Baqueroalvarez / HLC | Sammy and I hanging out in the backseat of our SUV


Sammy is my little buddy, no matter where I am in the house if I say, “Sammy can I have a huh?” – she will rush from wherever she is, give me a big hug and sit with me for a little bit before she resumes doing whatever is it that she wants to do in her own time. She will come at all times of the day and show me something she finds interesting or will try to play a little prank on me, as she laughs with an expression that melts my heart.

As my little girl is next to me, I can’t help but realize how many memories we shared – and at the same time all the memories we did not share because of the distance. Sammy is an avid photographer, and she has in her little device all kinds of photos and videos she’s captured for so long. I got a moment today to review her images. It is like seeing the world through her eyes, even if it is for an instant. But for now, I just get to be part of that instant in her life. As she allows me to be the person that she chooses to spend her time with. During this precious time, I want to ensure she knows she’s loved and that when I’m near her, she takes priority no matter what I am doing. And if I am far away, there is not a moment when my daughter is not in my mind.

For any other Dads out there. You know as well as I do that the moments, we spend with our children will not return. We might be able to create many memories together, but we can never recover for lost time. The world is not all roses and lullabies. And if you have a daughter, remember that we are responsible for teaching them about consent and overall safety. These is toxic masculinity out there, and sadly these misguided people will consider our beloved children less worthy than them. We can change that reality by becoming an example worth of our daughter’s emulation. We, as their dads set the standard of what is normal in the way they should expect to be treated and respected. This has nothing to do with gender roles, and it has all to do with getting them ready to understand the world around them.

For now, all I can do is be grateful to be a dad. My daughter is the only part of me that is from my blood. She’s her own person and I my commitment to her is to help her become the person she’s meant to be. She has my unconditional love and I’m lucky my daughter loves me back. As I finish his paragraph, my little girl has gone to bed for the night, and we close another wonderful weekend when we spent time together. I can’t list all the things we did – because there was a lot. Anything from cooking together, running errands, making her some cocoa, and so much more. These memories will be added to our beloved family history. Sweet dreams little Sammy. HLC

Half Life Crisis™

Half Life Crisis™ is not the same as "Midlife Crisis" - but rather it is about living life to the fullest!

We are a daughter-dad team. We both enjoy art, and I like to talk about many interesting topics.

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